[Update 2006.08.10-18:57 EDT. The drama continues. In a little more than an hour, the spathe has noticeably flared, opening even wider.]

There’s been a dramatic change in the appearance of the flower since I was there just last night. The upper rim of the spathe has pulled completely away from the spadix. The rich red interior of the spathe is now clearly visible all around the bloom.
And, never one to miss an opportunity for publicity, or an excuse for a party, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz has proclaimed today, August 10, 2006:
Amorphophallus Titanum aka “Baby, the Corpse Flower” Bloom Day in Brooklyn, USA
Not that I have any experience with such things, but from looking at the photographic sequences of other blooms from around the world, it looks like it will reach peak bloom tomorrow. I’m going to continue monitoring on their Web cam to see if I can get there when it’s at its peak. I hope I can make it.
Previous posts:
- August 9, 2006, 1st of 3: My [first] visit to A. titanum at BBG
- August 9, 2006: What’s in a name?
- August 7, 2006: A. titanum to bloom at BBG