Fall Color along Buckingham Road in Prospect Park South

More fall color from Prospect Park South, this time from Buckingham Road. The planted median which runs down the middle of both this streets and Albemarle Road comprise part of Flatbush Malls, which is managed by the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation.
143 Buckingham Road
Each photo in this post links to its photo page in Flickr, where you can view it at several different resolutions.

The photos are organized so you can take your own walking tour. In the Flickr set, the photos are ordered by descending street address; the street addresses increase going south from Church Avenue to Albemarle Road. All the photos are also geotagged on Flickr, so you can see where each photo was taken. Look for the “map” link on the individual photo pages.

143 Buckingham Road131 Buckingham Road131 Buckingham Road100 Buckingham Road100 Buckingham Road

Architectural Detail, 131 Buckingham Road131 Buckingham RoadOak Tree, Flatbush Malls, Buckingham RoadBuckingham Road and Flatbush Malls

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Buckingham Road, Prospect Park South (Flickr set)

One thought on “Fall Color along Buckingham Road in Prospect Park South

  1. I LOVE the houses in Flatbush. For that reason, I plan to spend a lot of time there at some future point — probably when I retire (around twenty years from now). If I’m very lucky, maybe I’ll have one restored Victorian in Flatbush for the more temperate months, and another Victorian somewhere farther South for the wintertime.

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