Woodfield Inn, Flat Rock, North Carolina

Front Gardens, Woodfield Inn
Photos of the exterior, grounds, and gardens of the historic Woodfield Inn [defunct] in Flat Rock, North Carolina. These photos are from October of last year and this past Saturday, when we threw a party for my parents’s 50th Anniversary.

I could use some help from my gardening buddies in identifying the foliage, berries and plants. I’m not so good on woody plant identification.

Front Gardens, Woodfield InnWoodfield Inn, Flat Rock, North CarolinaWoodfield Inn, Flat Rock, North CarolinaBerries and Foliage, Woodfield InnRocks, Water and Ice, Woodfield InnWinter Foliage, Woodfield InnWinter Monochrome, Woodfield InnFront Gardens, Woodfield InnWinter Shadows, Woodfield InnWinter Shadows, Woodfield InnArborvitae Foliage, Winter, Woodfield InnFrozen, Woodfield InnView from the Front Verandah, Woodfield InnView from the Front Verandah, Woodfield Inn

Plaque, Woodfield InnSign, Woodfield InnWoodfield Inn, Flat Rock, North CarolinaArborviate Foliage and Cones, Woodfield InnFront Gardens, Woodfield InnLeaves in Ice, Woodfield InnLichen on Branch, Woodfield InnMoss and Flagstones, Woodfield Inn

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6 thoughts on “Woodfield Inn, Flat Rock, North Carolina

  1. 50 years, wow! Congratulations to the parents of Xris!

    (I hope you don’t mind me passing along good wishes–I know that your father at least reads this blog.)

  2. Second row from top, left-most image of red berries – I think this is Nandina domestica, heavenly bamboo. Very popular in the southeastern United States, should also be hardy in a sheltered Brooklyn garden.

  3. cc: Thanks! It’s good to be getting back.

    Bev: Again, thanks. It means a lot to me from you!

    bsg: If he doesn’t add his own comment, I’ll prod him. I know they’ll appreciate it. They’re still flying high from the weekend.

    Judy: Thanks for the id. That looks right to me. I’ve never grown it, but I know it’s grown in NYC and hereabouts.

    How tall can it get? This photo was taken at eye-level, and the shrub was even higher.

  4. Xris, there are oodles of Nandina cultivars, from tall to small, with pale yellowish white (I call that color old ivory, like ancient piano keys)or golden yellow rather than red berries, etc. Dwarf cultivars include ‘Firepower’, ‘Harbour Dwarf’, ‘Nana Purpurea’, ‘Woods Dwarf’ These grow 5′ tall or less.

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