Friday, March 16: Sustainable Flatbush Kickoff Party at Vox Pop

This Friday, 8pm-midnight, Vox Pop is hosting the Kickoff Party for Sustainable Flatbush:

Each month (or so) Sustainable Flatbush will present a workshop, lecture, or film on a sustainability-related theme that can benefit our neighborhood… and then, we party!

Future topics and events to include:
– energy efficiency for apartment buildings, houses, and small businesses
– understanding NYC’s arcane recycling laws [I don’t think they’re that arcane.]
– local food, slow food, food justice
– flatbush community garden [This is in very early planning stages already. I’ll post about it when things are more defined.]
– fair trade
– livable streets
– bike month NYC
– freemeet – electronics recycling event
– permaculture and native plants [Yay!]
– rainwater harvesting [Woo-hoo!]
– green roofs [Go team!]
– composting [Yeah, baby!]

– Drummerman brings the musical goodness: Brazilian funk and Samba classics, New Orleans grooves, and Latin/Caribbean beats!
– Keka provides a whirlwind visual feast of thematic imagery to feed your head!
– and… if the stars align correctly… live musical happenings!
plus, food and drink specials all night!

Vox Pop is at 1022 Courtelyou Road, on the Southwest corner of Courtelyou and Stratford Road (East 11th Street), just one block east of Coney Island Avenue.
Subway: Take the Q train to Courtelyou Road station, just 4.5 streets away.
Bus: B23 or B68.

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