Yellow (#4 of 8)

Rudbeckia, from North Carolina Arboretum, October 2006

Continuing the rainbow series. Previous posts were pink, red and orange. I need to finish the series in time to prepare some cards to hand out at the Brooklyn Blogfest in May. Indigo is going to be tough; I might skip it, go straight to purple/violet, and come back to indigo later.

Eranthis hyemalis, Winter Aconite, from Finally, Spring, March 2
Eranthis hyemalis, Winter Aconite

Canada Lily, from Brooklyn Botanic Garden, June 2006
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Native Flora Garden, Canada Lily

Death in the Garden, from Marie’s Garden, August 2006
Death in the Garden

Rope Ball, from Waterfront Museum, March 12
Rope Ball

Chelidonium majus, Greater Celandine, June 2006
Chelidonium majus, Lesser Celandine, Detail of flower

Skip is a Verb, from the Children’s Aid Society
Skip is a Verb

3 thoughts on “Yellow (#4 of 8)

  1. Manilla is the kind of rope… hemp… golden manilla rope. Before synthetics, it was the best. Comes from (originally) The Philipines.

    A fender is a tool used to keep a boat off of anything that might cause damage. You’ve seen ’em… hanging off boats and piers.

    YOUR picture is of fenders wrapped in Manilla cordage. (And since it is nautical, CORDAGE is the word. If you take a rope on a boat, it is no longer rope, it is cordage. If you take cordage off a boat, it becomes rope.) I’m not sure what a fender in agarden would be… except quite beautiful.

    Beautiful. Nicely done.

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