Still-life with bottles, leaves, pinecone and marbles on windowsill

Still-life with bottles, leaves, pinecone and marbles on windowsill

Just because. This collection sits on a windowsill on our staircase. I walk past this at least twice a day. I took these photos this afternoon. Here are some other views.

Ph. Schweickert Jr, Coney Island, Registered
Ph. Schweickert Jr, Coney Island, Registered

Coney Island, Registered
Coney Island, Registered


5 thoughts on “Still-life with bottles, leaves, pinecone and marbles on windowsill

  1. Phil Schweickert Jr. was the brother of my great grandmother and started in the bottling business about 1901. He took over for his father, Phil Schweickert Sr, (who was my great great grandfather).and had started the bottling business at least by 1881. The bottle was probably a mineral water bottle.

  2. Your very welcome. I might add that Ph Schweickert later became Schweickert & Baas, and then just Baas Beverages. They did mineral water, Ginger Ale, and soda pop. The Baas name was also a family connection of mine, as my grandmother's maiden name was Baas, and her brother (Philip Baas) had an interest in the company at least by 1915. The two names were related by marriage. My family sold the Baas label by the 1930's I believe, and the label became discontinued in the 1960's. Your Schweickert bottle probably dates to the early 1900's. I have one like it, but if you ever wish to sell it let me know.
    Thanks, RJ

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