Meta: Spammers will be shot on sight

[Update 2007.04.18 12:30 EDT: Corrected typos. Masked “language”.]

This comment was left on Ths Transetorey Life an hour ago [midnight, 2007.04.18]:

Hi, I like to read alot [sic] of random blogs daily. I average about 15 blogs
everyday. Your blog is among the best that i [sic] have visited today, aside
from some of the other mindless blogs i’ve [sic] read. Keep up the good work!
I run my own site. It pretty much covers online auctions [link to #$!) here].
Come and check it out if you get time.

How considerate of you to to spam me with a comment on a post in which I share my thoughts and feelings on the 5th anniversary of September 11.

$&#* you, too.

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