Gothamist interviews BBG’s Patrick Cullina and Anita Jacobs

Skunk Cabbage, Native Flora Garden, April 14, 2007
Skunk Cabbage, Native Flora Garden

Patrick Cullina is Vice President of Horticulture and Facilities and Anita Jacobs is director of Public Programs at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Some samples:

[Jen Carlson of Gothamist:] What’s it like working in a garden in an urban area?

PC: I love it. We get enthusiastic visitors from the many different surrounding the Garden, from across New York, and from around the world. The City itself lends both vitality and emphasis to the Garden, and the Garden returns the favor by serving to ease the encroachments that can come with urban life. …

AJ: When my friends complain about battling rush hour crowds in the city I end up rubbing salt in their wounds by mentioning that I often have to yield to a red-tailed hawk or a line of baby ducklings…I am a real nature addict, so being able [to] throw open the door and be surrounded by dozens of blooming magnolia trees is a dream.

Both of them mention the Native Flora Garden – one of my favorite gardens in the Garden – as one of their favorite spots:

What’s your favorite spot in the garden? And what’s a less-noticed part of the garden you think garden visitors should definitely see?

PC: … too many people miss the magical qualities of the Native Flora Garden—particularly in the fall. …

AJ: One of my favorite spots in the Garden is the Native Flora garden. It’s a little off the beaten path, I guess, so it’s always very quiet and peaceful and you can see a lot of spectacular migrating birds there. …

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