The First Brooklyn Blogade, at Vox Pop in Flatbush

Update 2010.01.03: Corrected all links to the old Gowanus Lounge domain to the new memorial domain.

Blogade at Vox Pop

I hope to see many photos, and many posts, from this event. It was great fun.

[Confidential to New York magazine: We weren’t all there, and we’re not all “snarky!”]

Blogade at Vox Pop
Blogade at Vox Pop
Blogade at Vox Pop


The next event will be July 22 in Greenpoint, hosted by Miss Heather, New York Shitty. Watch her blog for more information.

Miss Heather, New York Shitty
Miss Heather, New York Shitty

Anne Pope, Sustainable Flatbush, was my co-host for today’s event.

Anne Pope, Sustainable Flatbush
Anne Pope, Sustainable Flatbush

Many thanks to Sander Hicks and the staff at Vox Pop for hosting today’s event.

Sander Hicks, Vox Pop,
Sander Hicks, Vox Pop

Damn Paparazzi
Damn Paparrazzi

Petra, Bed-Stuy Blog
Petra, Bed-Stuy Blog

Claude Scales, Self-Absorbed Boomer
Claude Scales, Self-Absorbed Boomer

Rob Lenihan, Luna Park Gazette
Rob Lenihan, Luna Park Gazette

Eleanor Traubman, Creative Times
Eleanor Traubman, Creative Times

Robert Guskind, Gowanus Lounge
Robert Guskind, Gowanus Lounge

Dave Kenny, Dope on the Slope
Dave Kenny, Dope on the Slope

Adrian Kinloch, Brit in Brooklyn
Adrian Kinloch, Brit in Brooklyn

Louise Crawford, Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Louise Crawford, Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn

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