The Bay Ridge Blogade

Corrected: Eli of Brooklyn Junction arrived after I left. Sorry we didn’t get to meet this time, neighbor!

Some of the Bay Ridge Blogade at Omonia Cafe. Left to right: Rob Lenihan (Luna Park Gazette), Claude Scales (Self-Absorbed Boomer), David Sheffler (Swell Designs), and Tony/Brooklyn Beat (Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn)
Bay Ridge Blog, Omonia Cafe
This past Sunday I attended the fourth Brooklyn Blogade at the Omonia Cafe in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

Omonia Cafe, 7612 3rd Avenue, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Omonia Cafe, 7612 3rd Avenue, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

I had to leave early to get back to my nabe to attend the inaugural concert of the Victorian Place Cultural Center later that afternoon. I was sorry I had to cut out. The conversation was lively. When I left, we were talking about – gasp – blogging, not real estate. You never know what’s going to happen at a Blogade.

I rarely do portrait photography. Lesson learned from this attempt: Take photographs of people while they’re listening, as in the photo at the top of this post. It’s difficult to get good still shots of animated speakers. All you get are grimaces, psychotic, deer-in-the-headlights, open-eyed stares, and other images that don’t capture the spirit of the speakers. These are the best I got of those whom I met there on Sunday.

Our radiant host, Rob Lenihan of Luna Park Gazette
Rob Lenihan, Luna Park Gazette

Petra, Bed-Stuy Blog
Petra, Bed-Stuy Blog

Chandru Murthi, I’m Seeing Green
Chaundru Murthi, I'm Seeing Green
Tony/Brooklyn Beat, Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn
Brooklyn Beat, Brooklyn Junction

Claude Scales, Self-Absorbed Boomer
Claude Scales, Self-Absorbed Boomer

I’m afraid I did the worst job with David Sheffler of Swell Designs. This was the best of about a dozen shots I got of him. Sorry, David!
David Sheffler, Swell Designs

Because I left early, I also didn’t get to partake of the tempting delicacies offered up in Omonia’s huge, wrap-around horseshoe of cakes, pastries, cookies, and everything.

Treats, Omonia Cafe
Treats, Omonia Cafe
Meringues? Omonia Cafe
Mmmmm, Cake! Omonia Cafe
Jordan Almonds Under Glass, Omonia Cafe

3 thoughts on “The Bay Ridge Blogade

  1. Hey, Xris–I keep getting booted off your blog with no explanation from my ‘puter; up top reads “www.flatbushgardener.blogspot/robot…”…then I tried to subscribe to ‘feed’ button and it started mushrooming and multiplying all over my screen til I had to shut down my ‘puter…is this a bug others have reported? I want to read several of your posts and am getting frustrated!!

  2. Xris,

    Sorry I missed you over the weekend as well. Thanks for the mention on your blog, nonetheless. And thanks for checking out my blog. I Look forward to meeting you sometime soon.

    Brooklyn Junction

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