Brooklyn Leaf Collection Dates

This year, leaf collection dates for Brooklyn are Saturday, November 10 (next Saturday) and November 24. You can bag your leaves only in designated paper leaf collection bags. Put them out at the curb Saturday night for Sunday morning pickup.

In fall 2007, it will be mandatory (according to NYC’s Yard Waste Composting Law ) for NYC residents in the city’s leaf collection districts to set out their fall leaves in paper bags (or in unlined rigid containers) during the designated DSNY fall leaf collection period.

How to Set Out Leaves for DSNY Collection:

1. Place leaves into large paper leaf bags. Leaves may also be set out loose in unlined garbage cans. You can be fined for setting out your leaves in plastic bags during DSNY’s leaf collection period.

2. Place leaves at the curb on the designated Saturday evenings.

3. Leaf pickup may take place early the next morning, so place leaves at the curb on the designated Saturday night. Leaves not picked up the next day, will be collected later in the week.

Unfortunately, with the closing of the Spring Creek Composting Site, Brooklyn and
Queens residents are effectively cut off from the spring and fall compost givebacks.


Fall Leaf Collection Program, NYC Department of Sanitation

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