Sunday March 9: The Kensington Blogade

On Sunday, March 9, the Brooklyn Blogade visits Kensington, courtesy of Bad Girl Blog:

Time for “Show & Tell”: Bloggers are encouraged to be brave and give a reading from one of their best blog posts. Or bring along your laptop and a screen and show us your best pics. Or just tell us about your best post. Please plan to limit your presentation to about five minutes so everybody can have a turn.

WHEN: Sunday, March 9, 2008 at 12noon

Old Brick Cafe
507 Church Avenue, between Ocean Parkway and E. 5th Street
Kensington, Brooklyn

RSVP REQUIRED. See Bad Girl Blog for details.

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2 thoughts on “Sunday March 9: The Kensington Blogade

  1. How exciting to stumble upon this blog early on a sleepless morning, and to find mention of “Church Ave. between Ocean Parkway and East 5th St.” I don’t know the cafe at 507 Church, but I left my boyhood scattered along those streets many years ago, especially between my home at 87 Church, where we lived upstairs from my father’s Nu Way Foods grocery store, to the Flatbush Jewish Center where I studied after school and briefly worshipped in my teens. It was on my walks on Cortelyou Road and other streets between home and Erasmus High, and in the old Dutch Reformed Church-yard that I woke up to the beauty of maple, linden and other tree flowers. Now I write books about trees out here in the west, but I haven’t forgotten those Brooklyn trees of year past.

  2. Ron: Glad you found me, and thanks for stopping by! If you want to keep tabs on your old haunts, check out the “Flatbush & Neighbors” links in the sidebar. I’ve got links to blogs from folks in Kensington and Windsor Terrace, as well as others in the area.

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