Japanese Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, February 16, 2008

On Saturday, I visited the Rock Garden on my way to the second meeting of the newly forming Brooklyn Community Gardens Coalition. I visited the Japanese Garden after the meeting.

Japanese Garden, BBG

The Japanese Garden seemed even emptier than a month ago. There was more color on Saturday. Despite the frozen water, hints of Spring, or at least the end of Winter, were there for the eyes hungry to see them. It was lovely.

Soon, soon.
Pieris japonica "Dorothy Wyckoff", Japanese Garden, BBG
False Cypress? Japanese Garden, BBG

This is one of a handful of entrances to the Japanese Garden. This is the view on the approach from Magnolia Plaza.
Entrance, Japanese Garden, BBG
Bamboos at entrance to Japanese Garden

The pond was really, really frozen. Here are several views from different vantage points as I walked around.
Frozen Pond, Japanese Garden, BBG
Frozen Pond, Japanese Garden, BBG
Japanese Garden, BBG
Japanese Garden, BBG
Japanese Garden, BBG

The red arch in the pond is called a Torii. It signifies that a shrine is nearby. It’s surrounded by evergreens; even at this time of year, it can’t be seen unless you ascend the hill path and turn onto a short path leading to it.
Shrine, Japanese Garden, BBG

Several lengths of the hill paths are lined with these beautiful stone gutters.
Gutter, Japanese Garden, BBG

Beneath the ice, the Koi and carp moved slowly, like dreamy ghosts. This one was big enough, colorful enough, and close enough to the surface to get a shot of it. He’s at least a foot long.
Ice Koi, Japanese Garden, BBG
Ice Koi, Japanese Garden, BBG

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Flickr photo set
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, January 2008.

4 thoughts on “Japanese Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, February 16, 2008

  1. I like the “fish under glass” effect. And I love gardens and zoos when no one else is around.

  2. What a treasure! It takes some practice to appreciate the spare splendor of a Japanese Garden in winter. The bare branches framed by the water contain the promise of spring.
    “At the ancient pong
    a frog plunges into
    the sound of water.”

  3. wren: Thanks! This year is the first I’ve visited BBG when it’s cold enough for ice, and empty.

    ws: BBG’s Japanese Garden was designed by a master, so it’s easy to appreciate. Lighting was a challenge. It’s one of the few times that using my flash outdoors helped balance the light and shadow in the images.

    cc: I admit to some digital manipulation of shadows, color cast and contrast, but only to remove some blue color cast from the sky and recreate what I saw during my visit. It is really green.

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