Greening Flatbush a success!

Update 2008.02.25: News12 has an extended segment on Greening Flatbush in this morning’s lineup. Catch it now before more important news pushes it off their schedule! I didn’t get to see the whole thing, myself.

Also, see the Links section at the end of this post to follow up on yesterday’s event, learn how to stay informed of future events, or get involved to help us plan them.

Greening Flatbush 2008
Greening Flatbush 2008

We had about 50 people attend Greening Flatbush this afternoon. This was the inaugural event for the Gardening Committee of Sustainable Flatbush, and we’re all pretty pleased with ourselves.

Na’eem Douglas of News12 Brooklyn, our local cable news channel, covered the event. They started airing the segment around 5:45 this evening.

Greening Flatbush 2008

Greening Flatbush 2008

We got underway later than we wanted, around 1:50, but everything went smoothly after that. We started with a panel of speakers with quick introductions of themselves, their experiences, and the resources they had to offer. We held question until after the break, and kept most of the time available for unstructured and joyfully chaotic milling around, meeting neighbors, questions and answers, and so on.

We had presentations and experts on hand for container gardening, composting with worms, tree identification, Asian Longhorned Beetle/Anoplophora glabripennis, and GreenBridge, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s community horticulture program.

Container Gardening

Container Gardening

Container Gardening

Container Gardening

Container Gardening

Trees NY

Asian Longhorned Beetle

Talking Trees

Talking Trees

Talking Trees

Tree ID

Tree ID

Talking Trees

Asian Longhorned Beetle

Brooklyn Compost Project

Talking Worms

We Like Worms!

Thar Be Worms!

Fun With Worms!

BBG Greenbridge

BBG Greenbridge Table

BBG Greenbridge Table

BBG Greenbridge Table

BBG Greenbridge Table

Related content

Flickr photo set


Brooklyn Compost Project, one of the programs of BBG’s GreenBridge
Flatbush CSA
Gardening Committee (Note: This is our Google Group for planning our events. If you want to help us plan, great! Just request to join through the link on the group page, or send an email to greeningflatbush [at] gmail (dot) com and let us know you want to join. If you just want to be informed of future events, join the Sustainable Flatbush mailing list.)
GreenBridge, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Sustainable Flatbush
Trees NY

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