Sunday, April 27: Sustainable Flatbush Street Tree Walking Tour

Updated 2008.04.21: Added Google Map.

Westminster Road, Beverley Square West, looking north from Cortelyou Road
Westminster Road, Beverley Square West, looking north from Cortelyou Road

On Sunday, April 27, in celebration of Arbor Day weekend and Spring in bloom, join Sustainable Flatbush and others as we take a walking tour of one of our neighborhood’s greatest assets: our street trees.

Experience the neighborhood’s amazing wealth of street trees — including some that are more than 100 years old!

Throughout the tour, your street tree guide will:

  • Identify trees and their characteristics
  • Share interesting facts
  • Explore local tree history
  • Discuss the many ways street trees benefit the environment
  • Explain how to obtain and care for street trees

and much more!

Newly Planted Street Tree on Cortelyou Road
Newly Planted Street Tree on Cortelyou Road

Credit: Keka Marzagao
Flyer for Sustainable Flatbush Street Tree Walking Tour

Sunday, April 27, 2008, Arbor Day Weekend, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Tours start and finish at 1414 Cortelyou Rd, the office of NY State Assembly Members James Brennan and Rhoda Jacobs. The tour will loop through the neighborhoods of Beverley Square West and the landmarked Prospect Park South Historic District.

Take the Q train to Cortelyou Rd. and walk one block west (left), toward Marlborough Rd., after exiting the station.

The tour is just about a mile in length and will take place rain or shine.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and the walk.

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Tree identification with Trees NY at Greening Flatbush
Tree ID, Greening Flatbush

ABOUT SUSTAINABLE FLATBUSH: Sustainable Flatbush provides a neighborhood-based forum to discuss, promote and implement sustainability concepts in Brooklyn and beyond.

Hydrant and Tree, 297 Westminster Road, Beverley Square West
Hydrant and Tree, 297 Westminster Road, Beverley Square West

Related Posts

Factoids: Street Trees and Property Values, December 2, 2007
Factoids: NYC’s Street Trees and Stormwater Reduction, November 15, 2007
Basic Research: The State of the Forest in New York City, November 12, 2007


Street-Tree Walking Tour next Sunday!, Sustainable Flatbush
Trees NY

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