Tomorrow, May 31: Extra-Crunchy Brooklyn Compost Bike Tour

“Compost Happy”
Compost Happy

This just in. This is also listed in the Flatbush Gardener Google Calendar in the sidebar.

Bike Tour to Explore Brooklyn’s Composting Sites, Saturday May 31

Come one, come all to the Compost Tour de Brooklyn. It’s free, fun and good for you.
You’re welcome to meet at the market [Fort Greene Greenmarket], too, to see us off on this maiden (for maids and gents) two-wheeled journey of evolution (of carbon cycle) and revolution (of bike wheels).

Take a two-wheeled tour of Brooklyn compost sites on Saturday, May 31 and learn how to reduce household waste and convert food scraps into fodder for new plant life.

Licensed New York City sightseeing guide and newly minted Master Composter Laura Silver will don a worm costume to show off some of the “greatest local innovations in eco-consciousness” and the people who make it happen.

Brooklyn Compost Project table at Making Brooklyn Bloom 2008
Brooklyn Compost Project table at Making Brooklyn Bloom 2008

Tour goers will have a chance to meet local heroes who turn castoff food stuff into “black gold.” They’ll escort the vegicycle, a trike made to transport food scraps, from the Fort Greene market to local community gardens.

Detail of convection composting aeration tube used at a Brooklyn community composting site
Detail, Convection Composting Aeration Tube

Day: Saturday, May 31, 2008
Time: 10:30 am (until about 3pm, stay as long as you’d like)
Place: Meet at Fort Greene Park Greenmarket near trash cans used to collect food scraps. Corner of DeKalb Avenue and Cumberland Street

Tour stops include:

  • Composting toilet at Hollenback Garden in Clinton Hill
  • Compost piles at Bed-Stuy?s Greene Acres garden
  • A worm bin in a private home in Midwood
  • Tour concludes at Floyd Bennett Field Garden with a demonstration of lasagna (layered) gardening
  • Demonstration begins at 2pm. Barbeque to follow


  • Spots are limited. Please RSVP to by May 30.
  • Participation is free.
  • Helmets preferred.
  • Cyclists are requested to bring fruit or vegetable scraps to compost (apple cores, lettuce leaves and coffee grounds encouraged) and full-figured food to grill at the end of the tour.

One thought on “Tomorrow, May 31: Extra-Crunchy Brooklyn Compost Bike Tour

  1. I am really sorry to have missed this, because I would give anything so see someone ride a bicycle in a worm costume! I myself am a “throw it in a heap in the corner” composter…works better than them newfangled bin thingies for me!

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