Weeding Cortelyou, Saturday, July 5, 2008

Update 7/7: See Cortelyou Weeded (Partly)Update 7/1: Please fill out the survey at the top of the sidebar to let us know if you’re able to help weed this Saturday. Several folks have indicated that Saturday’s not good for them, so if another date would work, please let us know that, too.

A tree pit on Cortelyou Road needin’ weedin’. Note that the weeds are as high as the parking meter.Major WeedsNext Saturday morning, July 5th, starting at 9am, join Flatbush residents, gardening and non-gardening alike, to help weed and clean up the tree pits along Cortelyou Road between Coney Island Avenue and East 16th Street.

Tired of looking at all the weeds in our beautiful new tree pits? Come and help us weed Cortelyou! Meet at the Cortelyou Library at the corner of Argyle Road on Cortelyou, on Saturday, July 5th at 9am. We will be there all morning. No gardening experience necessary! We will show you what to do.Bring your own drinking water, sunscreen, and gloves and be ready to get dirty.

Thanks to Flatbush Development Corporation for buying mulch for the tree pits! And many thanks to my neighbor, Tracey Hohman, for jump-starting this cleanup!Neighbor Stacey Bell planting Daffodils in Fall of 2007.Tree Pit PlantingIf you have any questions, you can contact Tracey by email at thohman [at] verizon {dot} net, or contact me through the email in my profile, available in the sidebar.

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Flatbush Development CorporationInvasive and Noxious Weeds of the Northeast, USDA PLANTS Database

6 thoughts on “Weeding Cortelyou, Saturday, July 5, 2008

  1. Xris,
    Thanks for doing this.
    I wish it could have been on another weekend. It is the holiday and I will be away(see the boat to the right).
    Please post if the work is going to take more than one weekend.
    BTW – as you probably know we lost the tree in front of the upholsterer. I know the city will replace it but the stump has to go and that’s quite a job.
    Should FOC and FDC start making noise to get the work done?
    John G-

  2. Tracey sent me an email during the week. There wasn’t enough time to organize it for this weekend, so we went for the next weekend, of July 4. We realize it’s a holiday weekend, and a lot of people will be away. But neither of us could stand it any more! If there are other dates we’ll definitely get the word out.

    Parks is probably aware that they need to remove the stump before planting a new tree, but it doesn’t hurt to remind them. You can request a street tree online at http://www.nyc.gov/freetree. In the form you can specify whether or not there’s an existing stump that needs to be removed in preparation for planting a new tree.

  3. Thanks for organizing this! I’ll be there at 9am and will post this in my building for other residents.

  4. I used the link that Xris provided;


    and requested a replacement tree.
    I used 1312 Cortelyou Rd. (the upholsterer’s address) as the closest address.
    I checked that it has a tree pit, it has a stump, no dead tree, and there is no vault.
    If a few other people submit requests maybe we can expedite a new tree.

    BTW – To get in the patriotic mood check out the video at my blog.
    Link above or here http://onaperegrine.blogspot.com/
    Oh, and bring a sense of humor.
    Have a great holiday.

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