Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

We’re now halfway through the Green With Envy Tour One from last Saturday. We cross the thoroughfare of 4th Avenue, leaving Boerum Hill and entering my old neighborhood of Park Slope.

The Warren-St Mark’s Garden spans Warren Street and St. Mark’s Place between 4th and 5th Avenues in Park Slope. The contrasts with the gardens we visited in Boerum Hill were striking. First, there was just so much space, and more openness and sunlight. Second, food was being grown here.

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

Of course, my eyes were still drawn more to the ornamental plantings.

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

This big, yellow Asteraceae demanded attention. I didn’t recognize it. I thought at first it was a Heliopsis. The flowers remind me more of a Coreopsis, but I’ve never seen one so huge as this. This specimen was about 6 feet tall. Anyone know what it is?

Big Yellow
Big Yellow and Horsetail
Unknown Asteraceae

I also admired the subtle beauty of the Horsetails in the foreground above.


The composting area is off to one side at the middle of the garden, near Big Yellow, peeking in at the lower right. The big bag contains sawdust for folks to throw in when they’re adding vegetables.

Composting Area

There’s a nice area of stadium seating toward the St. Mark’s end of the garden. They show movies there, using the side of an adjacent building as the screen.

Warren-St Marks Community Garden
Warren-St Marks Community Garden

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Warren St. Mark’s Community Garden (Web site and blog)
Warren St. Mark’s Community Garden (Yahoo Group, requires membership)

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