Classon FulGate Block Association Garden, Green With Envy Tour, II.6

Green With Envy Tour at the Classon FulGate Block Association Garden in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn.
Green With Envy Tour

Classon FulGate was the oldest community on the tour, possibly the oldest in Brooklyn. The unusual name derives from its location: Classon Avenue between Gates Avenue and Fulton Street. It’s been in operation for more than four decades, under the guidance of this man, whose name I cannot recall. I’m better with plants than people.

Street Entrance and Common Areas

Street entrance
Classon FulGate Block Association Community Garden

Most of the common area is located at the rear of the garden, beneath the only tree. As you can see in the opening photo, the shade was a welcome relief, as were the refreshments at this stop.

A community mural depicting residents of the block covers the back wall. The smaller portraits along the top of the wall depict deceased residents.
Community Mural

Growing Area

Nearly all the space of this comparatively small garden – the area of two townhouses – is devoted to growing food crops.

Classon FulGate Block Association Community Garden

The growing beds are sunken rather than raised, relative to the central path. Everything is grown in impeccably neat rows in one of two large communal growing areas, one on each side of the path.

Classon FulGate Block Association Community Garden

Classon FulGate Block Association Community Garden

Classon FulGate Block Association Community Garden

Green With Envy Tour


Watermelon leaf
Watermelon Leaves

Bee on Canna
Bee on Canna



Hibiscus syriacus, Rose-of-Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus, Rose of Sharon

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