Mosquito Spraying in Southeast Brooklyn overnight

via Brooklyn Eagle.

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will spray for mosquitoes in several areas of Brooklyn and Staten Island tonight between 7:45 p.m. and 6 a.m.

In Brooklyn, the affected areas include Canarsie, Paerdegat Basin, Georgetown, Flatlands, East Flatbush, Mill Basin, Bergen Beach and Canarsie Cemetery.

People in these areas, especially those with respiratory conditions, should stay indoors. Also, they are urged to remove children’s toys, outdoor equipment and clothes from outdoor areas during spraying.

For this spraying, the Health Department will use Anvil 10 + 10, a synthetic pesticide.


Mosquito Control Notice, August 13, 2008 (PDF)
Spraying Schedule
Heath Department Reminds New Yorkers to Protect Themselves against West Nile Virus, DOH Press Release, August 13, 2008
West Nile Virus home page, DOH

One thought on “Mosquito Spraying in Southeast Brooklyn overnight

  1. Xris, thank you, what a good public service! I've forwarded a link to the Sebago Canoe Club & Sebago gardeners lists. I'd actually been thinking of going out myself, if I do I'll make sure I have my asthmatic self outta there in plenty of time.

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