Brooklyn Botanic Garden, November 7 2008

The Cherry Esplanade at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Cherry Esplanade, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Blog Widow and I both grew up in New York state. The annual spectacle of fall foliage never fails to leave us in awe. We usually try to make some kind of annual road trip out of the city to enjoy the foliage, but this year our schedules haven’t permitted it.

Friday we went to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. It was my first chance to get there this season. It was psychedelic. It was hard to take a bad photo, but these are some of the best of more than a hundred shots I took during our few hours there. Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed being there. All are best viewed at screen-filling enlargement in a dark room.

Cherry Leaves
Cherry Leaves

View toward the Cherry Esplanade from the Cherry Walk.
Cherry Esplanade

Cherry Walk
Cherry Walk

Foliage, Japanese Maple
Japanese Maple, Japanese Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Hill, Japanese Garden
Japanese Garden

Pond, Japanese Garden
Pond, Japanese Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Cherry Leaf with Koi
Cherry Leaf with Koi

Magnolia Plaza
Magnolia Plaza

Japanese Persimmon
Japanese Persimmon

Bonsai Museum
Bonsai Museum

Bonsai, Ginkgo biloba
Bonsai, Ginkgo biloba

Bonsai, Acer palmatum
Bonsai, Acer palmatum

Beautyberry, Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii
Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii

Beautyberry, Callicarpa japonica ‘Leucocarpa’
Callicarpa japonica 'Leucocarpa'

2 thoughts on “Brooklyn Botanic Garden, November 7 2008

  1. Drop-dead gorgeous! Esp. love the leaf and carp. It seems to have been an ultra-gorgeous fall here…

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