Tracking to 100,000 and counting

Sometime this week, one of the counters I use to keep track of visitors to this blog will reach 100,000. I began tracking visits in August 2006, just three months after I launched this blog in May 2006.

Each tracking service counts things differently, and the counters I have disagree on how many visitors I’ve had. While the lead counter says I’ve had 99,859 visitors at this writing, another reports only 90,318, a discrepancy of 10%.

For this and other reasons, I don’t use these counters for exact tracking, but for trends and general patterns. For those purposes, they’re accurate enough; using trackers from different sources balances the systematic counting errors any single algorithm would incur.

So, regardless of whether it’s 90,000, or 100,000, or some other number, I am grateful for all the visitors I’ve had over the years. My goal has never been to manage my “hit count.” If it hasn’t been obvious, this is a personal blog. I strive to avoid (or at least minimize) self-indulgence, and make my posts timely, relevant, and informative. But it will always be with my own voice. I own my words. I recognize that’s not to everyone’s taste. For those of you who do visit here, welcome, and thanks.


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5 thoughts on “Tracking to 100,000 and counting

  1. Many congrats–I’m wowed! We first “met” through your flickr photos of Coney Island’s pocket garden and then I realized you had a blog

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