Brooklyn Dirt, 2/16, Sycamore Bar and Flower Shop

I am honored and excited to be one of the inaugural speakers for a new event series: Brooklyn Dirt – Monthly Talks on Urban Garden and Farming. The topic of this first event is, appropriately, Dirt, aka Soil. If you have questions about soil, or dirt, let me know and Jay and I will try to cover the topic in our talk.

Brooklyn Dirt, February 16, 2011

Prospect Farm and Sustainable Flatbush are proud to present Brooklyn Dirt: Monthly Talks on Urban Farming and Gardening.

Sycamore Bar and Flowershop
1118 Cortelyou Road
Brooklyn, NY, 11218

21 and over only

Directions: Q train to Cortelyou Road

Talk One: Dirt and Soil
Wednesday, February 16, 2011, 7-9:30pm
With Speakers Jay Smith and Chris Kreussling (AKA Flatbush Gardener)

$5 suggested donation. Proceeds benefit Prospect Farm and the Urban Gardens and Farms Initiative of Sustainable Flatbush.

Event on Facebook

Jay Smith is a lifelong environmentalist, member of several environmental organizations, member of the Park Slope Food Coop, completing a Certificate of Horticulture from BBG, deeply interested in Urban Agriculture and re-localization of food production in anticipation of food issues in the wake of the peak oil crisis.

Chris Kreussling (AKA Flatbush Gardener) is a garden coach with more than 30 years gardening experience in NYC. Chris is also the Directory of the Urban Gardens and Farms initiative of Sustainable Flatbush and a community member of the Healthy Soils, Healthy Communities advisory board, a project of the Cornell Waste Management Institute, and earned a BBG Certificate in Horticulture, 2009.

Sustainable Flatbush brings neighbors together to mobilize, educate, and advocate for sustainable living in their Brooklyn neighborhood and beyond.

Prospect Farm is a community group in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn that is working together to grow food in a formerly vacant lot, with the mission toward creating a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farm that can serve our community. Prospect Farm is the community leader for the Kensington/Windsor Terrace neighborhood group for the Brooklyn Food Coalition.

The ground-breaking at Prospect Farm, initially called Windsor Farm, on March 31, 2010.
Windsor Farm Kickoff

The facade of the newly opened Sycamore Bar and Flowershop on September 13, 2008.
Sycamore, 1118 Cortelyou Road


Related Content

Windsor Farm Breaks Ground, 2010-03-31
Sycamore, September 15, 2008


Facebook: Brooklyn Dirt: Monthly Talks on Urban Farming + Gardening
Event flyer

Prospect Farm
Urban Gardens and Farms Initiative, Sustainable Flatbush
Sycamore Bar and Flowershop

7 thoughts on “Brooklyn Dirt, 2/16, Sycamore Bar and Flower Shop

  1. Barbara: So glad you enjoyed it. I had fun doing it.

    I need to review the presentation deck for inaccuracies (I was aware of one error during my talk) before I post them online. When I do, I'll put on update on this post, as well as tweet, update my status, etc. to let folks know it's available.

  2. I was unable to attend your talk but sounds wonderful! I have a question about soil that maybe you could answer, where can a backyard farmer in Brooklyn source good soil? Last year I bought bags from Lowe's but seems like there should be a better option. Thanks!

  3. Hi, I just found your blog and it is a goldmine of infomation and links! Thank you–it will take me a long time to read all your articles and check out all your links–something to look forward to!

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