Blog Against Theocracy

Credit: Mock, Paper, Scissors
Blog Against Theocracy

I first heard of this through The Greenbelt. Blog Against Theocracy will be a blogswarm – many bloggers writing on the same topic at the same time – over Easter weekend, April 6, 7 and 8:

The idea is to post at least once from Friday to Sunday Easter Weekend, April 6-8.

The post will be against theocracy, in favor of our Constitutional guarantee of separation of church and state. But there are a LOT of issues tied to this, as is pointed out in the First Freedom First website:

  • No religious discrimination.
  • PRO End-of-Life Care (no more Terri Schiavo travesties)
  • Reproductive health decisions made by individuals, not religious “majorities”
  • Democracy not Theocracy
  • Academic Integrity (like, a rock is as old as it is, not as old as the Bible says)
  • Sound Science (good bye so-called “intelligent” design)
  • Respect for ALL families (based on love, not sexual orientation. Hellooooo.)
  • The right to worship, OR NOT.

So take your pick and write your post(s). Really, the wider variety of topics makes it all the more interesting.

The blog against theocracy blogswarm, Blue Gal

I’ve thought about this a couple of days, about whether or not I should write about this, about whether or not I would flag it as “off-topic” for this blog. I will. And I won’t.

First, I will contribute to the blogswarm. When I mentioned it to my partner, a minister, he said that I should totally do it, that I “have a compelling story.” We’ll see about that. I will write from a personal perspective, from my experience. I’m thinking about a three-part post, one for each day.

Second, there is definitely a connection between gardening and spirituality for me, so this is completely on-topic for this blog. I’ll leave the details for my third post next weekend.

[Updated 2007.04.08: My outline an writing plans have changed slightly. I’ve written two posts so far. I’ll be back later today – after church! – to write three more posts.]

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