Credits: US Botanic Garden via Wikipedia Commons
Click the title to visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s web page for information about Amorphophallus titanum, read the blog, and view the web cam. Here’s how they describe this probably once-in-a-lifetime event:
The titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) is one of the world’s most remarkable plants. Native to tropical forests in Sumatra, it produces a monstrous four- to seven-foot-tall flower head, which releases a monstrous stench of putrefaction at peak bloom (another name for the plant is the corpse flower!). The species rarely flowers in cultivation—the last time one bloomed in New York was 1939. However, Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s ten-year-old specimen has recently begun to flower. It’s expected to reach full bloom at the end of the second week of August.
Don’t miss this major botanical event! Visit our webpage for daily photo and plant-growth updates, as well as daily weblogs from members of BBG’s horticultural staff. A webcam provides an updated image of the titan arum every 30 seconds. On this webpage, you’ll also find links to articles on the natural history of the titan arum, the history of BBG’s specimen, information about growing and conserving this threatened species, and more.