News, June 29, 2006, Vineyard Haven, MA: New York City Interns Lend Hand to Native Plant Restoration

Students at New York’s High School for Environmental Studies … are among 31 students and mentors participating this year in The Nature Conservancy’s Internship Program for City Youth. One hundred fifty students from the High School for Environmental Studies and the Brooklyn Academy of Science and Environment have participated in the program since it launched in 1995.

The program provides hands-on experience in conservation work, fostering knowledge about environmental issues and encouraging students to consider conservation-related careers. In addition to completing four 40-hour paid work weeks, students visit area colleges.
The interns are expected to arrive July 10, and will work on projects related to The Nature Conservancy’s native plant nursery until Aug. 1, when they depart to visit three Massachusetts colleges.

Much of the work the New York interns will undertake on Martha’s Vineyard centers on The Nature Conservancy’s efforts to restore native ecosystems in order to bring back species that have declined or disappeared as a result of habitat destruction or degradation.


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