Meta: Feed Glitch

Update 2009-03-11: Problem resolved. This morning, Feedburner subscriber count is back to the levels of a few days ago,
Update: The problem is largely isolated to Google Reader subscribers. If you use Google Reader to view the feed from this blog, and have been having trouble since March 6, please try re-susbcribing to see if that corrects the problem.
Update: Feedburner stats confirm that my subscribers were cut in half – the number of them, not the individuals – from March 6 to March 7. Still researching the problem.

I just noticed that my count of Feedburner subscribers has suddenly dropped from around 175 to just around 105. I believe this is related to my Feedburner feed getting migrated from the old Feedburner to the new Google/Feedburner.

I just logged into Feedburner and migrated the feed. I’m hoping that fixes the glitch. Please let me know, either via comments and by the email in my profile, if you encounter any lasting problems.

Thanx – Xris

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