Sunset Park can haz Community Garden?

Sunset Park neighbors and colleagues Best View in Brooklyn report that there is interest in developing unused MTA property into a community garden:

Some Sunset Park residents want to grow stuff…lots of stuff. You know, things like vegetables and flowers and green things. Despite there being several very active members of the Sunset Park Garden Club [which maintains gardens in Sunset Park itself], there is a desire and a need for a more typical community garden with plots and benches and composting.
Sunset Park Wants a Community Garden, Best View in Brooklyn

They are meeting this Saturday, November 29, at 10:30 in front of the 9th Avenue subway station (D and M lines) in Sunset Park, just south of Greenwood Cemetery. There are vacant lots on either side of the station building, visible in this Google Maps Street View of the station.

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For more details, see the original post.

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Sunset Park Wants a Community Garden, Best View in Brooklyn

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