Garden Blogging Bloom Day, May 2008

2012-01-14: Corrected ID of Bearded Iris ‘Gracchus’, which I had incorrectly id’d as I. neglecta.

Part of my backyard native plant garden.
Part of the Native Plant Garden

It’s Garden Blogging Bloom Day, the 15th of the month, when garden bloggers all over the world report on what’s blooming in their gardens.

I’ve organized this by the four gardens, one for each side of the house: the native plant garden in the backyard, the shady and sunny borders on the north and south, and the heirloom garden in the front yard. The heirloom bulbs in the front yard are nearly done; just one Tulip lingers on. The wildflowers in the native plant garden have most of the action right now.

This is my first report for Garden Blogging Bloom Day. I didn’t get to take any shots specifically for this post. I’ve uploaded an added what I have. If there’s something in particular you’re curious to see, let me know in a comment.

Native Plant Garden

Wildflowers in the native plant garden
Wildflowers in the Native Plant Garden

In alphabetical order by botanical name.

  • Amsonia tabernaemontana, Eastern Bluestar
  • Aquilegia canadensis, Eastern Columbine
  • Chrysogonum virginianum “Allen Bush”, Green & Gold
  • Dicentra eximia “Aurora”, white-flowering Eastern Bleeding Heart
  • Iris setosa canadensis
  • Lonicera sempervirens, Trumpet Honeysuckle
  • Phlox stolonifera “Sherwood Purple”, Creeping Phlox
  • Stylophorum diphyllum, Celandine or Woodland Poppy
  • Tiarella “Running Tapestry”
  • Viola, white-flowering, unidentified species, possibly Viola striata, Creamy Violet
  • Zizia aurea, golden zizia

Iris setosa canadensis
Iris setosa canadensisIris setosa canadensisIris setosa canadensis

Lonicera sempervirens
Detail, Lonicera sempervirens

Here’s the unknown violet. I think it’s Viola striata, Creamy Violet. Any ids?
Violet, unknown white-flowering species

Zizia aurea
Zizia aurea

Shady Border

  • Corydalis cheilanthifolia
  • Corydalis “Berry Exciting”
  • Epimedium x versicolor “Sulphureum”, Barrenwort
  • Rodgersia podophylla? This has a tall, 3-foot spike on it, and it’s still only in bud.

Epimedium x versicolor “Sulphureum”, Barrenwort
Epimedium x versicolor "Sulphureum"

Sunny Border

Part of the sunny/long border
Part of the Sunny Border

  • Geranium macrorrhizum, another pass-along.
  • Geranium macrorrhizum “Variegatum”
  • Bearded Iris “Dee’s Purple.” Not a real cultivar name, just what I call it. It’s a tall, purple Beared Iris, a pass-along I got from Blog Widow John’s mother’s (Dee) house in upstate New York after she died several years ago.
  • Tradescantia, Spiderwort, a pass-along I got from a neighbor

Geranium macrorrhizum
Detail, Geranium macrorrhizum

Iris “Dee’s Purple”
Iris "Dee's Purple"

Heirloom Garden

  • Heirloom Bearded Iris ‘Gracchus’, introduced 1884
  • Tulip “Clara Butt” (Heirloom, 1880)
  • The Tree Peony just finished up a few days ago.

Heirloom Bearded Iris ‘Gracchus’, introduced 1884
Iris neglecta

Related content

Flickr photo set
Growing a Native Plant Garden in a Flatbush Backyard, August 6, 2007

Native Plant Profiles

Aquilegia canadensis, Eastern Red Columbine, May 2006
Dicentra eximia, Bleeding-heart, May 2006


GBBD, May 2008, May Dreams Gardens

5 thoughts on “Garden Blogging Bloom Day, May 2008

  1. It’s been a rainy week here, too.

    I would love to see pictures from your native wildflowers garden, when it clears up and you can get out there to take some pictures.

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  2. gintoino: Thanks! That Iris is a new acquisition. I’d never seen it before this Spring.

    Shelly: Thank you! You can see more of my photos on this blog by selecting the “Photos” category at the end of the post, and many more of my photos on Flickr by clicking any of the photos and browsing around my Sets and Collections.

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