Blogfest 2008 Coverage

Here’s a list of posts and articles about the 2008 Blogfest from those attending.

Brooklyn Streets, Carroll Gardens
Brooklyn Optimist
Brooklyn Skeptic
City by Storm
Creative Times
Flatbush Pigeon
Gowanus Lounge
Jaki Levy
Lost in the Ozone
Luna Park Gazette
New York Shitty
NY Daily News
Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Prospect: A Year in the Park
Reclaimed Home
The Road to Nowhere
Sustainable Flatbush
Urban Seashell
WNBC, Angela Freeburg reporting

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The Brooklyn Blogfest 2008

One thought on “Blogfest 2008 Coverage

  1. Hey! Thanks for all the great info. I was browsing through a bunch of green websites and blogs and I came across yours and found it very interesting. There are a bunch of others I like too, like the daily green, ecorazzi and I especially like’s carbon calculator ( I find it really easy to use (it doesn’t make me feel guilty after I take it). Are there any others you would recommend? Can you drop me a link to your favorites (let me know if they are the same as mine).

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