Thursday, May 8: The 3rd Annual Brooklyn Blogfest

Brooklyn Blogfest 2008 Banner

The 3rd Annual Brooklyn Blogfest will take place next Thursday evening at 8pm at the Brooklyn Lyceum.

The Third Annual Brooklyn Blogfest 2008 is an event for bloggers, blog-readers, those interested in Blogging, and those passionate about Brooklyn. It is open to one and all and everyone is warmly welcomed. No need to RSVP or be personally invited.
The Latest Blogfest Details, May 2, 2008

The audience, assembled and ready, at last year’s Blogfest
Assembled and ready

This is a chance to meet the faces behind the blogs, learn about the state of blogging in Brooklyn, pick up some blogging tips, hob-knob with your fellow wizards, and all such as that. I’ll be at the tail end of the program, speaking about the mostly monthly Blogades, started after last year’s Blogfest.

Admission is $10, $5 for students.

WHEN: Thursday May 8th, 2008 at 8 p.m.

WHERE: The Brooklyn Lyceum. 227 Fourth Avenue (at President Street) [GMAP]

HOW: R train to Union Street

PROGRAM (subject to change):

  • Video: Place Matters: Blogging My World by Blue Barn Pictures
  • Brief Welcome: Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn (Louise Crawford)
  • Speaker: Creative Times (Eleanor Traubman)
  • Speaker: Bed-Stuy Blog (Petra S.)
  • Video: A Walk Around the Blog Promo by Brooklyn Independent Television
  • Speaker: New York Shitty (Miss Heather)
  • Speaker: Gowanus Lounge (Robert Guskind)
  • Speaker: Blogger Smackdown by Gersh Kuntzman, editor, The Brooklyn Paper
  • Video: A Word from WNYC’s Brian Lehrer
  • Speaker: Top Ten Tips for New Bloggers presented by So Good (Heather Johnson)
  • Speaker:, a resource for bloggers who blog about where they live
  • Video: A Tribute to Brooklyn’s Photo Bloggers (produced by Brooklyn Optimist)
  • Speaker: Bloggers Reach Out: What is the Brooklyn Blogade? presented by Flatbush Gardener (Yours truly)
  • ANNUAL SHOUT-OUT: Your chance to share your blog with the world introduced by Luna Park Gazette

Related content

My report from last year’s Blogfest
Back in the Day
My photos of last year’s Blogfest
All my Blogfest and Blogade posts


The Brooklyn Blogfest “miniblog” on Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Brooklyn Lyceum

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