Tonight: Vox Pop Celebrates Three Years

The party starts at 7 PM and runs until about 11 or so. We have a great new menu, and will be serving samples from it all night. Let us buy you a beer. Please stop by and raise a glass to the past, present and future of the Vox Pop movement.
– Sander Hicks to FDCOnline

Three years ago today, Ross, Holley and I opened the doors here, with the help of Tom Kiely, Mom and Pop Hicks, David Anderson, Harry Anderson, Danielle DeCerbo, Michael and Katura Messina.

We continue to run one of the most unique businesses in the country, thanks to a great staff. I’m constantly in awe at how resilient, positive, and upbeat our roster of baristas is. They are professional happiness makers. I’m proud to be a part of this team.

We have a fun little party planned for tonight. Holley will sing and play guitar, as will local legend Paul De Coster, various folks from the open mike, and Hell’s Kitchen Rock Legend Tim Young. Also, I will personally hand in a rare solo performance, singing and playing guitar, with some new Shins covers I have worked up. (It’s appropriate, because we built the place listening to the New Mexico band The Shins A LOT on CD. It’s very catchy, relevant, plaintive stuff.)


Vox Pop
[where: Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn, NY 11218]

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