Brownstone Garden Walk, 3/3: Prospect Heights

Shady Beauties at 116 St. Mark’s Avenue
Shady Beauties
Numbered as they were in the tour guide. Listed in the order I visited them.

Stops #5 and 4: 493 and 491 Dean Street
Front yard, 493 Dean StreetFront Yard, 493 Dean StreetDetail, Cabbages and Honeysuckle, 493 Dean StreetSemper FiRendition of Atlantic YardsRendition of Atlantic YardsBackyard, 493 Dean StreetBackyard, 493 Dean StreetRendition, Dean Street after Atlantic YardsBase of Apple Tree, 493 Dean StreetDetail, Trunk of Apple TreeDetail, Trunk of Apple TreeView to 491 Dean StreetFlower Clock, 491 Dean StreetShade Plants at base of Apple treeApple Tree

Stop #3: 110 St. Mark’s Avenue
110 St. Mark's AvenueSalpiglossis flower, 110 St. Mark's Avenue110 St. Mark's AvenueKitty and Admirer110 St. Mark's Avenue110 St. Mark's Avenue110 St. Mark's AvenueView from Above110 St. Mark's Avenue110 St. Mark's AvenueRedbud leavesBark Bark Bark110 St. Mark's AvenueLotsa RocksCreepers110 St. Marks AvenueBarkContainers, 110 St. Mark's Avenue

Stop #2: 116 St. Mark’s Avenue
Containers, 116 St. Mark's AvenueContainers, 116 St. Mark's Avenue116 St. Mark's AvenueFish116 St. Mark's Avenue116 St. Mark's AvenueView from the gardener's nookCompost nookWaterfallShady BeautiesPond, 116 St. Mark's AvenueRoseRose

Stop #1: 118 St. Mark’s Avenue
118 St. Mark's Avenue118 St. Mark's AvenueSecond RoomShady SanctumAsarum and Epimedium118 St. Mark's Avenue118 St. Mark's Avenue118 St. Mark's Avenue118 St. Mark's Avenue

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2 thoughts on “Brownstone Garden Walk, 3/3: Prospect Heights

  1. Are their photographs from the Prospect Heights garden tour for 08′ anywhere?
    I was out of town, I would love to see new uploaded gardens??

  2. I haven’t come across any. I didn’t get to go, for two reasons. First, it was 98 degrees out that day. Second, I was bed-ridden with a triple-digit fever.

    It was also the same day as the Victorian Flatbush House Tour, which I also missed this year.

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