Winter Wonderland

The south side of Albemarle Road looking east from Rugby Road around 10am this morning.
Albemarle Road, south side, looking east from Rugby Road

After shoveling and de-icing the steps and sidewalk this morning, I walked over to the landmarked Prospect Park South Historic District for the photo op. I’m glad I did. I was rewarded with these beautiful, snowy images.

I concentrated on Albemarle Road as part of my research into the history of its design and documentation of the current landscape for my Urban Garden Design class at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Somebody has to do it.

Looking toward the northwest corner of Albemarle and Rugby Roads
Albemarle and Rugby Roads, Northwest corner

Albemarle Road, South side, looking west from Buckingham Road. Behind the chain link fence on the left lies the Flatbush CommUNITY Garden.
Albemarle Road, South side, looking west from Buckingham Road


The border of Prospect Park South is delineated by these brick posts surmounted with concrete planters. The street labels have been replaced at least once, having been weathered to near-illegibility from a century of exposure. The monogram is “PPS”: Prospect Park South.
Gatepost, Beverly and Westminster Roads

Some of Brooklyn’s famous parrots were flocked high up in the top of this snowy American Elm tree on Albemarle Road. There are three parrots in this cropped image. If I were to produce an invasive species calendar, this would be a good image for it.
Brooklyn Parrots in Snowy American Elm

Oak Leaves
Oak Leaves

Holly, Flatbush Malls, Albemarle Road

Branches, Flatbush Malls, Albemarle Road
Branches, Flatbush Malls, Albemarle Road

Lantern, 131 Buckingham Road, “The Japanese House”
Lantern, 131 Buckingham Road


1203 Albemarle Road
1203 Albemarle Road

1305 Albemarle Road
1305 Albemarle Road

1406 Albemarle Road / 135 Rugby Road, Prospect Park South, Flatbush, Brooklyn
135 Rugby Road / 1406 Albemarle Road
1406 Albemarle Road / 135 Rugby Road

1505 Albemarle Road
1505 Albemarle Road

1510 Albemarle Road
1510 Albemarle Road

143 Buckingham Road
143 Buckingham Road

131 Buckingham Road
131 Buckingham Road

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Worm Composting Workshop at Third Root, 1/24

Thar Be Worms!

Third Root Community Health Center, located at 380 Marlborough Road, just off Cortelyou Road and around the corner from the Q train, is hosting a worm composting workshop this Saturday, January 24, at 1:30pm:

Table to Garden Compost Workshop with Stella Fiore, Master Composter
$5-$10 per person

Learn how to transform your food scraps into compost, an all-natural fertilizer and soil remediation tool. You’ll divert your waste from the landfill and nourish house plants and outdoor vegetables. This workshop will focus on indoor vermicompost systems for city dwellers. Come learn about worms and their compost bins at this fun and informative demo and Q&A. Bring the kids!

Stella Fiore is a Master Composter with the NYC Compost Project. She has an outdoor bin system plus two worm bins in her Gowanus kitchen. Stella is also marketing director of and a freelance writer whose work has appeared in iVillage, DailyCandy and the Magazine of La Cucina Italiana. She is a member of the Park Slope Food Coop.


Community Workshop Change Jan 24 – Worm Composting, Loose Leaves (Third Root blog)

A very brief visit to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

BBG’s Rock Garden this morning
Rock Garden

This morning I went to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden to attend the first 2009 meeting of the Brooklyn Community Gardeners Coalition. When I woke up this morning, it was 8F. It “warmed” up to 10F by the time I left the house. Wind chill was 0F. Hence the brevity of my visit.

I almost had the Garden to myself. Almost.

I wanted to try out the panorama assist feature of my new Nikon CoolPix S60. That worked well, I think. The ArcSoft Panorama Maker 4 software bundled with the camera won’t start at all. I had to locate and run the separate registration software just to get the serial number so I could register for support. So far, no response from them. So no snowy panoramas of the Japanese Garden today. All these photos were shot with my trusty Nikon D70s.

Nevertheless, this was a photo opportunity. The subtle colors of winter were accentuated by the snow. We’re supposed to get more snow tomorrow and Monday, and warmer temperatures. The Garden is open on Monday holidays, such as Martin Luther King Day, and weekday admission is free through the end of February. It will be a good time to visit.

The Rock Garden has got some of the best “bones” of all the BBG gardens. I think it’s second only to the Japanese Garden in design.
Rock Garden

Hydrangea quercifolia, Oakleaf Hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia

The Witchhazels are almost, but not quite, ready to bloom. With warmer weather expected during the week, they should be beautiful next weekend.

Japanese Garden

This was the highlight of my visit.


Old Cherry

Trees on the Pond


Cherry Branches

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Brooklyn Botanic Garden


Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Spencer Street Community Garden, Bed-Stuy, Green With Envy Tour 2008 III.06

This is the Spencer Street Block Association Community Garden, at 230 Spencer Street, between Willoughby & DeKalb, in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. This was the 6th stop on the third 2008 Green With Envy tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens last October.

Spencer Street Garden

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Tour Bed-Stuy Community Gardens, Saturday, October 4
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Bloomberg <3 Flatbush

Part of the front garden and porch of one of my neighbors, one of hundreds of properties threatened by inappropriate zoning in Victorian Flatbush in Brooklyn.
Front Garden, 320 Stratford Road

NYC Mayor Bloomberg delivered his state of the city this afternoon from Brooklyn College at Brooklyn Junction:

… here in Flatbush, we’ll re-zone the area not only to create more affordable housing but also to protect its distinct Victorian charm. Brooklyn may have lost the Dodgers, but we’ll make sure its neighborhoods never lose their character.
Prepared remarks [PDF]

Kinda jumped the gun on the much-anticipated Flatbush Rezoning Plan from Department of City Planning, which is not expected to be certified by the City Planning Commission until the beginning of February, kicking off the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) clock for the rezoning.

Related Content

New Flatbush Rezoning Proposal Gets It Right, 2008-10-07


Bloomberg: Rezone Flatbush, Build Green, Disband LMDC, Observer, 2009-01-15
Bloomberg and the State of the City, City Room, NY Times, 2009-01-15

Greene Acres Community Garden, Bed-Stuy, Green With Envy Tour 2008 III.04

One of the paths defined by hexagonal raised beds at the Green Acres Community Garden in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn
Hexagonal Path

Stop #4 of the third 2008 Green With Envy (GWE) tour of Brooklyn community gardens was the Green Acres Community Garden, at the corner of Greene and Franklin Avenues [GMAP] in the neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant.

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Tour Bed-Stuy Community Gardens, Saturday, October 4
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IDT Energy scammers back and active in Flatbush

Update 2010.01.03: Removed all links to the old Gowanus Lounge domain, which has since been appropriated by some parasitic commercial site.

Sent to the Flatbush Family Network (Yahoo Group):

Some guy just knocked on my door … and claimed to be from ConEd doing a routine check and he needed to see my bill. I said send it in the mail/ make the request in writing and he scampered off. Smells like a scam and I thought I’d send out a heads up.

It is a scam, and it has been widely reported in other Brooklyn neighborhoods.

The company behind this is IDT Energy. Just do a Google search on “IDT Energy Scam” and you’ll get an idea of the scale of what they’re up to.

They will claim to be from Con Ed or anything else that will get you to give them information. They will forge your signature. They are scum. They will lie, cheat, and ultimately steal from you.

What you can do:

1) NEVER give any information to someone showing up at your door. Not a bill, not an account number, nothing. They WILL switch your service without your knowledge or consent, a tactic called “slamming,” specifically ESCOS – Energy Service Companies – slamming.

2) To prevent your service from being switched, contact your provider – ConEd, National Grid, etc – and have them put a “block” on your account.

3) If you’re comfortable, challenge the person showing up at your door. Ask for identification, name, phone number, take a picture with your cell phone, and share the information. Note that some of these folks have been aggressive and hostile, so simply closing and locking the door in their face is always a valid option. If they are aggressive, abusive, hostile, or violent, call 911.

4) You can try filing complaints, but so far this has not stopped the practice, nor brought meaningful charges or fines against anyone involved.

More tips available on this flyer [PDF] from Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights.

Additional Reports

I won’t be trying to record every one, but a couple more came in after I posted this, including some reports of aggressive behavior.

A 20ish girl showed up at my door [in a multi-unit residential building] I looked through the peephole and saw she was carrying a knapsack & a clipboard. I informed her through the door(without opening i) that I would be giving Con Edison a call right then to inquire if they had been sending people to my area that particular day; also asked her if she had an I,D. badge she could slip under my door to prove her identity. Without a word, she walked away, and then had the audacity to knock on my next door neighbors door ! Their 2 dogs began barking, I was still watching through the peephole, she hastened off, did not even wait for the elevator, just took the stairs. BTW, this happened a bit after 6 PM [2008.01.15] as well.

A guy came to my house yesterday [2008.01.14] and persistently kept ringing the bell after I told him I was not interested. He seemed to think I should let a stranger into my house and pull out my Con Ed and Gas bills and share this info with him. I asked him (without opening the door) to leave me a card and I would call Con Ed and ask about it, and he kept referring to the ID around his neck as though that should be enough. I sent him on his way, and tried calling Con Ed, but elected not to stay on the phone for the 15 minutes the recording told me I would be waiting. I had not seen any of these notices as yet, and so was unaware of any scam going on. He said that if I pulled out my bill I would see a notice about him coming by to check this. I don’t ever recall Con Ed having any interest in my Gas bill, which was my first clue that something was awry. The sales guy was very pushy. Needless to say when I checked my last bill there was nothing about this on it. Strangely, he had my name on a piece of paper with a Con Ed letter head that looked like a bill, and to a less suspicious home owner would certainly look like he was endorsed by Con Ed.


IDT Back In Brooklyn, Working Their Door To Door Scamming Magic, Consumerist, 2009-01-05
Update on IDT Energy Scam, Brownstoner, 2008-10-20
Energy/Utility Scam Artists Working All Over South Brooklyn (link defunct), Gowanus Lounge, 2008-10-20

Record numbers at Mulchfest 2009!

Brooklyn Gothic
Good Shepherd Services Crew

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks) reports that Mulchfest 2009 was a big success, bringing in many more trees than last year. And Brooklyn, as usual, rocked the house:

MulchFest 2009 brought 17,083 trees from around the city – a 30 percent increase from last year. New Yorkers from Brooklyn brought out the most trees of any borough at 7,325, followed closely [not that closely!] by Manhattan’s 5,820. Queens’ residents brought out 1,736 Christmas trees. The Bronx chipped 920 trees while 457 were mulched at the event on Staten Island.

Parks And New Yorkers Get Chipper For Mulchfest 2009, Press Release, Parks, 2009-01-12

I worked with the crew from Good Shepherd Services, pictured above, to distribute mulch along the eroded horse paths in Park Circle during Mulchfest 2009. There were LOTS of volunteers on hand during the day to handle the bigger workload.

Park Circle Mulchfest 2009

This year, Parks & Recreation designated 89 recycling sites to accept trees throughout the five boroughs on Saturday, January 10th and Sunday, January 11th between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. At many of the tree drop-off locations, chippers were on hand and residents could take home mulch for their own gardens and plants. The Department of Sanitation will also be making curbside tree collections and transporting them to recycling sites from Monday, January 5rd through Friday, January 16th. Last year, more than 173,000 Christmas trees were collected and recycled by the City – more than 13,000 through MulchFest.

Park Circle Mulchfest 2009

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Park Circle Mulchfest 2009
Mulchfest 2009

Madison Street Garden, Bed-Stuy, Green With Envy Tour 2008 III.01

Winter is a good time to dig into my photo archives. October seems so warm right now.

This is a slideshow from the Madison Street Block Association Garden at 88-90 Madison Street in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. This was the first stop on the third of the Green With Tours of Brooklyn community gardens I attended during 2008. GWE 2008 III visited gardens in Bed-Stuy.

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Tour Bed-Stuy Community Gardens, Saturday, October 4
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