Pacific Street Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, II.1

Green With Envy Tour Two at the Pacific Street Brooklyn Bear’s Garden
Green With Envy, Pacific Street Bear's Garden

Saturday, July 26, Tour Two of the Green With Envy tour of Brooklyn Community Garden’s kicked off where it started two weeks earlier: at the Brooklyn Bear’s Garden at Pacific Street.

We’re building raised beds at the Flatbush Community Garden, so I was paying more attention to details of their construction at different gardens on this tour.
Raised Beds, Pacific Street Bear's Garden

Amazing how quickly things change. Two weeks before, I didn’t notice this cabbage. The fingerprints show how irresistible it must be to touch.

I didn’t get any good shots of this “Office Al Fresco” on the first tour. Very organized.
Al Fresco

The inside of the door shows photos of all the gardeners.
Garden People

I love these exuberant Trumpet Vines (Campsis radicans) growing in several of the gardens. It’s one of my favorite native vines, but there are few places where it can be grown effectively under cultivation, especially in compressed urban settings. It gets to be a huge in both height and mass, requiring a large, sturdy, long-lived structure to support it. Also, it’s a bit of a thug and throws up runners everywhere, so weeding and cultivation of the ground around it must be considered before placing it. I also see this growing over backyard fences into the B/Q subway cut, which is as good a placement as any!
Campsis radicans

Oak-Leaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia), one of my favorite native shrubs. Again, the species is too large for most urban gardens. Several “dwarf” cultivars are available.
Oak-Leaf Hydrangea

The Zinnias continue their psychedelic bloom.
Bee on Zinnia

Related Content

All my photos of this garden (Flickr)

Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens, July 12 and 26
Brooklyn Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.1
Hoyt Street Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.2
Wyckoff-Bond Community Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.3
David Foulke Memorial Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.4
Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5
Baltic Street Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.6
Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.7
Gardens of Union, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.8
Green With Envy, Tour One, Final Stops 9 and 10


A Picnic at Prospect Park (the Brooklyn Blogade)

Blogade Picnic

The July 2008 Brooklyn Blogade was a picnic at Prospect Park this past Sunday. Mother Nature smiled upon us, as thunderstorms bracketed, but did not interrupt, the picnic proper.

We did, however, get delayed in undertaking a walking tour of Prospect Park, guided by my neighbor Brenda Becker, whose Year in the Park was recently highlighted in the New York Times. While we waited out the rains, we sheltered in the Music Pagoda.


The Tour

At the Dongan oak Monument
At Dongan Oak Monument

Battle Pass
Battle Pass

Sullivan Hill
Sullivan Hill

Because we set out 45 minutes later than planned, we had to cut short our tour. But we did make it to the top of the Ravine.

Rustic Shelter
Rustic Shelter

Rock Arch Bridge
Rock Arch Bridge

Ambergill Falls.
Ambergill Falls

The Picnic

Our hosts, Dave Kenny (Dope on the Slope) and Brenda, organized an awesome spread. Everyone contributed something.

Blogade Picnic

Blogade Picnic


The Shout-out



We enjoyed some of the idyllic ideal envisioned by the Park’s creators, Olmsted in particular. Mostly insects, but some other orders, as well. There were also lots of chipmunks about, but I didn’t get any good shots of them.

The Nethermead

Halysidota harrisii, Sycamore Tussock Moth, Caterpillar. Thanks to Mthew (Flickr) for the id!
Halysidota harrisii, Sycamore Tussock Moth, Caterpillar

Dog-Day Cicada
Dog-day Cicada

Thanks to Dave for the id of this Xenox tigrinus, the Tiger Bee Fly.
Xenox tigrinus, Tiger Bee Fly, Prospect Park, Brooklyn



Related Content

My Flickr photo set
Blogade posts


Brit in Brooklyn
Dope on the Slope
Luna Park Gazette
Prospect: A Year in the Park
Self-Absorbed Boomer

Tour Brooklyn community gardens this Saturday, July 26

El jardin esta abierto / The garden is open

This is a reminder that the second leg of the Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn community gardens is this Saturday, July 26. Tour Two kicks off at 10am from the Brooklyn Bear’s Pacific Street Garden, in the triangle at the intersection of Flatbush Avenue and Pacific Street in Park Slope, near the Atlantic Avenue station.

This is an opportunity to hear about the history of Brooklyn’s community gardens, speak with gardeners at each of the gardens, and learn how they organize and operate.

I posted 160 photos from Tour One two weeks ago. Tour Two promises to be just as extensive and interesting.

Map, Green With Envy Tour, July 2008

  1. Pacific Street Brooklyn Bear’s Garden at Flatbush Avenue
  2. St. Marks Avenue Blk. Assn. Community Garden btwn Carlton & Vanderbilt
  3. Prospect Heights Community Farm, St. Marks btwn Vanderbilt & Underhill
  4. Fulton Revival Garden, Vanderbilt at Gates
  5. Hollenback Community Garden, Washington btwn Gates & Greene
  6. Classon Ful-gate Community Garden, Classon btwn Fulton & Gates
  7. Clifton Place Community Garden, Grand btwn Clifton & Greene
  8. Pratt/Clinton Hill Community Garden, Hall St at DeKalb
  9. The Greene Garden, DeKalb at Portland
  10. Carlton Avenue Brooklyn Bear’s Garden between Fulton & Greene

Related Posts

Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens, July 12 and 26
Brooklyn Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.1
Hoyt Street Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.2
Wyckoff-Bond Community Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.3
David Foulke Memorial Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.4
Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5
Baltic Street Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.6
Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.7
Gardens of Union, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.8
Green With Envy, Tour One, Final Stops 9 and 10


Flash Flood Watch for NYC through tomorrow morning

Just in from the NYC Office of Emergency Management (OEM):


The National Weather Service has issued a Flash Flood Watch beginning Wednesday
evening, July 23. The Flash Flood Watch is expected to stay in effect until Thursday
evening, July 24. Rainfall totals may reach six inches in New York City, with
localized flooding possible.

New Yorkers should exercise caution, as heavy rain may knock down trees and power
lines, and may create hazardous driving conditions. People should avoid walking or
driving through moving water, as six inches of fast-moving water can knock people
off their feet; two feet will cause most vehicles to float.

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NYC Hazards: Flash Flooding, NYC Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

Brooklyn Blogade this Sunday, July 27, in Prospect Park

Music Pagoda, Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Music Pagoda, Prospect Park, Brooklyn

The July 2008 Brooklyn Blogade is sponsored by Brenda of Prospect: A Year in the Park and Dave Kenny of Dope on the Slope. The site is Prospect Park:

Brenda of Prospect: A Year in the Park and I are co-hosting this month’s Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow, which will be held in Prospect Park near the Music Pagoda (map). Brenda will be offering a guided walking tour of the park prior to the picnic (meeting point TBA). Learn why the park serves as an “oasis for the city soul,” the title of a recent New York Times article describing Brenda’s labor of love.

There is no charge for the event, although we are soliciting volunteers to bring food (see below) and will be passing the hat to defray expenses.

Come share Brooklyn’s backyard with your fellow bloggers. Friends and family welcome, but please let us know you’re coming so we can gauge how much jello salad to bring.

Please RSVP at

July Blogade: Prospect Park Picnic, Dope on the Slope

What: Brooklyn Blogade Picnic In Prospect Park
When: Sunday, July 27th
Time: 12:00 noon – 3:00pm (walking tour @ 11:00 am)
Who: bloggers, prospective bloggers, their family and friends

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July Blogade: Prospect Park Picnic, Dope on the Slope

Green With Envy, Tour One, Final Stops 9 and 10

Green With Tour at the Gil Hodges Memorial Garden, Gowanus, Brooklyn.
Green With Envy

The last two gardens we visited on the Green With Envy Tour, Tour One, on Saturday, July 12, were the Gil Hodges Memorial Garden in Gowanus and the Greenspace at the corner of President Street and 5th Avenue in Park Slope. Not too many photos from either of these. It was the end of the tour, nearly 5 hours after we had started, in the hottest part of the day. I was exhausted and needed to get home, cool down, and crash.

We do it all again this Saturday starting at 10am. Details below.

President Street Greenspace, Park Slope, Brooklyn
President Street Greenspace


Te amo, Gil Hodges Garden
Te amo



Canna leaf, Gil Hodges Garden
Canna Leaf

Black Grass, Gil Hodges Garden
Foxtail Grass

Zinnia, President Street Greenspace

Tour Two, Saturday, July 26

  1. Pacific Street Brooklyn Bear’s Garden at Flatbush Avenue
  2. St. Marks Avenue Blk. Assn. Community Garden btwn Carlton & Vanderbilt
  3. Prospect Heights Community Farm, St. Marks btwn Vanderbilt & Underhill
  4. Fulton Revival Garden, Vanderbilt at Gates
  5. Hollenback Community Garden, Washington btwn Gates & Greene
  6. Classon Ful-gate Community Garden, Classon btwn Fulton & Gates
  7. Clifton Place Community Garden, Grand btwn Clifton & Greene
  8. Pratt/Clinton Hill Community Garden, Hall St at DeKalb
  9. The Greene Garden, DeKalb at Portland
  10. Carlton Avenue Brooklyn Bear’s Garden between Fulton & Greene

Map, Green With Envy Tour, July 2008

Look for more “GWE” Tours coming up this fall in Bed Stuy and East NY, once again sponsored by the new (and still forming) Brooklyn Community Gardeners’ Coalition. There’ll also be a bike tour in August sponsored by the Brooklyn Queens Land Trust! Lots of opportunities to see Brooklyn’s beautiful gardens!

Related Posts

Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens, July 12 and 26
Brooklyn Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.1
Hoyt Street Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.2
Wyckoff-Bond Community Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.3
David Foulke Memorial Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.4
Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5
Baltic Street Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.6
Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.7
Gardens of Union, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.8

Gardens of Union, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.8

Green With Envy Tour at the Garden of Union, Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Green With Envy

The Gardens of Union in Park Slope comprise two gardens nearly side-by-side: The large, active Garden of Union, and the smaller, contemplative Annie’s Garden two lots up the block. Both gardens are part of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation:

The Garden of Union lies on Union Street, but the name derives as much from its character as its location. The property is composed of two gardens separated by an apartment building. The smaller, located at 540 Union Street, is known as Annie’s Garden for Annie Thomson (b. 1919), the woman whose determination, energy, and spirit was largely responsible for making the garden come to life. Annie’s Garden opened in 1987. The main space, the Garden of Union, is located at 634-36 Union Street and has been operating since 1979. Both areas are maintained by Parks and garden members, most of whom reside in Park Slope. Other volunteers come from all over Brooklyn, from Howard Beach to Carroll Gardens to Sunset Park.

The Garden of Union and Annie’s Garden are community gardens with well-developed plantings of vegetables and flowers. The bulk of the land in the main garden is devoted to vegetables, and much attention is paid to the ornamental qualities of vegetables. Flowers and herbs are also integrated with the vegetable plantings. The garden regularly yields more produce than the members can use, and much of the vegetables are often given away to members of the community and a local soup kitchen.
Parks Sign

Green With Envy

Garden of Union

Garden of Union

Garden of Union

Garden of Union

Grotto at the rock garden.


Lily pool.

Lily Pool

This mullein is visible in both of the first two photos above. It towered about 8 feet above us.



This gardening community is well-known for its active community composting program. The composting area was a highlight of the tour.

Green With Envy

Here’s the industrial scale composting operation. The plastic tubes are perforated to draw air and oxygen into the base of the compost pile.

Industrial Compost

Industrial Compost

More awesomeness is this combination triple-bin compost system and grape arbor.

Compost Bin Grape Arbor

Compost Bin Grape Arbor

Annie’s Garden

Annie's Garden

Walking from the entrance to the rear of the garden.

Annie's Garden
Annie's Garden

At the rear of the garden are these ying/yang beds.


Looking back toward the street entrance.

Annie's Garden
Annie's Garden

Glam Shots

Lunaria Pods, Annie’s Garden
Lunaria Pods, Annie's Garden

Death Valley, Annie’s Garden
Death Valley

Harvest wreath hanging inside the door of the tool shed in the Garden of Union.
Harvest Wreath

Hydrangea quercifolia, Oak-leaf Hydrangea, with harvesting basket.
Oak Leaf with Basket

Grapes on the composting arbor.


Water lily.
Water Lily


These beautiful beetles were buzzing and crawling around some squash plants. Probably not good for the squash, but I was intrigued. Anyone know what these are?


Related Posts

Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens, July 12 and 26
Brooklyn Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.1
Hoyt Street Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.2
Wyckoff-Bond Community Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.3
David Foulke Memorial Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.4
Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5
Baltic Street Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.6
Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.7

Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.7

Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden, Green With Envy Tour

Into the home stretch of Tour One of the Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn community gardens, we visited the Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden. I’m afraid I don’t have many photos of this garden. We’d been walking for 3 and 1/2 hours over several miles on a hot, humid day. I was getting tired, and cranky.

But here are a few photos.

Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden, Green With Envy Tour

I liked the placard on the sidewalk at the entrance to the garden.


Here’s the main path leading from the entrance to the rear of the garden.

Lincoln-Berkeley Community Garden

Some Hosta near the entrance would looking good.

Corrugated (Hosta)

Related Posts

Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens, July 12 and 26
Brooklyn Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.1
Hoyt Street Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.2
Wyckoff-Bond Community Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.3
David Foulke Memorial Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.4
Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5
Baltic Street Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.6

Baltic Street Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.6

One of the gardeners shows off his bed.
Green With Envy Tour

I lived in Park Slope for 13 years before moving to Flatbush. The Baltic Street Garden, facing busy 4th Avenue, is a garden I knew of but never got to visit while I lived there. Driving along 4th Avenue during the summer, it’s hard to miss. The two-story Campsis radicans, the native Trumpet Vine, qualifies this as a 50 mile-per-hour garden.

Baltic Street Community Garden

Baltic Street Community Garden

The interior of the garden used to be screened from the street by hedges. Although you can now see the garden from the sidewalk and street, it’s a different experience viewing it from the inside.

The plots are large, raised beds. Gardeners grow a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs and ornamentals.

Baltic Street Community Garden


Baltic Street Community Garden

Baltic Street Community Garden

Some glam shots.


Echinacea and Sedum

Peaches were falling off this tree. Perfect fuzz.


Even the “necessaries” were photogenic.


I got a kick out of this sign just inside the entrance. That’s just how I feel. They missed a view of my “love to hate” though. What would you add to their list?


Related Posts

Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens, July 12 and 26
Brooklyn Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.1
Hoyt Street Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.2
Wyckoff-Bond Community Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.3
David Foulke Memorial Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.4
Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5

Warren-St Marks Community Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy, I.5

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

We’re now halfway through the Green With Envy Tour One from last Saturday. We cross the thoroughfare of 4th Avenue, leaving Boerum Hill and entering my old neighborhood of Park Slope.

The Warren-St Mark’s Garden spans Warren Street and St. Mark’s Place between 4th and 5th Avenues in Park Slope. The contrasts with the gardens we visited in Boerum Hill were striking. First, there was just so much space, and more openness and sunlight. Second, food was being grown here.

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

Of course, my eyes were still drawn more to the ornamental plantings.

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

Warren-St Marks Community Garden

This big, yellow Asteraceae demanded attention. I didn’t recognize it. I thought at first it was a Heliopsis. The flowers remind me more of a Coreopsis, but I’ve never seen one so huge as this. This specimen was about 6 feet tall. Anyone know what it is?

Big Yellow
Big Yellow and Horsetail
Unknown Asteraceae

I also admired the subtle beauty of the Horsetails in the foreground above.


The composting area is off to one side at the middle of the garden, near Big Yellow, peeking in at the lower right. The big bag contains sawdust for folks to throw in when they’re adding vegetables.

Composting Area

There’s a nice area of stadium seating toward the St. Mark’s end of the garden. They show movies there, using the side of an adjacent building as the screen.

Warren-St Marks Community Garden
Warren-St Marks Community Garden

Related Posts

Green With Envy Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens, July 12 and 26
Brooklyn Bear’s Garden, Park Slope, Green With Envy Tour, I.1
Hoyt Street Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.2
Wyckoff-Bond Community Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.3
David Foulke Memorial Garden, Boerum Hill, Green With Envy Tour, I.4


Warren St. Mark’s Community Garden (Web site and blog)
Warren St. Mark’s Community Garden (Yahoo Group, requires membership)