Wanna Fight Crime? Plant Trees

Do street trees increase or decrease crime? In an urban setting, does increased vegetation interfere with police surveillance of criminal activity? Or does the increase in community “surveillance” from more people spending more time outdoors, because it’s more pleasant, deter crime even more than police surveillance would?

According to Joseph Murray, biology instructor at Blue Ridge Community College in Weyers Cave, Virginia, it’s the latter:

Police tend to believe more vegetation means less visibility. A study in 2001 looked at subsidized housing units with varying amounts of vegetation around them. The most calls to the police came from the building with the least vegetation. Those with more vegetation tended to draw residents who demanded benches and well-maintained playground equipment. Then, people were out there watching.
Urban Forestry Has Crime Prevention Role, Patricia R. McCoy, Alliance for Community Trees, January 22, 2008

We need to internalize more sophisticated models of the impact greening and gardening can have on urban communities. It’s much more than “neighborhood beautification”; at least, when it’s done well, it is. People need green growing things around them to be healthy, to reduce stress, to connect with neighbors, and to feel positively about belonging where they live. Gardening builds and supports community resiliency to respond creatively and constructively to internal and external crises and pressures. Gardening builds community. As it should.

Sunday, February 24: Greening Flatbush

Update 2008.02.25: Read about this event.
Update 2008.02.22: See the reminder for the latest info.

GreenBranches, a project of the Horticultural Society of New York, at the Flatbush branch of the Brooklyn Public Library
GreenBranches, Flatbush Branch, Brooklyn Public Library

On Sunday, February 24, residents and other members of the greater Flatbush community can learn what they can do to beautify and improve the environment of their neighborhood.

“Greening Flatbush: Garden Where You Are” is an afternoon of short lectures, demonstrations, and workshops on topics ranging from planting and caring for street trees to composting with worms in our kitchen.

Greening Flatbush is Sunday, February 24, from 1:30 to 4:30pm at the Flatbush Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library at 22 Linden Boulevard [GMAP]. The event is free, but space is limited. To register, or if you have questions, please email greeningflatbush@gmail.com. For directions, see the Flatbush branch web page on the Brooklyn Public Library Web site.

Sustainable Flatbush provides a neighborhood-based forum to discuss, promote and implement sustainability concepts in Brooklyn and beyond. For more information, visit their Web site.

Flatbush Branch, Brooklyn Public Library
Flatbush Branch, Brooklyn Public Library

Blogade, Sunday, February 10th

Creative Times‘ Eleanor Traubman and Mike Sorgatz are hosting the next Blogade, the (tries to be) monthly meetup of Brooklyn bloggers, blog readers, and community members, on February 10. RSVP by “quittin’ time” February 1 (next Friday).

Faan Restaurant
209 Smith Street (at Baltic Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11201

I’m not familiar with the area, but it seems to be located near Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill, and Gowanus.

View Larger Map

Subway: F or G to Bergen Street or Carroll Street. Check the MTA’s weekend service advisories for the latest updates on service.
Bus: B75, B65 or B71.

Cost: $15 at door – covers entree, non-alcoholic beverage, tax & gratuity

RSVP: By Friday, Feb.1st by quittin’ time: ETraubman@aol.com

Tonight, Imagine Flatbush 2030 Workshop #3

Imagine Flatbush 2030 Logo

Tonight’s Imagine Flatbush 2030 meeting will take place at 6:00 pm at the Brooklyn College Student Center, 6th Floor, at East 27th St. & Campus Road (ramp entrance near Amersfort Place).

This video, composed of images and footage from the second workshop, held at Brooklyn College back in December, provides some information on the process. If you’re curious about the man behind the blog, I make two very brief appearances, presenting issues raised in the group I was in. From 2:00-2:04, transportation is mentioned. And from 2:23-2:29, I report retail affordability as an issue: “We don’t want all of our local businesses to be replaced by chain stores.” And I think I recognize my voice as the voiceover from 3:02 to 3:13.

Imagine Flatbush 2030 from MAS on Vimeo.

If you have not sent an RSVP and are interested in attending, please contact Sideya Sherman, at the Municipal Art Society (MAS) Planning Center, 212/935-3960 or via email at ssherman@mas.org.

Snacks and sandwiches will be served at tonight’s workshop.

Please be advised that there will be a supervised homework room provided for school aged children. If you need to bring a child, please contact us in advance.

David Joseph Wilcox, 1957-1996

Update 2008.01.23: Added brief history of the Pink Panthers and bibliography of articles from the New York Times.

The jacket I wore while on patrol with the Pink Panthers in 1990 and 1991
Pink Panther Patrol Jacket, 1990-1991

My friend, David Joseph Wilcox, died 12 years ago, on January 22, 1996. He was 38 years old.

I’m actually writing this late at night, early in the morning of January 23. I can’t sleep. I’ve post-dated this to January 22, Dave’s mortiversary. We’ll see if Blogger accepts it. [It did.]

Earlier this evening, I listened to a recording my partner, Blog Widow John, and I made, interviewing each other about our remembrances of Dave. Two years ago, on the 10th anniversary of his death, we went to the StoryCorps booth at the World Trade Center site – Ground Zero – in downtown Manhattan. In particular, we spoke about how Dave’s death brought us closer together.

Dave moved in with John for the last year of his life. For many reason, it was a trying time for John, even apart from Dave’s illness. When Dave died, John reached out to me, as someone who knew both of them for many years, for support. Though we had already known each other for over a decade, that was the beginning of greater intimacy between us than we had ever shared. Our relationship today arose, phoenix-like, out of our shared loss.

When I can figure out how to edit down the full 45 minutes we recorded into more manageable tracks and cohesive segments, I’ll be able to make them available. What follows is the full text of the eulogy I wrote and read at one of Dave’s memorial services. I have a VHS videotape of that which could be transcribed to digital video, but I can hardly be understood in it. I could barely speak.

In Memoriam: David Joseph Wilcox
b. 15 November 1957, d. 22 January 1996

  1. Prologue
  2. Gay Cancer
  3. Scapegoats
  4. Grace
  5. Panthers

1. Prologue

I’ll start with a letter.

There remained to me at least something salvaged from the wreck of last year: a most brilliant man, and … one great in action and counsel … who after numerous proofs of his virtue became very dear to me, and seemed worthy of your friendship as well as mine. … [displaying] loyalty and good fellowship, and that friendship which lies in sharing good and bad fortune and baring the hidden places of the heart in a trusting exchange of secrets. How much he loved you, how much he longed to see you – you whom he could see only with the eyes of imagination. How much he worried about your safety during this shipwreck of the world. I was amazed that a man unknown to him could be so much loved. … And this man (I speak it with many tears, and would speak it with more but my eyes are drained by previous misfortunes and I should save some tears for whatever may befall in the future), this man, I say, was suddenly seized by the pestilence which is now ravaging the world. This was at dusk, after dinner with his friends, and the evening hours that remained he spent talking with us, reminiscing about our friendship and shared concerns. He passed the night in extreme pain, which he endured with an undaunted spirit, and then died suddenly the next morning. None of the now-familiar horrors were abated …

Go, mortals, sweat, pant, toil, range the lands and seas to pile up riches you cannot keep; glory that will not last. The life we lead is a sleep; whatever we do, dreams. Only death breaks the sleep and wakes us from dreaming. I wish I could have woken before this.

– Written by Francesco Petrarch to Louis Heyligen, in May 1349, during the Black Death in Europe.

2. Gay Cancer

I moved to New York, to the East Village, in the winter of 1979. When I met Dave a few years later, maybe 12 years ago [at the time of this writing in 1996], he was a vulture. Actually, I saw him dressed as a vulture in some incomprehensible show at La Mama. I knew the stage manager, and I met Dave after the show at the closing party. First impressions: short, wiry, blue eyes, intelligent. I was in love. But we became friends anyway.

When I moved to New York, I moved into the middle, into the beginning, of an epidemic that would become a pandemic, though I didn’t know it. Nobody knew it. First, it was “gay cancer.” Then it was GRID – Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Disease. Several hundred deaths later, late summer 1982, it became AIDS. Seventeen years of now-familiar horrors, of struggling to reconcile my denial, panic, rage, guilt, helplessness and despair.

September 1991:

I cry, yet I’ve not suffered enough.
Who suffers more, the dying or the living?
I grieve, yet I am not angry enough.
I am too weak, too self-absorbed, too numb.
I am cruel enough to avoid an ex-lover on his deathbed,
yet angered by the deliberate avoidance of another.
I choose ignorance before responsibility,
running from the chance of knowing,
and feeling.

It doesn’t stop.
It doesn’t wait for me to catch up,
to get my life in order,
that I might face loss with strength and conviction.
So far surviving the holocaust of my peers,
I make nothing of my life that would honor their passing.

And it continues … it goes on, and on …

After all that has happened,
it is only the beginning,
always just the beginning,
ever new horrors stand in front of me,
invisibly in the future,
that I might stumble across them.

Still I can ask: why?

3. Scapegoats

Dave and I developed a friendship whose continuity endured despite long absences. We’d not see each other or speak for months, or years. Then he’d call me with a new phone number, or we’d bump into each other at a bar, and pick up where we left off. And that’s what I was looking forward to when, after another long absence, I called him this past December, to see if he’d received my invitation to a holiday party. He said it was good that I called. “I’ve been telling myself, I really should call Chris …” Three months ago, I hadn’t known he’d been sick. I didn’t know he was dying.

One of the ways I’ve responded to AIDS is to read: about viruses, the natural history of disease, historical plagues and epidemics, their human impact … During the Black Death of the 14th century, Christians accused Jews of poisoning wells and rivers. Some Jews “confessed” under torture, or were baptized. The others were tortured, killed, and burned, in fields and open pits, in their synagogues and homes, or in buildings constructed for this special purpose.

While AIDS has its own scapegoats, with so-called leaders of all religions denouncing them, little has changed in 650 years. There is no god who has delivered AIDS to “punish” me, my friends, my lovers, my family of choice, my community. Sex is not a sin, my love is not a disorder. There are no “innocent victims.”

April 1992:

how many voices have you silenced?
whose truth do you fear?

what sends you running for shelter in your god’s shadow,
clinging to the hem of his rotten shrouds,
praying to him for the bad words to stop?

your ignorance is vile

you would see me struck down
silence my voice, my truth
to preserve your fragile ballast of lies

preaching vainly of greater good
you bring greater harm

there isn’t room enough in hell for both of us

you go first

4. Grace

I believe that Dave came to find some faith, or re-discover his faith, in the community of the church where he worked. I want to honor that, but I admit I don’t understand it, and the only comfort it gives me is that Dave’s belief helped him. I don’t believe in a god, or a heaven, or any life after this one. This is it. Dave’s death is final. I’ll never see him again.

October 1994:


I’m not a holy man.
there are no gods.
the dead speak to us
only through their works.

sadness weighs her heavy lids.
though portrayed as another,
she is of this world.
shaped by your hands,
her lifeless face holds your grief.

loss beyond comprehension.
time only to bury, or burn –
the next wave overtakes you.

from your hunger to understand,
you carve icons of your faith.
out of numbing pain,
you create meaning where there is none.

is it such mystery,
that you would know how I felt?

[Note: “She” is a wooden statue I saw at the Cloisters in upper Manhattan. When I wrote the poem, I thought the statue was contemporaneous with the Black Death. In fact, the statue was from the 12th Century, at least 150 years earlier, a dark enough time on its own.]

5. Panthers

The summer of 1990, a series of violent attacks against lesbians and gay men galvanized the community. The Pink Panthers, a street patrol, formed in response. Dave and I were among the founders of the East Village branch of the Panthers. For me, this was the most intimate and satisfying period of our friendship. We strategized, organized, leafleted, trained and patrolled together. Although we joked about having big pink targets on our chests, we knew that when we were on the streets, we placed ourselves in danger. Of all my colleagues and comrades from the Panthers, I felt safest with Dave as my patrol buddy, side-by-side. I trusted him with my life.

No explanation can ever satisfy me. Dave’s death is senseless. His life has meaning. I miss him.

July 1993, after learning about the death of another friend, also named David [David Kirschenbaum]:

what would it mean
even to say goodbye
my words do not grant
another breath

searching for the grief
that must be felt
as I recall other men
other names

if I could let go
lose control
permit my tears
what would it change

it ends, it is final
no room for regrets
no hopes for another chance
it is over

helpless, in the face of death
living is the best revenge

Fight the fascists.
Celebrate life.
Never give up.

Notes on the Pink Panthers

The Pink Panthers operated from 1990 to 1991. After it was successfully sued by MGM for use of the name “Pink Panther”, the group changed its name to OutWatch, but by the end of 1991, the group was already fading. After 1991, it existed largely in name only and its assets were dissolved several years later.

A series of articles in the New York Times summarizes this history:

Streets of Sanctuary Now Harbor Criminals, August 6, 1990
Anti-Gay Attacks Increase And Some Fight Back, September 3, 1990
Gay Organization Sees Upsurge in Violence, October 19, 1990
Pink Panthers Sued by MGM, January 8, 1991
Gay Patrol And MGM In a Battle Over Name, May 27, 1991
Gay Group Can’t Call Itself Pink Panthers, October 5, 1991



David Kirschenbaum’s obituary in the New York Times, July 14, 1993. He was 30 years old.

Meta: Google Calendar

I finally figured out how to aggregate multiple Google Calendars into a single view. I knew it was possible, because others have done it with my Flatbush Gardener calendar. My calendar has been in the sidebar for some time now, but I have to squish and stretch it so it will fit comfortably. Here’s a big version.

I found the trick to aggregation in the Google Calendar Help Center:

If you’d like to customize your embedded calendar, click the link above the iframe field to access the Google Embeddable Calendar Helper. …
To display events from multiple calendars in the same embedded calendar, simply follow the instructions above to access the Google Embeddable Calendar Helper. Then, check the box next to each calendar you wish to display, listed under “Calendars to Display.”
How do I embed Google Calendar on my website?

The “link” mentioned reads “Customize the color, size, and other options.” “Other options” is a rather obscure reference to “oh, and by the way, you can aggregate multiple calendars.”

Of more importance is the HTML that gets rendered, in particular, the parameters to the URL which is the src of the iframe which renders the calendar. Here’s a partial list of what my calendar widget now contains:

  1. %lt;iframe src=””>
  2. showTitle=0
  3. mode=AGENDA
  4. height=300
  5. wkst=2
  6. bgcolor=#FFFFFF
  7. src=xrisfg@gmail.com
  8. color=#0D7813
  9. …>

And here’s a translation:

  1. “iframe” is the “container” for the calendar. “src” identifies the contents. Here, we’re asking Google Calendar to generate the contents for use, based on the other parameters we provide.
  2. “0” (zero) is programmer for “No” or “Off”. In other words: don’t display the title of the calendar, “Xris (Flatbush Gardener)”.
  3. The default layout for the calendar. On wide displays, tabs at the top of the calendar allow you to choose different layouts. I chose “Agenda” as the default because it shows the most information about each event.
  4. The height, in pixels (dots on your display) for the contents.
  5. “wkst=2” means “Make Monday the start of the week.” Doesn’t make any difference for the Agenda layout.
  6. “bgcolor” = “background color.” “FFFFFF” means “white.”
  7. Which calendar to display (mine, in this case).
  8. With which color to display the preceding identified calendar.
  9. Repeat 7&8 for each calendar you want to aggregate.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden, January 2008

Goldfish Under Glass, Lily Pool Terrace, BBG
Goldfish Under Glass, Lily Pool Terrace, BBG

Last Saturday, I attended a meeting of Brooklyn community gardeners at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. I arrived at BBG early so I could enjoy the solitude and wintry setting.

Rock Garden

I was hoping to find some early blooms in the Rock Garden. I didn’t, but there was still some activity there. It’s beautiful in all seasons, anyway.

Rock Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rock Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Unfortunately, I didn’t get the id tag for this guy. I think it’s a Yucca. I have some growing in my backyard, but they’re in shade and don’t have the glaucous foliage of this one.
Yucca? Rock Garden, BBG

I prefer natural light in my photography. On this day, I experimented with using an attached flash. Most of the flash shots were unsatisfactory, and didn’t reflect what I was seeing when I took the shot. I kept a couple pairs of flash and non-flash shots side-by-side for comparison.

Arum italicum, with and without flash
Arum italicum foliage, Rock Garden, BBG
Arum italicum foliage, Rock Garden, BBG

Partially frozen pond
Partially frozen pond, Rock Garden, BBG

Iced pond
Iced pond, Rock Garden, BBG

Helleborus foetidus, with and without flash
Helleborus foetidus, Rock Garden, BBG (with flash)
Helleborus foetidus, Rock Garden, BBG (without flash)

Rock pool
Rock pool, Rock Garden, BBG


At the northern end of the Rock Garden is BBG’ Witchhazel collection. Lots of action there on my visit.

Witchhazels, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' (without flash)

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane'

Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’
Hamamelis mollis 'Pallida'

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘James Wells’
Hamamelis x intermedia 'James Wells'

The Rest

From the Witchhazels, I walked along the path past the Caucasian Wingnut, cut across past the Monocot Border to the Lily Pool Terrace, then on to my meeting at BBG’s landmarked Lab/Admin Building.

Path to Oak Circle
Path to Oak Circle, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Wingnut Support
Wingnut Support

Monocot Border
Monocot Border, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

BBG Lab & Admin Building
BBG Lab & Admin Building

Lily Pool Terrace
Lily Pool Terrace, BBG

Fountain and Palm House, BBG

Clinton Hill Blogade

Updated 2008.01.21: Added links to participants’ reports

The Clinton Hill Blogade, by Luke (missing from photo)
Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Today I attended the Clinton Hill Blogade, an ongoing series of more-or-less monthly meetups of Brooklyn bloggers. 17 people attended today’s event. A good turnout, considering the windchill was in the teens today.

Robin Lester of Clinton Hill Blog, Lesterhead and Flickr, hosted and coordinated today’s event at Frank White Cafe on Atlantic Avenue.

The next Blogade will be February 10 in Carroll Gardens/Cobble Hill, hosted by Eleanor Traubman of Creative Times.


Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Frank White Cafe

Frank White Cafe, 936 Atlantic Avenue, Clinton Hill, Brooklyn

Frank White Cafe

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Frank White Cafe

Tempus Fugit

Related Posts

Flickr set


Brit in Brooklyn
Brooklyn Optimist
Clinton Hill Blog
Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Reclaimed Home

On Activism

Following is the text, edited slightly, of my contribution to a keynote address to hundreds of attendees at a conference in October of 2000. The occasion was the Fourth Annual Breaking Walls, Building Bridges (BWBB), an annual conference by, for and about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. 

From 1999 to 2002, I was a member of the steering committee of a recovery (chemical dependence and other) advocacy group called SpeakOUT. Among the opportunities that offered me was participation in the planning committee for BWBB. 

The 2000 conference theme was Activism. Rather than bring in an outside, expert “activist” speaker, the planning committee chose to hold a group keynote of the conference planners themselves. 

With my increasing involvement in advocating for and organizing around issues of greenspace, sustainability, and community through gardening, I think this is on-topic for this blog. For me, it’s a timely reflection on where I’ve been and what I’ve done to guide me in my current and future efforts.

I am not an activist. 

This is not modesty. I just don’t think of myself that way. I don’t think of what I do as activism. Activists do things I won’t do, or can’t do, or would never think of doing. Activists are heroic, even mythic, beings. What they do is beyond my reach. 

When I was a boy I would fantasize about being a hero. I could be walking along a bridge, and hear someone calling for help from the water below, and jump in and save their life. I could know I’d done something good and important. I could know that I mattered, that I could make a difference. 

In elementary school the best I could do was read to younger kids at the public library, and organize a fund-raising drive for the local animal shelter. When I was 14 the best I could do was tell my parents one Easter morning that I wasn’t going to church with them because I was an atheist. In high school the best I could do was refuse to recite or stand for the “pledge of allegiance” during morning home room because I didn’t believe in “one nation under God” or that there really was “liberty and justice for all.” In college the best I could do was organize a gay student rap group so I wouldn’t be the only gay person I knew at school. 

In each case I never felt that I was doing anything special. I did what I felt I must do. It never felt like a choice to me. I never felt courageous doing any of these things. 

These examples predate “gay cancer,” GRID (Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Disease), AIDS. I’ve lost countless scores, probably hundreds, of lovers, friends, neighbors – and heroes – to meaningless deaths from AIDS, as well as suicide and drug overdose. I have to ask: Why am I still alive? 

Since there’s no life after this one, and no divine purpose, how can my life have any meaning? I’ve concluded that the only meaning to be found in life is that which we give it. The best I can do is try to leave the world a better place than I found it, through my words, my actions, my spirit. I have no choice. It’s what I must do. 

Some say “The end justifies the means.” Don’t believe it. Those who say so would only take credit, and none of the responsibility, for changing the world. So much unjustifiable violence is done in the name of Family, Nation and God. The end is nothing. The means is everything. How we do things is more important than whether we succeed or fail. How we live our lives is heroic. 

Victor Frankl, a survivor of the Nazi holocaust, wrote “What is to give light must endure burning.” Light doesn’t justify burning. Light transcends burning. How we celebrate ourselves transcends what we must endure and survive. It serves only our enemies – and serves us least of all – to be polite, nice, and “normal,” to be unassuming and inoffensive, to be silent and invisible. 

Every one of you, by being here today, whatever it took, is a hero to me. Shine on.

Two Flatbush Churches Receive Grants

Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church, Dorchester Road between East 18th and East 19th Street, Ditmas Park Historic District
Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church

Four Brooklyn churches are among the 66 religious properties statewide that received preservation funding from the New York Landmarks Conservancy.
Four Brooklyn Churches Receive ‘Sacred Sites’ Grants From Landmarks Conservancy, Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Two of the four in Brooklyn are in Flatbush.

Holy Innocents Roman Catholic Church, on Beverly Road between East 17th and East 18th Streets in Beverly Square East, was awarded a Robert W. Wilson Sacred Sites Challenge Grant Pledge of $40,000 for the restoration of its copper roof.
Holy Innocents Roman Catholic Church, East 17th Street

Holy Innocents Roman Catholic Church

Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church in the Ditmas Park Historic District was awarded a grant of $10,000 for window restoration. FTC has got a hell of a lot of windows. I’m sure that $10K doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. I suppose it’s probably for their stained glass, rather than these.
Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church, Ditmas Park

Here’s a view from the inside.
Interior, Flatbush-Topmkins Congregational Church

The other two are St. George’s Episcopal Church of Bedford-Stuyvesant, which received $6,000 for stained glass restoration, and St. Philip’s Episcopal Church at 334 MacDonough Street in Stuyvesant Heights/Bedford-Stuyvesant, which received $10,000 for the restoration of its tower, masonry and roof drainage.


New York Landmarks Conservancy
Holy Innocents Roman Catholic Church
Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church