Brooklyn Bears Community Garden

Grass and Birch, Brooklyn Bears Community Garden
Grass and Birch

Last Sunday, between the Brooklyn Blogade and the Atlantic Yards Camera Club, Frank Jump and I wandered for about an hour in the bitter cold. The Camera Club was meeting at the Brooklyn Bears Community Garden, so we spent some time there.

Birch Trunk
Birch Trunk

Detail, Birch Bark
Birch Bark

The only blooms to be found were a Witchhazel and a few Snowdrops.



There still was plenty of color.

Variegated Pine
Variegated Pine


Bergenia Leaf
Bergenia Leaf

Shelf Fungus
Shelf Fungus




Pine Cone
Pine Cone

Frank and I were there too early for the garden to be open. We spent some time shooting from outside the fence, then wandered around some more before coming back. By the time we were back, the garden was open and the photographers had begun to gather inside.

I saw Jon Crow, one of the leaders of this garden, whom I met recently for the first time at the Brooklyn Community Gardeners meeting three weeks ago. He excitedly pulled me aside to show me this:

Sapsucker damage on Viburnum

This is the damage a sapsucker made along all the stems of a large Viburnum in the corner of the garden. Here’s a detail shot.

Sapsucker damage on Viburnum

The precision of the holes is impressive. Jon and another gardener observed that, despite the extent of the damage, the branches were never girdled, so the plant itself may well recover from this.

Fearing for the health and survival of this huge specimen plant, gardeners tried to deter the Sapsucker with aluminum foil. It was ineffective. In fact, Jon sent a photo of the bird in action a day after I took these shots.

Viburnum perimeter defense

Jon asked, “This is going on the blog, right?”

Yes, Jon. It’s on the blog!

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Flickr photo set
Brooklyn Blogade
Atlantic Yards Camera Club


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Yellow-bellied Sapsucker vs. Yellow-bellied Developer

Atlantic Yards Camera Club

Update 2008.02.12: Since the original post, I’ve added several more links to posts and photos from the other photographers who were present.

Photographers in a flurry
Photographers in a Flurry

Amid snow flurries and near-zero windchills, a stalwart group of about two dozen Brooklyn photographers, bloggers, citizen journalists, community activists, media and supporters gathered for a “photographers’ rights free expression mobilization.” We stood around in the freezing cold to talk and take pictures.



Storm Approaching

Bloggerazzi (Dave Kenny)


Party City

Fence as Art

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