Completed raised bed frames, ready for filling and planting, on August 24, 2008
Brooklyn’s newest community garden broke ground at the beginning of July. We planted for the first time two weeks ago. Planning for the garden began at least as early as the Winter of 2007, when I first became involved.
The Flatbush CommUNITY Garden is a project of Sustainable Flatbush. The Garden is located at 1522 Albemarle Road, at the intersection of Buckingham Road, on property generously loaned to the Garden by the owner.
All 16 plots are already allocated for this season. As Brooklyn’s newest community garden, we are still working out our membership procedures. We hope to have these finalized by the end of the year. Announcements for future meetings, and procedures for new members to join, will be posted on the Sustainable Flatbush Web site when they are available.
Site visit, Sunday, June 1, 1008
The mission of the Flatbush CommUNITY Garden is to create space for a diverse group of neighbors to establish a community-led organic garden; to grow fruits, vegetable, herbs, and flowers, and create a multi-cultural, interactive, empowering space that fosters unity and pride within the community while supporting healthy eating and local sustainable agriculture. An additional goal of this program is to promote sustainable gardening and farming practices throughout the neighborhood, especially on publicly accessible land that is currently underutilized. Our gardens will serve as visible examples of sustainability practices such as rainwater harvesting, water-efficient landscaping, composting, and permaculture.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Picking up compost from the Fresh Kills Composting Site on Staten Island
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My photos of this garden (Flickr set)
Sustainable Flatbush: Community Garden, Projects 2008, and Flickr photo set