Connecticut Muffin Opens Tomorrow

The Transformation is Complete
Connecticut Muffin, 1106 Cortelyou Road

The new Connecticut Muffin at 1106 Cortelyou Road opens tomorrow morning at 7am. They were putting the last-minute touches on it this evening, as you can see in the photo above. The handwritten paper sign on the door reads “Open Thursday 7:00 am”. I love that: “7:00”, not “7”.

May 19, 2007
1106 Cortelyou Road, Future Connecticut Muffin

July 15, 2007
1106 Cortelyou Road, Future Connecticut Muffin

September 8, 2007
Connecticut Muffin, 1106 Cortelyou Road

I nominate this as the most ridiculous post yet on this blog.

Event, Sat June 30 to Mon July 2, Flatbush: Electronics Recycling

Trash 80, corner of Cortelyou and Stratford Roads, April 2007
Trash 80

This weekend, Flatbush is having its first ever electronics waste recycling event, sponsored by Sustainable Flatbush and the Lower East Side Ecology Center, and co-sponsored by Flatbush Development Corporation.

Saturday June 30, 10am – 4pm
Sunday July 1, 10am – 4pm
Monday July 2, 4pm – 7pm

Cortelyou Road between Rugby and Argyle

Accepted: Working and Non-Working

  • Computers and Peripherals
  • TVs and VCRs
  • Fax Machines, Cell Phones and Pagers

Not Accepted: Small household appliances such as microwaves and toasters

A receipt for your tax-deductible donation of electronics will be available. Please ask for it when dropping off.

For more information:

Lower East Side Ecology Center

Sustainable Flatbush

Reminder: First Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow on Sunday, June 24

Brooklyn Blogade Flatbush Flyer (Wide & Small)
Adrian Kinloch, Brit in Brooklyn, came up with these great banners and flyers to promote the inaugural Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow.

To continue the networking which began at the Brooklyn Blogfest in May, Brooklyn bloggers are taking on the road to a different neighborhood each month. The first event is in June, the neighborhood is Flatbush, the location is Vox Pop on Cortelyou Road.

Please read the announcement post for full details, including how to RSVP for this event. That post will be kept up-to-date with any changes and additions as we learn about them.

Event, Sunday July 1 and 8: Grand Opening for the Cortelyou Greenmarket

Updated 2007.06.15 with hours of operation and dates of the Grand Opening.

Apples from Red Jacket Orchards at the Cortelyou Greenmarket, June 2006
Apples, Red Jacket Orchards, Cortelyou Greenmarket

On Sunday, July 1, the Greenmarket resumes operation for 2007 on Cortelyou Road. This year, the Greenmarket will be located on the north side of Cortelyou Road between Argyle and Rugby Roads (in front of the library) [Google Map]. July 1 and 8, will be Grand Opening celebrations, with lots of activities including cooking demonstrations, musical performances, children’s events, and more.

The Cortelyou Greenmarket and those in Sunset Park and Borough Park are the three Greenmarkets furthest out in Brooklyn.

The Greenmarket will operate every Sunday, 8am to 4pm, from July through November; in recent years it operated on Saturdays. It’s hoped that this year’s location on Cortelyou will be more visible – resulting in more business for the vendors – than recent years’ location in the P.S. 139 schoolyard on Argyle Road.

Note: As of today, June 6, the official Greenmarket map (PDF) still lists last year’s location.

As of June 5, the following vendors are confirmed:

  • Meredith’s Bakery
  • Amantai Farm, vegetables
  • Bread Alone (Note: Lousy Web design, forces Shockwave/Flashpage on you.)
  • Red Jacket Orchards
  • El Mirador Farm, vegetables
  • Muddy River Farm, vegetables
  • Butternut Valley Organics, organic vegetables, fruits, baked goods, dairy, eggs, and meat

Pies from Meredith’s Bakery at the Cortelyou Greenmarket, June 2006
Pies, Meredith's Bakery, Cortelyou Greenmarket

Business owners on Cortelyou Road have expressed concern about the impact this will have on their businesses. In particular, the Flatbush Food Coop has reported that their sales dropped when the Greenmarket was open. In addition, the location on Cortelyou Road will take up some potential parking spaces for folks who drive into the neighborhood to do their food shopping.

I’m not a business owner, but I don’t buy into this scarcity model: that more business for some means less for others. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to buy fresh, locally and organically grown produce, and not have to choose between local or organic. The past two years, when the Greenmarket was in operation, we ate out less and cooked at home more. We went to the Greenmarket to see what’s fresh, and planned our meals around that. That meant more local shopping for us, not less.

The new Cortelyou streetscape is coming along beautifully; people are already using the new benches. By the end of the summer, in addition to the existing restaurants, coffee shops, food stores and supermarkets, there will be another coffee shop and a gourmet food shop. All of this will make Cortelyou a mecca for Brooklyn foodies; the Greenmarket will be one more reason to “Shop Cortelyou,” as the banners implore. It’s my hope that there will be more business than ever and Cortelyou will thrive as a commercial strip.

PS: I hate the CENYC Web design. There’s no need for frames. All the Greenmarket information is only available as a PDF. They make it impossible to link to specific topics within their site. That’s why there are no useful links to them from this post.

Reminder: First Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow on Sunday, June 24

To continue the networking which began at the Brooklyn Blogfest in May, Brooklyn bloggers are taking on the road to a different neighborhood each month. The first event is in June, the neighborhood is Flatbush, the location is Vox Pop on Cortelyou Road.

Please read the announcement post for full details, including how to RSVP for this event. That post will be kept up-to-date with any changes and additions as we learn about them.

Event, June 24: Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow

Brooklyn Blogade Flatbush Flyer (Tall & Large)

Update, 2007.06.14: Adrian Kinloch, Brit in Brooklyn, came up with these terrific flyers and banners to promote this event.

Vox Pop, al fresco
Vox Pop Al Fresco

Following the successful Brooklyn Blogfest in May, the Brooklyn Blogade is taking it on the road to different Brooklyn neighborhoods.

The inaugural event is Sunday, June 24, 2-5pm. Join us at Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou Road, at the corner of Stratford Road (East 11th Street).

If you want to attend please send an email to We’ll email you an invitation. We will not use your email address for any purpose except for sending invitations and notifications relevant to Brooklyn Blogade. It will not be shared with anyone else for any reason.

Please RSVP with the following information:
– Your handle or nickname
– Your name (optional)
– If you have a blog or Web site, its URL
– If you live or work in Brooklyn, the neighborhood (eg: Flatbush) or
zip code (eg: 11218)

2pm: Signup/registration opens
2:30-3pm: Welcome, neighborhood orientation, and local blogger shout-out
3-5pm: The mingling and socializing continues

Vox Pop is offering food and drink specials for this event:
– $1 off veggie and turkey burgers
– $1 off pitchers of beer (Dogfish Head Craft Ale now on tap!)
You can also checkout their full food menu and micro-brew on tap.

DIRECTIONS BY SUBWAY: Take the Q Train to Cortelyou Road. Vox Pop is five blocks West (turn left as you exit the station).

By the way, the above photo was taken during the height of the streetscape work on Cortelyou Road. The back-hoe is gone now. I’ll upload a more flattering view.

Changes on Cortelyou Road

Cortelyou Streetscape – Looking East from Argyle Road. Credit: FDC
Dry-laid cobblestones, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Stratford Road

Construction to revamp the streetscape on Cortelyou Road is well underway. I’m really interested to see how the new, wider tree pits and extra planting areas work out. With adoption by business and residents, they could be beautiful.

The plan calls for the planting of 40 new Linden trees, Flatbush Light Poles, benches, clocks, bike racks and wrought iron tree guards. This streetscape will create a public space that invites pedestrianism, improves public health, stimulates local economic activity, and attracts residents and visitors to the community.
Cortelyou Road, FDC

Today, the block was hopping, with activity from Coney Island Avenue to Rugby Road. Here’s the front of the library, at the northeast corner of Argyle Road:

Library Plaza, Cortelyou Road and Argyle Road, Northeast corner
Library Plaza, Cortelyou Road and Argyle Road, Northeast corner

Click the image above for larger sizes where you can see the scoring line along the sidewalk on the right-hand side.

Here are some other images from this afternoon.

Scoring the sidewalk, Cortelyou Road, North side, in front of library between Argyle and Rugby Roads
Scoring the sidewalk, Cortelyou Road, North side, in front of library between Argyle and Rugby Roads

Curb and sidewalk reconstruction in progress, Cortelyou Road, South side, looking East from Stratford Road
Curb and sidewalk reconstruction in progress, Cortelyou Road, South side, looking East from Stratford Road

Street Tree “”Barrier””, Cortelyou Road, South side, Stratford-Westminster Roads
Street Tree “"Barrier”", Cortelyou Road, South side, Stratford-Westminster Roads

Dry-laid cobblestones, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Stratford Road
Dry-laid cobblestones, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Stratford Road

Cobblestone sidewalk margin, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Rugby Road
Cobblestone sidewalk margin, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Rugby Road


Opening Day, Cortelyou Greenmarket

Some of the apple varieties available from Red Jacket Orchards at the Courtelyou Greenmarket on opening day.
Photo taken: June 3, 2006

Today was the first day of the season for the Courtelyou Greenmarket which serves our neighborhood:

Greenmarket has organized and managed open-air farmers markets in NYC since 1976. By providing regional small family farmers with opportunities to sell their fruits, vegetables and other farm products to New Yorkers, Greenmarket supports farmers and preserves farmland for the future.
Greenmarket Farmers Market

The Courtelyou Greenmarket is located in the schoolyard of P.S. 139 on Argyle Road, just up the block from Courtelyou Road. There were only three vendors there for opening day:

Based on our experience last year, the number of vendors will ramp up through the month of June. There’s about a dozen during the summer, selling all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables, plus meat, dairy, baked goods and some handcrafts.

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