Another reason to loathe real estate brokers …

Trying to locate their recent report on sales figures, I idly browsed the Corcoran (“Live Who You Are”! Be All That You Can Be!) Web site for my neighborhood. I don’t expect to find Beverley Square West. I would hope to find Victorian Flatbush. They’d don’t even list Flatbush. I found what I expected:

Ditmas Park: Runs from Parkside Avenue to the north, Ditmas Avenue to the south, Ocean Avenue to the east and Coney Island Avenue to the west.
Corcoran Neighborhood Guide to Ditmas Park

Lest one quibble “Oh, it’s just a real estate name,” they continue in the second paragraph:

… This landmarked district …

WRONG! The landmarked Ditmas Park Historic District lies only within the boundaries of Dorchester and Newkirk Avenues, and Ocean Avenue and the B/Q line. The only other landmarked area within the boundaries they describe is Prospect Park South. The rest of their “Ditmas Park” is not landmarked.

It’s worse than that. They have no idea where they are.

Their descriptions conflate several neighborhoods – some landmarked, most not – and get basic information wrong. They provide the wrong school number for P.S. 139. There’s this:

These homes were originally built for the likes of the Guggenheims and films stars like Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks.

Again, not in Ditmas Park. The Guggenheim Honeymoon Cottage is in Beverley Square West, my neighborhood. The Pickford/Fairbanks House is in Ditmas Park West.

And there’s this:

Many have porches and garages and sit on wide tree-lined streets with English sounding names like Argyle and Rugby.

Only the streets between Coney Island Avenue and the B/Q lines – half the area they claim to describe – carry these names, borrowed from the status of Prospect Park South. Four different neighborhoods span those streets from Parkside to Ditmas, and none of them are Ditmas Park.

The boundaries they give describe only part of greater Victorian Flatbush; they omit half the neighborhoods. Extending the southern boundary from Ditmas Avenue to Avenue H, between Coney Island Avenue Ocean Avenue lie West Midwood, Midwood Park, and Fiske Terrace. The latter two are proposed Historic Districts and are on track to become landmarked. Extending the eastern boundary to Flatbush Avenue, the Albemarle-Kenmore Terraces Historic District lies east of Prospect Park South, between Ocean and Flatbush Avenues, and South Midwood lies between Ocean and Bedford Avenues, and Foster Avenue south to Brooklyn College.

I’ve never had any dealings with Corcoran. We tried working with them when we were shopping for our home three years ago. They had yet to “discover” this area, and so had nothing to show us. Their reach had only extended to Windsor Terrace at that point, and we went to one open house there.

And, don’t bother trying to find a house a house on their Web site. You won’t find any. They only have “townhouses” …

Changes on Cortelyou Road

Cortelyou Streetscape – Looking East from Argyle Road. Credit: FDC
Dry-laid cobblestones, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Stratford Road

Construction to revamp the streetscape on Cortelyou Road is well underway. I’m really interested to see how the new, wider tree pits and extra planting areas work out. With adoption by business and residents, they could be beautiful.

The plan calls for the planting of 40 new Linden trees, Flatbush Light Poles, benches, clocks, bike racks and wrought iron tree guards. This streetscape will create a public space that invites pedestrianism, improves public health, stimulates local economic activity, and attracts residents and visitors to the community.
Cortelyou Road, FDC

Today, the block was hopping, with activity from Coney Island Avenue to Rugby Road. Here’s the front of the library, at the northeast corner of Argyle Road:

Library Plaza, Cortelyou Road and Argyle Road, Northeast corner
Library Plaza, Cortelyou Road and Argyle Road, Northeast corner

Click the image above for larger sizes where you can see the scoring line along the sidewalk on the right-hand side.

Here are some other images from this afternoon.

Scoring the sidewalk, Cortelyou Road, North side, in front of library between Argyle and Rugby Roads
Scoring the sidewalk, Cortelyou Road, North side, in front of library between Argyle and Rugby Roads

Curb and sidewalk reconstruction in progress, Cortelyou Road, South side, looking East from Stratford Road
Curb and sidewalk reconstruction in progress, Cortelyou Road, South side, looking East from Stratford Road

Street Tree “”Barrier””, Cortelyou Road, South side, Stratford-Westminster Roads
Street Tree “"Barrier”", Cortelyou Road, South side, Stratford-Westminster Roads

Dry-laid cobblestones, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Stratford Road
Dry-laid cobblestones, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Stratford Road

Cobblestone sidewalk margin, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Rugby Road
Cobblestone sidewalk margin, Cortelyou Road, South side, West of Rugby Road


News: Four Borough Neighborhood Preservation Alliance Recommending Brooklyn Neighborhoods

The Four Borough Neighborhood Preservation Alliance (FBNPA), working with local advocates, has come up with a list of 18 buildings and nine potential historic districts in the borough that it would like to see designated by the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). …

Among the Brooklyn neighborhoods that FBNPA is recommending for landmark status are Canarsie’s Seaview Village, two Victorian Flatbush enclaves (Ditmas Park West and West Midwood), Prospect Heights, and streets in Williamsburg and Downtown Brooklyn.

Group touts new ‘landmarks wish list’, March 22, Courier-Life Publications

Ditmas Park West is immediately south of my neighborhood, Beverley Square West, and west (surprise!) of the Ditmas Park Historic District. West Midwood is south of Ditmas Park West and west of Midwood Park and Fiske Terrace, which have already been proposed, but not yet approved, as new Historic Districts.

They are also recommending the expansion of the tiny Carroll Gardens landmark area.

Among the structures on the list are several in Canarsie, Gravesend and Williamsburg, as well as one in Bay Ridge, one in East Flatbush, and one in Bushwick.

I’ve never heard of the Four Borough Neighborhood Preservation Alliance (FBNPA) before reading this article. I can’t find a Web site or any other contact information for them online. I would provide a link if I had one. If you know of anything, please leave a comment.