Upcoming BBG GreenBridge Classes

I know Fall lingers on, and we haven’t even reached the Winter Solstice, but it’s time to start thinking about Spring! Registration for the Brooklyn Botanic Garden‘s Winter and Spring classes begins this Saturday, December 1. In addition to professional education, such as programs for Certificates in Horticulture or Floral Design, Brooklyn GreenBridge, BBG’s Community Horticulture program, offers free and low-cost education to Brooklyn residents and communities:

Brooklyn GreenBridge is BBG’s community horticulture program, including our Brooklyn Compost Project. For a free copy of our newsletter and more information about GreenBridge programs and events, call 718-623-7250. To reach our compost help line, call 718-623-7290. All classes are free, but you must preregister at 718-623-7220 unless otherwise indicated.

All classes are held at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. All classes are free but require registration. I’ve highlighted some upcoming classes below. See their Web site for registration information and the complete class schedule.

Composting in the City

Thursday, January 17, 6–8 p.m.

Leaves, kitchen scraps, garden trimmings, and weeds can all become garden gold through composting. Making dark, rich, crumbly compost doesn’t take much time, work, or space. This class covers the essentials: the composting process, how to compost even in small city yards, using finished compost, avoiding and solving problems, and helpful equipment and tools. Participants receive a copy of the BBG handbook Easy Compost: The Secret to Great Soil and Spectacular Plants.

Teacher Workshop: Worm Composting in the Classroom

Thursday, January 31, 6–9 p.m.

Working with worms in the classroom is a great hands-on way to teach ecology, recycling, and gardening. Learn how to set up a worm bin, feed worms with food scraps, and maintain the system successfully. Activities, curriculum ideas, and ways to incorporate worm composting into science, math, and language arts for students of all ages will be introduced. Teachers will receive a copy of the activity guidebook Worms Eat Our Garbage, by Mary Appelhof, and may purchase a $10 voucher for a pound of red wiggler worms and a plastic worm bin.

This class may also be held at your Brooklyn school for a group of ten or more teachers. For information contact 718-623-7290 or compost@bbg.org.

Composting with Lovely Redworms

Thursday, February 14, 6–8 p.m.

Did you know that redworms have 5 pairs of hearts? Come to this workshop and learn other things about this unique species. Learn all about vermicomposting, or composting with worms, including how to make and maintain a home for redworms. Participants will receive a copy of the book Worms Eat My Garbage, by Mary Appelhof, and may purchase a $10 voucher for a pound of redworms and a plastic worm bin.

Register with Karla Osorio-Pérez at 718-623-7368.

Make Compost With a Touch of Spanish / Haz Abono Orgánico con un Toque de Inglés

Thursday, February 28 / Jueves, 28 de febrero, 6–8 p.m.

Karla Osorio-Pérez

This class addresses two audiences—English and Spanish speakers—and is translated in both languages simultaneously throughout the session. We cover the basics of composting in a complete, practical, and interactive way. Participants receive handouts and literature to review at home.

Esta clase esta diseñada para el público de habla hispana e inglés y será brindada en ambos idiomas al mismo tiempo. El taller ofrece una gran oportunidad para aprender cómo hacer abono orgánico en una forma práctica, sencilla y de una manera interactiva. Participantes recibirán material informativo para estudiar en casa.

Register with Karla Osorio-Pérez / Llama a Karla Osorio-Pérez, 718-623-7368

Monday 11/26: Kickoff Meeting for the Gardening Committee of Sustainable Flatbush

At last week’s Sustainable Flatbush Town Hall Meeting, six committees were established to focus on different areas:

  • R3 (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
  • Livable Streets
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Businesses
  • Schools
  • Gardening

Next Monday, November 26, at 7pm, the Gardening Committee will have a kickoff meeting.

There are three main items on the agenda:

  • Brainstorm ideas about what the committee can do. Sustainable Flatbush’s mission is to educate, advocate, and act on issues of sustainability in our area. What are our ideas for how gardening relates to that mission?
  • Identify a couple of things we can do immediately, especially over the winter
  • Identify co-chairs for the committee who will coordinate with the other committees and larger organization and recruit and support committee members.

If you want to attend next Monday’s meeting please email me at [xrisfg at gmail dot com]. I’ve setup a Google group for committee planning. If you can’t attend next Monday but want to help with gardening committee planning, let me know as well.

Imagine Flatbush 2030

Update 2007.12.13: Added link for all related posts on Imagine Flatbush 2030.

Imagine Flatbush 2030 Winning Logo, Credit: Imani Aegedoy, 11-9-2007

Last night I attended the first of a series of four workshops for Imagine Flatbush 2030. Brooklyn Junction and
Sustainable Flatbush were also in attendance. Sponsored by the Municipal Arts Society (MAS) and Flatbush Development Corporation (FDC), IF2030 is a community-based process to develop goals and indicators to inform any future planning for the area:

The Mayor’s PlaNYC2030 is a citywide sustainability agenda that lays the groundwork for achieving and maintaining affordable housing, open space, good transportation, clean air, water, and land and reliable energy. It affords an enormous opportunity to rethink the development of the city. As part of Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York, MAS will work with the residents, business owners, and civic leaders of Flatbush, Brooklyn, with the partnership of the Flatbush Development Corporation, to assist in creating neighborhood sustainability goals and tools to measure progress toward consensus-based goals.
Imagine Your Neighborhood 2030: a Community Visioning Project

The project study area [PDF] comprises the northern half of Brooklyn’s Community District 14, north of the old LIRR right-of-way which runs between Avenues H and I.
Northern Half of Brooklyn's Community District 14

There will be three more meetings, one each in December, January and February. The final report will be published in March 2008. The next meeting will be Wednesday, December 12, likely to be hosted at Brooklyn College. If you live or work within the study area and would like to get involved, contact Sideya Sherman of MAS [ssherman at mas dot org] or Aga Trojniak of FDC [trojniak at fdconline dot org].

Flatbush is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the city, growing at a rate of eight percent annually, and mirroring the needs and attributes of a growing population within a district that is both architecturally and historically distinct. Yet the lack of affordable housing undermines the ability of the neighborhood to stay diverse, the resident to open space ratio is among the highest in the city, and heavy vehicular traffic compromise the quality of life.

This area is one of great diversity: ethnic, cultural, religious, and other. It is also an area of great disparity in economics, services, and environmental amenities.

“Welcome” in eleven languages on street sign for Newkirk Family Health Center, 1401 Newkirk Avenue
Newkirk Family Health Center, 1401 Newkirk Avenue

Kings Theater, Flatbush Avenue
Kings Theater, Flatbush Avenue

GreenBranches, Flatbush Branch, Brooklyn Public Library
GreenBranches, Flatbush Branch, Brooklyn Public Library

Da Pride a Flatbush, FDNY Engine 281
Da Pride a Flatbush

Greenmarket, Cortelyou Road
Greenmarket, Cortelyou Road

Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church, Ditmas Park
Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church

599 Coney Island Avenue
599 Coney Island Avenue

2274 Church Avenue
2274 Church Avenue

Christ My Sufficiency, Brooklyn Foursquare Church, 603 Rugby Road
Christ My Sufficiency, Brooklyn Foursquare Church, 603 Rugby Road

Townhouses in Caton Park
Townhouses in Caton Park

Flatbush E-Cycling, Cortelyou Road
Flatbush E-Cycling

Together We Can Change the World
Together We Can Change the World

Susan Siegel of FDC opened the meeting and introduced the MAS team. Conducting the meeting on behalf of MAS were:

  • Eve Barron
  • Sideya Sherman
  • Lacey Tauber
  • Elizabeth Yeampierre (Executive Director, UPROSE)
  • Juan-Camillo Osario

The IF2030 Advisory Committee includes:

  • State Senator Kevin Parker
  • State Assembly Member Rhoda Jacobs
  • State Assembly Member Jim Brennan
  • Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz
  • City Council Member Mathieu Eugene
  • Ms. Anne Pope (Sustainable Flatbush)
  • Ms. Gretchen Maneval (Center for the Study of Brooklyn, Brooklyn College)


Imagine Flatbush 2030 c/o
Municipal Art Society
457 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212.935.3960, x259
Fax: 212.753.1816

Related Posts

Imagine Flatbush 2030


Municipal Arts Society (MAS)
Flatbush Development Corporation

November 20: Organizing Meeting for Victorian Flatbush Artist’s Tour

Via Flatbush Family Network and FDCOnline. Two of my neighbors are trying to organize an Artist’s Tour to coincide with the annual House Tour. They’re holding an organizing meeting this Tuesday, November 20.

To: Working artists of Victorian Flatbush and our supporters

We live in a neighborhood of distinctive beauty and historic significance—and one that has regained fresh vitality in recent years. Our community is fabled for its vibrant diversity—not only many nationalities, ethnicities and religions, but also a variety of
artistic disciplines practiced by the many creators and innovators among us.

Therefore, I propose we organize an artists’ studio tour in Victorian Flatbush.

Through our combined efforts, we will be able to market our event using websites, posters, brochures, signage, maps, etc. We have seen the success of studio tours all over the country and as close as Park Slope and DUMBO.

I also propose that we run it the weekend of the Victorian Flatbush House Tour.

This tour already brings hundreds of people into the community. A studio tour would provide synergy, attracting art lovers to our event and benefiting both.

The studio tour would provide visitors a rare glimpse into the working habitat of the artist while greatly increasing our visibility. This visibility and high traffic will translate into sales as home-oriented guests will seek just the right treasure to beautify their own homes.

Think of it as an art show where you don’t have to travel or set up a tent. All we need to bring is our creativity, hospitality, talents and commitment to make this a reality.

To this end, there will be an organizing meeting Tuesday, November 20, 7:30PM at Karen’s home. All those interested in opening their studios or in helping out on this event are urged to attend.

Help us spread the word! Please let anyone else who might be interested know about the meeting and ask them to attend. If you are interested in attending this important meeting, please email ArtistKaren [at] mac {dot} com.

Looking forward to seeing you then,
Karen F. & Brenda B.

Tonight: Vox Pop Celebrates Three Years

The party starts at 7 PM and runs until about 11 or so. We have a great new menu, and will be serving samples from it all night. Let us buy you a beer. Please stop by and raise a glass to the past, present and future of the Vox Pop movement.
– Sander Hicks to FDCOnline

Three years ago today, Ross, Holley and I opened the doors here, with the help of Tom Kiely, Mom and Pop Hicks, David Anderson, Harry Anderson, Danielle DeCerbo, Michael and Katura Messina.

We continue to run one of the most unique businesses in the country, thanks to a great staff. I’m constantly in awe at how resilient, positive, and upbeat our roster of baristas is. They are professional happiness makers. I’m proud to be a part of this team.

We have a fun little party planned for tonight. Holley will sing and play guitar, as will local legend Paul De Coster, various folks from the open mike, and Hell’s Kitchen Rock Legend Tim Young. Also, I will personally hand in a rare solo performance, singing and playing guitar, with some new Shins covers I have worked up. (It’s appropriate, because we built the place listening to the New Mexico band The Shins A LOT on CD. It’s very catchy, relevant, plaintive stuff.)


Vox Pop
[where: Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn, NY 11218]

BBG DDD offers 20% off for Garden Members

Starting next Friday, November 23 through Sunday, December 2, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (BBG) holds their annual Members’ Double Discount Days (DDD). Earlier this year, BBG opened a new Gift Shop, separate from the hard-core Garden Shop, greatly increasing their retail space. During this period, members receive 20% off all purchases in the Gift Shop, Garden Shop, or when shopping online.

One of the benefits of BBG membership, BBG members always receive a 10% discount for all purchases. For this limited time, the discount is doubled. Other benefits available to all members include free admission to the Garden and invitations to members-only events such as the annual Plant Sale Preview, an orgy of horticultural acquisitiveness. Individual memberships start at $40.

Event, Tomorrow, 11/14: Audubon Lecture with Parks Commisioner Benepe

I’m already engaged tomorrow evening, but this looks interesting:

[Parks] Commissioner [Adrian] Benepe will discuss New York City’s current period of transformation and expansion of its parks. The Department of Parks and Recreation is managing the biggest capital investment in New York City’s parks since the 1930s. Thanks to Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC initiative, Parks is receiving an additional $1.2 billion to expand active recreation and for greening initiatives. Commissioner Benepe will explain these projects and discuss their role in creating a greener, more sustainable city.
Creating a Greener NYC, NYC Audubon Events

Via Save Ridgewood Reservoir

Adrian Benepe has worked for the last 28 years protecting and enhancing New York City’s natural and historic beauty. Since his appointment as Commissioner of the Department of Parks & Recreation by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on January 25, 2002, he has focused on improving park facilities and programs for children and developing new waterfront parks and greenways.

Location: Helen Mills Theater at 137-139 West 26th Street (6th & 7th Ave)
Directions: 1, N, R, W to 28th St.; F, V to 23rd St.


New York City Audubon
Helen Mills Theater

[where: Helen Mills Theater, 137-139 West 26th Street, New York, NY, 10001]

November 12: Sustainable Flatbush Town Hall Meeting

This is listed in the sidebar Calendar, but I wanted to highlight this community meeting happening next Monday.

Sustainable Flatbush is about to enter an exciting new phase of our activities in the neighborhood, and we’d love for YOU to be involved! Please join us:

WHAT: Sustainable Flatbush Town Hall Meeting
WHEN: Monday, November 12th at 7pm
WHERE: 462 Marlborough Road (between Ditmas and Dorchester)

Longtime Flatbush resident Mark Levy has come onboard, bringing his history of commitment to the neighborhood and experience as a community organizer and environmental educator. He has also kindly offered to host this meeting at his home. Thanks Mark!

We will form committees geared toward specific activities and service projects, establish leadership roles, and set some new goals for 2008. To give you an idea of what’s in store, here are some of the proposed committees:

Focusing on recycling education and promotion, as well as other methods of reducing waste in our homes and businesses, from composting to blocking unwanted fliers.

Sharing knowledge and resources on sustainable approaches to all forms of urban gardening, from yard landscaping to street tree pits to organic farming. We will also be actively involved in the new neighborhood community garden.

Working with Transportation Alternatives and other Livable Streets advocates, we will bring a local perspective to the citywide discussion of such issues as traffic calming, congestion pricing, public transportation improvements, and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists.

Let’s talk about how to save money by using less energy in our homes and businesses, and how to incorporate alternative energy sources such as biofuels and solar power into the landscape.

Helping neighborhood businesses to adopt sustainability practices that improve their “Triple Bottom Line”: People, Planet, and Profit.

Implementing environmental education and practices in our local schools.

Hope to see you there!

November 7: CB14 Public Hearing on Land Use and Open Space

COMMUNITY BOARD 14 will hold a public hearing on Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. at the district office, 810 E. 16th St (at Avenue H). Zoning issues, tree planting, yards and open space requirements in the area will be discussed. For more information, call (718) 859-6357.

Contact info

Brooklyn Community Board 14
810 East 16th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230-3010
Phone: 718.859.6357
Fax: 718.421.6077
Email: bklcb14@optonline.net