This is 1305 Albemarle Road in the landmarked district of Prospect Park South. The ground floor alone has the square footage of our entire house. It’s the largest house in a neighborhood of huge homes. That alone qualifies it as a “monster house.”
But my favorite feature, for this post: check out the windows on the second floor balcony and dormer:
I’m out of town this week, so I’m “phoning it in”. If I was home, I would get some detail shots of the 2nd floor and dormer windows. Instead, here are a couple of other views. Visit the Flickr photo pages where you can view these images at their largest sizes and see the windows more clearly.
[where: 1305 Albemarle Road, Brooklyn, NY, 11226]
Update, 2007.11.27: The Landmarks Preservation Commission unanimously designated this building an individual landmark at their meeting on November 20.
2274 Church Avenue, former Public School 90
With all the big, spooky houses around here, you’d think it would be easy to find something to contribute to the Brooklyn bloggers’ Halloween haunted house meme. Here’s one from me.
According to the Department of Buildings Building Information System (BIS), this magnificent ruin at the corner of Church and Bedford Avenues has a range of addresses assigned to it: 2192-2210 Bedford Avenue, and 2274-2286 Church Avenue. The nominal address for their records is 2274 Church Avenue. The earliest DOB records date back to 1903.
It’s next to Erasmus Hall High School on the Bedford Avenue side. The Department of Finance classification is W-8, an educational structure. The DOB listing also notes that it’s calendared for landmark status. I found it as Item #1 for a September 18 LPC meeting [PDF], which solves part of the mystery: it was a public school:
FORMER PUBLIC SCHOOL 90, 2274 Church Avenue aka 2274-2286 Church
Avenue, 2192-2210 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn.
Landmark Site: Borough of Brooklyn Tax Map Block 5103, Lot 58
I can’t find anything about what happened at that meeting, or anything else about its landmark status. I can’t find anything about its use as a public school. Everything here is what I found from public records. Anyone know anything more about this?
Good Place for a Haunting Landmarked, November 27
[where: 2274 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, NY]
[2006.11.01 18:00 EST: Linked to The Farm.]
[2006.11.01 16:00 EST: Described t-shirt text.]
[2006.10.31 23:00 EST: Updated with photos from the rest of the evening. Mwa-ha-ha-ha!]
It was a great day. I walked to the subway through the cemetery at Trinity Church. There was a magnificent sunset. Over 330 trick-or-treaters. All candy gone. We went out to dinner at The Farm at on Adderley on Cortelyou Road, where most of the staff and many guests, including me, were in costume.
Over 33 pounds and 1,695 pieces of candy: $50 (estimated)
Wigs, makeup, ghoul teeth: $60 (approximate)
Seeing small children freeze in shock and hearing their shrieks of gleeful terror as they look up at your hideous face:
PRICELESSThe t-shirt has a drawing of a leering devil on it. The text reads: God’s busy. Can I help you?