Brooklyn Mulchfest 2009

Important updates, 2008.12.23: Good news!

  • You can drop-off trees at Greenwood Cemetery at the 5th Avenue & 25th Street Entrance from 8 am to 4:30 pm daily from January 1 thru 9, and until 2 pm on January 10. Also on January 10, from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday, a tree chipper will be on site and Master Composters from the Brooklyn Compost Project will be available to answer all your composting questions.
  • The Department of Sanitation will collect clean Christmas trees left at the curb for composting starting Monday, January 5 through Friday, January 16. As always, you must remove all lights, ornaments, and stands from your tree before setting it out at the curb for collection.

Me loading a tree onto a truck during Mulchfest 2008.
Loading the Truck

I know I just got my tree up yesterday, and it’s not even decorated yet, but it’s also time to think about where your tree will go when you’re done enjoying it.

Saturday and Sunday, January 10 & 11, 2009, from 10am to 2pm, you can bring your tree to multiple Parks locations throughout the city. This map shows all the Brooklyn locations for Mulchfest 2009. On-site chipping locations are indicated by the green tree icons. Drop-off only locations are indicated by the arrow&star icons. Be sure to first remove all lights, ornaments, decorations, tree-stands and what-not before turning your tree into mulch.

View Larger Map

This year’s locations are almost the same as last year’s. New this year is a drop-off location at the Brooklyn Bear’s Pacific Street Garden.

A few drop-off locations were lost this year, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, Shore Road Park, and Bensonhurst Park. Greenwood Cemetery, which provided extended drop-off dates last year, is not listed at all this year. And there is no curbside pickup this year. You must take your tree to one of the drop-off or chipping locations.

The closest location to Flatbush is Park Circle, at the corner of Prospect Park Southwest and Parkside Avenue. To volunteer or for more information call (718) 965-8960 or email I volunteered at last year’s Mulchfest and it was a lot of fun.

Related Posts

Other Mulchfest posts
My photos from last year’s Park Circle Mulchfest [Flickr set]


Mulchfest, Parks

Tonight, Imagine Flatbush 2030 Workshop #3

Imagine Flatbush 2030 Logo

Tonight’s Imagine Flatbush 2030 meeting will take place at 6:00 pm at the Brooklyn College Student Center, 6th Floor, at East 27th St. & Campus Road (ramp entrance near Amersfort Place).

This video, composed of images and footage from the second workshop, held at Brooklyn College back in December, provides some information on the process. If you’re curious about the man behind the blog, I make two very brief appearances, presenting issues raised in the group I was in. From 2:00-2:04, transportation is mentioned. And from 2:23-2:29, I report retail affordability as an issue: “We don’t want all of our local businesses to be replaced by chain stores.” And I think I recognize my voice as the voiceover from 3:02 to 3:13.

Imagine Flatbush 2030 from MAS on Vimeo.

If you have not sent an RSVP and are interested in attending, please contact Sideya Sherman, at the Municipal Art Society (MAS) Planning Center, 212/935-3960 or via email at

Snacks and sandwiches will be served at tonight’s workshop.

Please be advised that there will be a supervised homework room provided for school aged children. If you need to bring a child, please contact us in advance.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden, January 2008

Goldfish Under Glass, Lily Pool Terrace, BBG
Goldfish Under Glass, Lily Pool Terrace, BBG

Last Saturday, I attended a meeting of Brooklyn community gardeners at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. I arrived at BBG early so I could enjoy the solitude and wintry setting.

Rock Garden

I was hoping to find some early blooms in the Rock Garden. I didn’t, but there was still some activity there. It’s beautiful in all seasons, anyway.

Rock Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rock Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Unfortunately, I didn’t get the id tag for this guy. I think it’s a Yucca. I have some growing in my backyard, but they’re in shade and don’t have the glaucous foliage of this one.
Yucca? Rock Garden, BBG

I prefer natural light in my photography. On this day, I experimented with using an attached flash. Most of the flash shots were unsatisfactory, and didn’t reflect what I was seeing when I took the shot. I kept a couple pairs of flash and non-flash shots side-by-side for comparison.

Arum italicum, with and without flash
Arum italicum foliage, Rock Garden, BBG
Arum italicum foliage, Rock Garden, BBG

Partially frozen pond
Partially frozen pond, Rock Garden, BBG

Iced pond
Iced pond, Rock Garden, BBG

Helleborus foetidus, with and without flash
Helleborus foetidus, Rock Garden, BBG (with flash)
Helleborus foetidus, Rock Garden, BBG (without flash)

Rock pool
Rock pool, Rock Garden, BBG


At the northern end of the Rock Garden is BBG’ Witchhazel collection. Lots of action there on my visit.

Witchhazels, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' (without flash)

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane'

Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’
Hamamelis mollis 'Pallida'

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘James Wells’
Hamamelis x intermedia 'James Wells'

The Rest

From the Witchhazels, I walked along the path past the Caucasian Wingnut, cut across past the Monocot Border to the Lily Pool Terrace, then on to my meeting at BBG’s landmarked Lab/Admin Building.

Path to Oak Circle
Path to Oak Circle, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Wingnut Support
Wingnut Support

Monocot Border
Monocot Border, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

BBG Lab & Admin Building
BBG Lab & Admin Building

Lily Pool Terrace
Lily Pool Terrace, BBG

Fountain and Palm House, BBG

Clinton Hill Blogade

Updated 2008.01.21: Added links to participants’ reports

The Clinton Hill Blogade, by Luke (missing from photo)
Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Today I attended the Clinton Hill Blogade, an ongoing series of more-or-less monthly meetups of Brooklyn bloggers. 17 people attended today’s event. A good turnout, considering the windchill was in the teens today.

Robin Lester of Clinton Hill Blog, Lesterhead and Flickr, hosted and coordinated today’s event at Frank White Cafe on Atlantic Avenue.

The next Blogade will be February 10 in Carroll Gardens/Cobble Hill, hosted by Eleanor Traubman of Creative Times.


Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Frank White Cafe

Frank White Cafe, 936 Atlantic Avenue, Clinton Hill, Brooklyn

Frank White Cafe

Clinton Hill Blogade, January 2008

Frank White Cafe

Tempus Fugit

Related Posts

Flickr set


Brit in Brooklyn
Brooklyn Optimist
Clinton Hill Blog
Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Reclaimed Home

Monday, January 21: MLK @ BBG

This Monday, January 21, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is hosting their Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration:

Celebrate the spirit of Dr. King at BBG! Join us for this touching and beautiful performance of spirituals featuring the Great Day Chorale, led by founder and director Louvinia Pointer. Performances are at 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Plant lovers can enjoy a special tour at 1 p.m. highlighting the plants of Africa and the Caribbean in the Steinhardt Conservatory.

Admission to the gardens is free for non-members on weekdays through February.

Sunday, January 20: Blogade in Clinton Hill

The next Brooklyn Blogade will be in just under two weeks, on Sunday, January 20, in Clinton Hill, hosted by lesterhead of Clinton Hill Blog.

WHEN: Sunday, January 20, starting at 11am

WHERE: Frank White Cafe + Gallery
936 Atlantic Ave (at St. James) [GMAP]
C, G to Clinton-Washington
C, S to Franklin Avenue

MENU: hot waffles. fresh toppings.

RSVP: clintonhillblog-at-gmail-dot-com

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My Blogade posts


January Brooklyn Blogade: Clinton Hill!
Frank White Cafe + Gallery

Park Circle Mulchfest 2008: Sunday, January 6

219 trees were chipped at this location on Saturday, 564 on Sunday. The two-day total was 783. Not bad for the first time at this location.

I left Saturday about 12:45pm, so I didn’t get to see how the rest of the day went. When I arrived Sunday morning, there was already a full corral of trees waiting to be chipped. I don’t know how many of them were left over from Saturday. It’s likely that many of them were dropped off overnight.
Sunday Begins

There was a much bigger turnout of volunteers today than yesterday. It took a while for everyone to get signed in this morning.
Volunteer Registration

It’s a good thing we had all the volunteers on hand. There were several large truckloads delivered during the day.
Offloading another Truckload of Trees
Offloading Another Truckload of Trees

As expected, many more people brought their trees today rather than yesterday. There was a pretty regular stream of arrivals. Most of the folks brought their trees by car, but they also walked, as this couple did, wheeled their trees in laundry and shopping baskets, and even biked them in.
Bringing the Tree

The chipper didn’t operate constantly all day. We’d build up a large batch of trees, then the Parks staff would crank up the chipper and polish off the pile quickly. When the timing was right, and the chipper was active, folks dropping off their tree got to watch their very own tree getting chipped.
Saying Goodbye to the Tree

In the interest of photos of garden bloggers, here’s an action shot of me bringing a tree from curbside to a Parks pickup truck. It’s not in my garden, but it’s somewhat gardening-related. Several of the Parks staff and some of the volunteers addressed me as “Santa”.
Loading the Truck
Loading the Truck
Loading the Truck

Guardian of the Tools
Guarding the Tools

Related Posts

My Mulchfest posts
Park Circle Mulchest 2008 [Flickr set]


Mulchfest 2008, Parks

Park Circle Mulchfest 2008: Saturday, January 5

Update 2008.01.06: I’ve added a post with photos from today.

Trees check in, they don’t check out.
Tree Corral
Today I volunteered for the city-wide Mulchfest at the Park Circle location. I had a great time, and I’m going back tomorrow.

The 3rd Street entrance to Prospect Park has been the focus of past years, and it was this year as well. By 11am, we heard that they had already handled over 300 trees. All the media were there, as well as the Parks Commissioner.

This is the first year that chipping is being done on-site at Park Circle. It was slow to start at 10am, but the pace picked up during the morning, and by the time I left around 12:30pm, I estimate at least 200 trees had been chipped and shredded, with more arriving every few minutes. Parks trucks went out with staff and volunteers to cruise the streets in the area for trees left for curbside pickup. They brought those back to park Circle for chipping. That was the source for most of the trees, though we had several drop-offs as well.

Because today was Three Kings Day, many people in the area of Park Circle had not yet taken down their trees. Tomorrow should be even busier.

Assembly Line

The chipper empties into the back of a specialized dump-van/track. A couple of times during the day, the truck backs up and dumps out a huge pile of mulched Christmas trees.

MorBark Action Shot

The mulch is available for residents to come by and pick up. I got four big bags of it to use in my backyard. Parks staff and volunteers also moved the mulch to mulch trees around Park Circle. We’ll be doing more of that tomorrow, as well.

Finished Mulch Dump Action Shot

Two of the volunteers at Park Circle were from the radio station Hot97. They sent a small crew over from 3rd Street to Park Circle. I think they interviewed everyone there, including me. So sometime in the next week there will be a very brief (about 10 seconds) video of me on their Web site.

Thank You Very Mulch!
Thank You Very Mulch!

Related Posts

My Mulchfest posts
Park Circle Mulchest 2008 [Flickr set]


Mulchfest 2008, Parks
HOT 97 at Mulchfest 2008

Post-Holiday (r)E-Cycling This Weekend

This weekend, Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6, from 1-5pm, you can drop-off electronic equipment for recycling at 462 Marlborough Road, Flatbush, Brooklyn. [GMAP] [MapQuest] The closest subway stations are the Cortelyou Road and Newkirk Avenue stops on the Q train. However, note that this weekend the Manhattan-bound Q train is running express (Newkirk and Church Avenue stops) from Kings Highway to Prospect Park.

This event is sponsored by Sustainable Flatbush, the Lower East Side Ecology Center and Flatbush Development Corporation. For details and more information, see Sustainable Flatbush Post-Holiday Recycling.

Brooklyn Mulchfest 2008: Locations and Dates

Update 2008.01.06: I’ve added a post with photos from today.
Update 2008.01.05: I have photos from my stint at Park Circle today.
Update 2008.01.04: I will be volunteering at the Park Circle location Saturday and Sunday for as long as I can hold out. Hope to see some of you there!

Mulchfest 2008 is on! You can drop-off trees at Greenwood Cemetery, 25th Street and 5th Avenue, starting today through January 11, any time between 8am and 4:30pm. Starting this Thursday, January 3 through Wednesday, January 16, you can leave trees curbside for pickup. Be sure to first remove all lights, ornaments, decorations, tree-stands and what-not before turning your tree into mulch.

The big event is this weekend. This Saturday and Sunday, January 5 & 6, from 10am to 2pm, you can bring your tree to multiple Parks locations throughout the city. This map shows all the Brooklyn locations for Mulchfest 2008. On-site chipping locations are indicated by the green tree icons. Drop-off only locations are indicated by the arrow&star icons.

View Larger Map

OTBKB reports reports that volunteers are needed for the Prospect Park locations. This seems like a good way to get out this weekend, meet some neighbors, and benefit your parks and community. To volunteer or for more information call (718) 965-8960 or email

Starting today, January 1 through January 11, you can drop-off trees at Greenwood Cemetery, 25th Street and 5th Avenue, any time between 8am and 4:30pm.

Starting this Thursday, January 3 through Wednesday, January 16, you can leave trees curbside for pickup.

This Saturday and Sunday, January 5 & 6: 10am to 2pm, multiple locations.

Saturday, January 12: Chipping at Greenwood Cemetery, 25th Street and 5th Avenue.


MulchFest 2008