Flatbush Rezoning Proposal

Update, 2008.06.13: Read my report from the preliminary hearing.

457 Rugby Road, Ditmas Park West, Flatbush, Brooklyn
457 Rugby Road, Ditmas Park West

This was just a bullet in my listing of upcoming local events earlier this week. CB14 has scheduled a preliminary public hearing of DCP’s proposed zoning changes for the northern half of CB14, ie: Flatbush, for Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 7pm at Public School 249 at the corner of Caton Avenue and Marlborough Road.

CB14 just released additional information about the study area:

Brooklyn Community Board 14 has scheduled a preliminary public hearing to receive public input in the matter of the New York City Department of City Planning’s Flatbush Neighborhood Study proposes to make certain changes to the zoning map in the Flatbush section of Community District 14, which includes Coney Island Avenue to the west, Caton Avenue/Parkside Avenue/Clarkson Avenue to the north, Bedford Avenue/Nostrand Avenue/East 32nd Street to the east, and the LIRR tracks to the south.

I’ve sketched a preliminary map of the study area based on this description and the boundaries of CB14.

View Larger Map

At the hearing, the Department of City Planning will make a presentation on the changes currently under consideration. Following this preliminary public hearing, the Department of City Planning will submit a formal zoning map amendment for certification under the City’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP). After which, Community Board 14 will hold a final public hearing to receive comment on the application.

DCP won’t publish maps or other details until their formal submission of the proposal to the ULURP process. Here’s what I know abut the latest draft of the proposal:

  • My neighborhood of Beverley Square West would be largely rezoned from its current R3-2 and R6 to R3X.
  • Ditmas Park West would be rezoned from R3-2 and R6 to R4A.

DCP’s justification for the R4A designation is that a larger percentage of existing structures within DPW would comply with R4A than R3X. Residents of DPW have started on online petition to call for the R3X designation instead:

We, the residents of Ditmas Park West and its environs, petition the City Planning Commission to adopt the R-3X designation as they consider rezoning. This would allow only one and two family detached homes and limit the floor-area-ratio to 50 percent. We feel this is the ideal designation to preserve our neighborhood as built.

I agree. I signed the petition with the following comment:

R-3X more accurately reflects the built environment of Ditmas Park
West (DPW) than either the existing R3-2 or the proposed R4-A. It
would also be consistent with the R3-X proposed for Beverley Square
West, where I live, which lies immediately north of DPW on the other
side of Cortelyou Road.

I believe that DCP’s measure of “compliance” is based largely on lot widths and existing expansions of homes, even if those expansions were not done in compliance with the zoning already in effect. In addition, with the Yards Text Amendment, the difference in zoning between R3 and R4 will have impacts not just on housing construction but on open space between buildings and the streetscape, properties which define neighborhood character at least as much as the homes themselves.

If you would like to speak at the public hearing, you may pre-register for time by calling the District office at 718-859-6357. You may, in addition, register at the hearing on the evening of June 12th.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to call the Community Board 14 District office at 718-859-6357.

Related content

City Planning Commission Unanimously Approves Green Initiatives, April 2, 2008
Victorian Flatbush at risk from inappropriate zoning, October, 2007


There’s an article in Flatbush Life, but the new Your Nabe Web site is not making it available. Boycott all Murdoch media.
Flatbush Rezoning Push Not Sitting Well With Some Locals, Brownstoner, May 23, 2008
Rezoning Victorian Flatbush, Ditmas Park Blog, May 21, 2008

Forbes discovers foodies

The story comes out of Associated Press, but I came across it first on Forbes:

High prices at the pump and the produce aisle have sent home gardeners into their yards with a mission: Grow-it-yourself dining. Sales of vegetable seeds, tomato transplants and fruit trees are soaring as enterprising planters grow their own food.
As economy stumbles, gardeners turn to yard-grown produce, Ellen Simon, AP

One of Brooklyn’s own gets a quote:

GRDN, a shop in the New York City borough of Brooklyn [specifically, Boerum Hill], is getting a lot of questions about which edible plants can be grown on a fire escape, said staffer Cindy Birkhead. “There’s lots of interest in herbs, blueberry bushes, tomato plants, any transplants or shrubs that bear edible fruit.”

Upcoming local events

It’s a busy season for tours and such. Here is a highly selective (ie: things I would go to, if I have the time and/or my schedule permits) list of (mostly) local events. Details for all these as I know them are in my Google Calendar in the sidebar.

  • Wednesday, May 21, 6pm, Prospect Park Audubon Center: Bee Watchers 2008 Orientation
  • Thursday, May 22, 3pm: Cortelyou Road Streetscape Project Ribbon Cutting & Opening Ceremony
  • Sunday, June 1, 12noon: Prospect Lefferts Gardens House Tour
  • Saturday, June 7 and Sunday, June 8: The 1st Annual Flatbush Artists Studio Tour (FAST)
  • Sunday, June 8, 11am: Brownstone Brooklyn Garden Walk (not Flatbush, but not to be missed if you’re interested in urban gardens and gardening)
  • Sunday, June 8, 1pm: Victorian Flatbush House Tour
  • Thursday, June 12, 7pm: City Planning Commission presents proposed zoning changes for Victorian Flatbush (northern half of CB14)
  • Saturday, June 21, 11am: Newkirk Avenue Block Party

I am always on the lookout for opportunities to visit and promote gardens in Brooklyn. If you are organizing or know of any garden walks or tours in Brooklyn and would like me to publicize it, please email me the details. My email address is in my profile, available in the sidebar.

The Bluebell Wood at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

The Bluebell Wood at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden as it appeared last Thursday, May 15th, 2008.
Bluebell Wood, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

One of the things that great public gardens offer is large-scale displays of which gardeners of more modest means, and space, can only dream. The Bluebell Wood at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is one such display:

More than 45,000 bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica ‘Excelsior’) are planted under a mature stand of oak, birch, and beech trees just south of Cherry Esplanade. In May, the bluebells burst into flower and create an enchanting woodland display.

I’d also like to know how much area they cover. It feels like an acre, but it’s probably “only” a quarter-acre. City gardeners don’t get much sense of garden space measured in acres. We’re usually dealing with space on the order of square feet.

These photos show how it looked last Thursday, when I also took the photos of the Osborne Garden. I don’t know how long this show lasts. I’ll be back there Wednesday evening for the start of my Pest Management class and see how it’s holding up.

The path in the photo above and immediately below leads to the meandering Cherry Walk and the two western entrances to the Japanese Garden.
Bluebell Wood, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

This path leads from the formal fountain and roses – part of the Cranford Rose Garden – at the foot of the Cherry Esplanade.
Bluebell Wood, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Photos don’t do it justice. It’s hard to capture and adjust for the blue and light filtering through the trees. Morning or mid-day would probably be a better time for this than evening, when I visited.

Bluebell Wood, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Bluebell Wood, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Earlier in the Spring, it really doesn’t look like much at all.
Bluebell Wood

Related Content

The Osborne Garden and Shade Garden at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, May 16, 2008
My photos of BBG’s Bluebell Wood


The Bluebell Wood, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

The Osborne Garden and Shade Garden at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Wisteria and Azaleas blooming in the Osborne Garden of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

There are some stunning vistas to be had right now at the Osborne Garden of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. The Wisteria on the arbors and the azaleas bordering the central lawn are both in full bloom.

Wisteria, Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

There’s also a sizable yet nearly hidden area of shade gardens. Right now, these are dominated by the flash of the Azaleas and Rhododendrons in bloom.

Entrance to the shade gardens of the Osborne Garden

Rhododendrons and Azaleas, Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rhododendrons and Azaleas, Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rhododendrons and Azaleas, Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

But the long shady borders have their own attractions, and provide lots of ideas for sun-challenged urban gardeners. Granted, this is “ideal” shade: a high canopy of shade provided by widely spaced trees with little competition from roots. Still, I’m getting some ideas for the shady border on the north side of my house.

Shade gardens, Osborne Garden

Shade Gardens, Osborne Garden

Shade gardens, Osborne Garden, BBG

I really like this Saruma, in the Ginger family. I saw one on the Brownstone Brooklyn Garden Walk last year. I never imagined drifts of it as I saw yesterday evening.

Saruma henryi
Saruma henryi
Detail, Saruma henryi

This is Chrysogonum virginianum “Pierre”. I’ve got the “Allen Bush” cultivar blooming in the native plant garden in my backyard right now.
Chrysogonum virginianum "Pierre"

Last night was the last session of my Botany class, the first of eight courses I need to complete to receive a Certificate in Horticulture from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. I start Pest Management next week, and Woody Plant Identification after that. Expect more periodic, if irregular, updates of the garden as I get to witness and record its changes every week through the summer.

Related Posts

The Osborne Garden, April 6, 2008


Osborne Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Garden Blogging Bloom Day, May 2008

2012-01-14: Corrected ID of Bearded Iris ‘Gracchus’, which I had incorrectly id’d as I. neglecta.

Part of my backyard native plant garden.
Part of the Native Plant Garden

It’s Garden Blogging Bloom Day, the 15th of the month, when garden bloggers all over the world report on what’s blooming in their gardens.

I’ve organized this by the four gardens, one for each side of the house: the native plant garden in the backyard, the shady and sunny borders on the north and south, and the heirloom garden in the front yard. The heirloom bulbs in the front yard are nearly done; just one Tulip lingers on. The wildflowers in the native plant garden have most of the action right now.

This is my first report for Garden Blogging Bloom Day. I didn’t get to take any shots specifically for this post. I’ve uploaded an added what I have. If there’s something in particular you’re curious to see, let me know in a comment.

Native Plant Garden

Wildflowers in the native plant garden
Wildflowers in the Native Plant Garden

In alphabetical order by botanical name.

  • Amsonia tabernaemontana, Eastern Bluestar
  • Aquilegia canadensis, Eastern Columbine
  • Chrysogonum virginianum “Allen Bush”, Green & Gold
  • Dicentra eximia “Aurora”, white-flowering Eastern Bleeding Heart
  • Iris setosa canadensis
  • Lonicera sempervirens, Trumpet Honeysuckle
  • Phlox stolonifera “Sherwood Purple”, Creeping Phlox
  • Stylophorum diphyllum, Celandine or Woodland Poppy
  • Tiarella “Running Tapestry”
  • Viola, white-flowering, unidentified species, possibly Viola striata, Creamy Violet
  • Zizia aurea, golden zizia

Iris setosa canadensis
Iris setosa canadensisIris setosa canadensisIris setosa canadensis

Lonicera sempervirens
Detail, Lonicera sempervirens

Here’s the unknown violet. I think it’s Viola striata, Creamy Violet. Any ids?
Violet, unknown white-flowering species

Zizia aurea
Zizia aurea

Shady Border

  • Corydalis cheilanthifolia
  • Corydalis “Berry Exciting”
  • Epimedium x versicolor “Sulphureum”, Barrenwort
  • Rodgersia podophylla? This has a tall, 3-foot spike on it, and it’s still only in bud.

Epimedium x versicolor “Sulphureum”, Barrenwort
Epimedium x versicolor "Sulphureum"

Sunny Border

Part of the sunny/long border
Part of the Sunny Border

  • Geranium macrorrhizum, another pass-along.
  • Geranium macrorrhizum “Variegatum”
  • Bearded Iris “Dee’s Purple.” Not a real cultivar name, just what I call it. It’s a tall, purple Beared Iris, a pass-along I got from Blog Widow John’s mother’s (Dee) house in upstate New York after she died several years ago.
  • Tradescantia, Spiderwort, a pass-along I got from a neighbor

Geranium macrorrhizum
Detail, Geranium macrorrhizum

Iris “Dee’s Purple”
Iris "Dee's Purple"

Heirloom Garden

  • Heirloom Bearded Iris ‘Gracchus’, introduced 1884
  • Tulip “Clara Butt” (Heirloom, 1880)
  • The Tree Peony just finished up a few days ago.

Heirloom Bearded Iris ‘Gracchus’, introduced 1884
Iris neglecta

Related content

Flickr photo set
Growing a Native Plant Garden in a Flatbush Backyard, August 6, 2007

Native Plant Profiles

Aquilegia canadensis, Eastern Red Columbine, May 2006
Dicentra eximia, Bleeding-heart, May 2006


GBBD, May 2008, May Dreams Gardens

No news is not good news: Courier-Life Publications Web sites displaced

Earlier this afternoon, Brooklyn Junction noticed that the Web site for Flatbush Life was down:

No one ever accused www.flatbushlife.com of being the most regularly updated website in the world. Coming from me, that doesn’t mean much these days. But gone? Say it ain’t so.

At first, the Flatbush Life Web site was responding with “404 – Not Found.” Shortly after, it was redirecting to an unfamiliar Web site: YourNabe.com. I contacted the Webmaster for courierlife.net and got this response:

www.flatbushlife.com [is] redirecting to the newly-designed www.yournabe.com. www.YourNabe.com combines the newspapers of the Courier Life publications, Times Ledger publications, and Bronx Times/ Times Reporter.

The YourNabe.com domain is owned by Courier-Life’s parent company, News Community Newspapers Holdings, Inc. Within YourNabe, there are sections for different neighborhoods. For example, the new URL for Flatbush Life is http://www.yournabe.com/flatbush/front/.

All Web sites for Courier-Life Publications‘ Brooklyn neighborhood newspapers are affected by this change:

  • Bay News
  • Bay Ridge Courier
  • Brooklyn Graphic
  • Canarsie Digest
  • Flatbush Life
  • Kings Courier
  • Park Slope Courier
  • Brooklyn Heights Courier
  • Carroll Gardens / Cobble Hill Courier
  • Fort Greene / Clinton Hill Courier

Local ecotypes available from Oak Grove Farms at Union Square Greenmarket

Handing out shopping bags at the NYC Wildflower Week table at Union Square.
Handing out bags

First thing last Saturday, May 3, I went to Union Square in Manhattan to attend the kickoff of NYC Wildflower Week. There was a table where volunteers and Parks staff handed out tote bags with information about native plants. I didn’t get to stick around for the tours of the native plant garden in Union Square Park. The highlights for me were meeting Marielle Anzelone, Parks Ecologist, and the opportunity to acquire local ecotypes of six native plant species from Oak Grove Farms (changed to Nature’s Healing Farm), one of the Greenmarket vendors:

  • Eupatorium maculatum, Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
  • Helenium autumnale, Sneezeweed
  • Monarda fistulosa, Wild Bergamot
  • Panicum virgatum, Switch Grass
  • Penstemon digitalis, Tall White Beardtongue
  • Pycnanthemum virginianum, Mountain Mint

Local ecotype native plants for sale at Oak Grove Farms’ Greenmarket stand
Native Plants at Oak Grove Farms

What’s “native”?

A native plant species is one which grows naturally without human intervention. “Native” is both broad and relative. Native to where? And to what habitat? What ecosystem? Native to North America? The eastern United States? The Mid-Atlantic or New England? Is it native to New York City? To Brooklyn (Kings County)? Are they native to the “wooded plains” from which “Flatbush” got its name?

Most native plants commercially available, especially at the retail level, are selections or cultivars of species. Selecting for more compact forms is common, but selections are made for many reasons: the color of flowers, fruits or fall foliage, for example. In other words, they’ve been selected for their horticultural rather than ecological value.

What’s a “local ecotype”?

Within a species, an ecotype is a genetically unique population that is adapted to its local environment [Wikipedia]. A local ecotype is propagated from local natural populations. In this case, the plants have been propagated by the Staten Island Greenbelt from natural populations of each species occurring in or around New York City.

Local ecotypes are not just geographically distributed. Other important factors are differences in moisture, exposure to sun or shade, extremes of winter or summer temperatures and humidity, and so on. Ecotypes may also differ along these ecological gradients.

Why grow native plants?

In the United States, native plants are enjoying a resurgence in interest and popularity. For the gardener, making choices about native plants comes down to examining and expressing one’s reasons for wanting to grow native plants in the garden.

Growing native plants feeds my curiosity about and interest in the natural world. It’s a way for me to converse with the genius loci, the spirit of the place, where I garden. Most of all, I hope to provide food and shelter for native wildlife, especially birds and insects.

The native plant garden I’m developing in my backyard has a wide range of “native” plants. Many of them are selections and cultivars; some of these, such as a variegated pokeweed, would never persist in the wild. Others are not native to New York City, or even New York state, but to larger ecological provinces such as New England or the Mid-Atlantic Coast.

From growing native selections and cultivars over more than 20 decades, I’ve learned from experience that wildlife value is often reduced or even lost when native plants are selected for their horticultural merits. I’ve grown several different cultivars of Lonicera sempervirens, the native (and non-invasive) trumpet honeysuckle. Hummingbirds have shown little interest in any of them; they may be drawn to my garden by the shape and color of my honeysuckle’s flowers, but they feed on other nearby plants, if they stay at all.

Which is why I’ve always sought local ecotypes of native plants. Unknown millenia of co-evolution with local conditions and other species is encoded in their genetic material. If I want to garden for wildlife, I can do no better than attempt to recreate a microcosm of the natural world where I garden.

Oak Grove Farms

Note: Name changed to Nature’s Healing Farm

Oak Grove Farms Greenmarket stand at the northwest corner of the Saturday Union Square Greenmarket, Broadway and West 17th Street.
Oak Grove Farms, Union Square Greenmarket

Oak Grove Farms, from Clinton Corners in upstate New York, is one of the founding members of the Greenmarket in New York City.

Oak Grove Farms is a family owned and operated nursery in the Hudson Valley. It was started by Lenore & Herman Carvalho as Carvalho Greenhouses over 30 years ago! Their son Tony joined them almost as soon as he could walk and carry a hose.

The farm was renamed Oak Grove Farms about 10 years ago, after the Carvalho name sake: Carvalho means Oak in Portuguese …

Herman and Lenore, are ready to retire now, so Tony, and his new wife, Andrea are picking up the reins. Together they hope to expand, the nursery into a real organic farm, with animals and crops!
About, Oak Grove Farms


A final note: never remove plants from the wild. This is poaching.

Ask your sources how they obtain their plants. Early in my urban gardening, I ordered some plants for the wildflower section of the East Village garden. When they arrived, they clearly had been collected from the wild. Removed from their natural habitat to garden conditions, several of them didn’t survive the first year. I might as well have planted cut flowers. I’ve regretted those purchases ever since.

Find and support nurseries and growers that are propagating and growing their own plants. That’s the best way we can increase the demand for ethically-propagated native plants, foster their availability from commercial sources, and protect them in the wild.


Native Plant Database, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
PLANTS Database (Native and Introduced), U.S. Department of Agriculture

Related content

Other posts on native plants
My photos of the Native Flora Garden at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden


Natural Resources Group, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
NYC Wildflower Week
Oak Grove Farms
Staten Island Greenbelt
Torrey Botanical Society
Marielle Anzelone
Urban Habitats, Volume 5, May 2008: What is Local?

Blogfest 2008 Coverage

Here’s a list of posts and articles about the 2008 Blogfest from those attending.

Brooklyn Streets, Carroll Gardens
Brooklyn Optimist
Brooklyn Skeptic
City by Storm
Creative Times
Flatbush Pigeon
Gowanus Lounge
Jaki Levy
Lost in the Ozone
Luna Park Gazette
New York Shitty
NY Daily News
Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Prospect: A Year in the Park
Reclaimed Home
The Road to Nowhere
Sustainable Flatbush
Urban Seashell
WNBC, Angela Freeburg reporting

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The Brooklyn Blogfest 2008

The Brooklyn Blogfest 2008

My view of last night’s Blogfest attendees when I took the stage to talk about the Brooklyn Blogade.
View from the stage

Last night I attended the third annual Brooklyn Blogfest. I spoke briefly about the Brooklyn Blogade (about which there will be more in another post later today) at the end of a lineup of illustrious Brooklyn bloggers.

Blogfest Placard

I estimate about 165 people attended. There were 210-220 chairs on the floor of the auditorium; they were mostly filled, but it was not a packed house. I helped collect the donations at the door and kept a tally of everyone who paid; we only had three $0 donations. We had about 130-140 people at the door. That does not include staff, sponsors or media, who comprised an additional 30 or so.

Brooklyn LyceumChairsAssembled

Four Mikes
Four Mikes

Pre-show Briefing
Pre-Show Briefing

I didn’t get any shots of the speakers, since I was still busy staffing the table during the event. I got a couple shots of the shout-out, where bloggers get to introduce themselves and their blogs, and the after-show party.

The Shout-out

Blogger Shout-outLine-up for the Shout-out

After-show party
After-show party
After-show Party
After-show Party

Cupcakes from Red Mango Bakery
Detail, Cupcakes

Beers, lots and lots of beers, provided by outside.in

My official “Staff” badge for the event. Anne Pope of Sustainable Flatbush made up all our name tags. Her strategy was to make the name – Xris – larger than the blog name – Flatbush Gardener – so that people would have to actually come up to you to find out what your blog was.

Related Content

Flickr photo set


See Blogfest 20008 Coverage