2008 Western North Carolina Orchid Show and Sale, Part 2

Continued from Part 1.

Thwaitesara ‘Angel Sound’
Thwaitesara 'Angel Sound'

Here’s the second round of photos from yesterday’s visit to the 2008 Western North Carolina Orchid Show at the North Carolina Arboretum. There are the flower portraits, the closeups and other details, of the stars of the show.

I’m ignorant of orchids. I tried to take photos of labels so I could identify the flowers later. But the labels weren’t always so obviously associated with the plants. I transcribed the names as best I could. So take any names provided here with heaping teaspoons of salt.

Unknown Moth Orchid
Unknown Moth Orchid

Some kind of ladyslipper
Unknown Beauty

Pharg. ‘Ashley Wilkes’
Pharg. 'Ashley Wilkes'

Detail, Flower Arrangement
Detail, Flower Arrangement

Another unknown beauty, perhaps a Cattleya relative?
Unknown Beauty

Moth Orchid, Dtps. ‘Elmore’s Pink Silk’
Dtps. 'Elmore's Pink Silk'

These little guys look just like Turkish dervish dancers to me
Turkish Dancers

The name on the label was Paph. JulisRothschildianum ‘Eureka’ x Lowii ‘Princehouse’ AM/AOS. I guess this is a hybrid of two “Paph.” (Paphiopedalum?) varieties. Anyone want to translate?
Paph. JulisRothschildianum 'Eureka' x Lowii 'Princehouse' AM/AOS

I’ll close out with two detailed portraits of two amazing orchids.

This is a detail of Phrag. caudatum, some kind of ladyslipper orchid.
Phrag. caudatum

That’s beautiful enough. But check out the lateral petals. They’ve evolved into straps hanging down over 18″ on each side of the bloom.
Phrag. caudatum

Here’s a view of the entire plant. I can’t imagine how one would even transport such a thing
Phrag. caudatum

It’s a little hard to pick out from the mass of foliage surrounding it, but the hanging basket (seated, in this setting) in the center of the photo contains a specimen of Chamaengis harotiana. You can see this won First Place in something.
Chamaengis harotiana

It doesn’t look like much at first glance. Let’s take a closer look.
Chamaengis harotiana

Hard to appreciate it, so I put my fingertip in the photo for scale. Ten of those flowers could fit on my fingernail.
Chamaengis harotiana

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2008 Western North Carolina Orchid Show and Sale, Part 1

2008 Western North Carolina Orchid Show and Sale, Part 1

Display Room of the Western North Carolina Orchid Show in the Education Center of the North Carolina Arboretum
Western North Carolina Orchid Show

This morning I attended the second day of the 2008 Western North Carolina Orchid Show and Sale at the North Carolina Arboretum. Although I’ve gardened outdoors for many years, I cannot keep a houseplant alive. I certainly haven’t ventured into the Orchid world. My experience of an event like this is much like how I describe myself going to Sunday services: like a dog in church. I enjoy the sights and scents for their own sake, and have no interest in tapping into the deeper religion of the event.

So here is my report from today’s visit, emphasizing the visual experience, which was more than satisfying to this orchid-ignorant gardener. This first part gives the overview and most of the exhibits. When I get home I’ll be able to filter through the flower portraits for Part 2.

Western North Carolina Orchid Show

The event was sponsored by the Western North Carolina Orchid Society (WNCOS). The event was held in the Education Building of the North Carolina Arboretum. Specimens from WNCOS members occupied the central display. All of these photos are from the members exhibit, taken from different vantage points around the room.

Western North Carolina Orchid Show

Western North Carolina Orchid Show

Western North Carolina Orchid Show

Western North Carolina Orchid Show

Western North Carolina Orchid Show

Displays from vendors and other orchid societies covered the perimeter of the room. The vendors tables themselves occupied two other rooms.

Carolina Orchids
Carolina Orchids Display

South Carolina Orchid Society Display
South Carolina Orchid Society Display

Ironwood Estates Orchids Display
Ironwood Estates Orchids Display

Marble Branch Farms Displays
Marble Branch Farms Displays

Elmore Orchids Display
Elmore Orchids Display

Orchidview Orchids Display
Orchidview Orchids Display

Carter & Holmes Display
Carter & Holmes Display

One thing that struck me – and I wonder if others have the same impression – is that orchid society seems to be disproportionately male. If one were to judge the demographics of gardeners by that of its bloggers, one might come up with a distribution like this:

  • 70% women
  • 30% men
    • 15% straight
    • 15%gay

It’s hard to say what the breakdown would be at today’s event. Men seemed to be in the majority, at least while I was there. As for the rest of it, I would not presume to infer. I’ll just say that the orchids weren’t the only eye-candy on hand today.


Program and Exhibitors for the 2008 WNC Orchid Show and Sale [PDF]
North Carolina Arboretum
Western North Carolina Orchid Society (WNCOS) [Note: The site was completely unavailable when I wrote this post.]