1911 New York Dock Company Lithograph

Greetings, visitors from Maritime NY Cultural Resources. If you find this post interesting, you may also want to check out my other posts about Red Hook.

I’ve notified Community View that at least one of my photos, Pier 41, has been copied to and is being used without attribution on the same page. This is a violation of the Creative Commons under which I make my photos available. If you are the author of the page, please remove the copies, link to the photo page instead, and provide correct attribution. If you know the author of the page, please let them know about this situation.

[Updated 2007.04.14 22:40 EDT: Mystery building identified!]

1911 Lithograph of the New York Dock Company holdings on the Brooklyn Waterfront
New York Dock Company lithograph, full frame, Circa 1911

This is one of the items we found in the basement of our house after we bought it. I’m calling it a “lithograph” just because I don’t know what else to call it. It’s in poor condition, as you can see from the closeups. I wanted to photograph it and share it in case others know more about what this is. Here’s a contemporary view from roughly the same perspective using Google Earth.

New York Dock Company, Red Hook

It provides an interesting snapshot of the working Brooklyn waterfront owned and operated by the New York Dock Company early in the 20th Century. It ranged from East Red Hook, Atlantic Basin and Columbia Waterfront, North to Brooklyn Heights and Fulton Ferry.

Downtown Manhattan.
Detail, Downtown Manhattan, New York Dock Company lithograph, Circa 1911

Mystery: I don’t recognize the tallest tower here. My first thought was that it was the Woolworth Building. However, the details and colors of this tower are nothing like the Woolworth.

Update: Josh Jackson of Built Environment Blog identified it as the Singer Building, which was the tallest building in the world for a few years, from 1906 to 1908. It looks like it was a magnificent building. It was demolished in 1968 for One Liberty Plaza.

The Woolworth Building opened in 1913 and was the tallest building in the world until 1930. If this view was of that time, it should be visible here. It’s not, so that places this image before 1913, consistent with the copyright notice of 1911 in the applied label at the lower right.

Copyright 1911, by New York Dock Company

The label reads:

Bird’s Eye View
of Property of
New York Dock Company
““The Premier Warehouses and Terminal””
New York, U.S.A.

Copyright 1911, by
New York Dock Company

Some details of the waterfront from South to North.

East Red Hook
Detail, East Red Hook

Atlantic Basin
Atlantic Basin

Columbia Waterfront
Detail, Columbia Waterfront, New York Dock Company lithrograph, Circa 1911
Columbia Waterfront, New York Dock Company lithograph, Circa 1911

Columbia Waterfront to Brooklyn Heights
Columbia Waterfront to Brooklyn Heights, New York Dock Company lithograph, 1911

There are some nice details of New York harbor as well.

Statue of Liberty. You can really see the condition problems here.
Statue of Liberty, New York Dock Company lithograph, Circa 1911

Ellis Island
Ellis Island and New York Harbor, New York Dock Company lithograph, Circa 1911

Governor’s Island
Detail, Governor's Island, New York Dock Company lithograph, Circa 1911

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Flickr photo set

Other Gardens: Red Hook’s Summit Street Community Garden

[2007.04.05: Corrected some typos.]
[2007.04.02 21:00: Updated with my notes from Saturday’s visit.]

Locations of Gowanus Nursery (red outline) and nearby Community Gardens (labelled light green areas) in Red Hook
Location of Gowanus Nursery and Community Gardens in Red Hook

A pleasant discovery when I visited Gowanus Nursery on Saturday is that there are three community gardens within one block of each other:

  • Summit Street Community Garden, at the corner of Summit Street and Columbia Street
  • Backyard Garden, at the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Van Brunt Street
  • Amazing Garden, at the corner of Carroll Street and Columbia Street

I was able to visit the first two gardens before and after, respectively, I visited Gowanus Nursery. This post is about the Summit Street garden. I’ll have another for the Backyard Garden.

Let me walk you around the garden, roughly in the order I experienced it.

The garden is surrounded by a simple and attractive green steel fence. A really nice inviting feature is the round, head-sized hole interrupting the vertical bars in the gates. Yes, I tested them; they really are head-sized. You can stick your head through and look around inside without the bars in the way. It’s a simple touch, a grace note, but it says, to me, at least: Sorry we weren’t here when you were. Please come back again.

Entrance Gate
Entrance Gate, Summit Street Community Garden, Red Hook

But the gates were open when I got there. Just inside the gates is a dry-laid bluestone landing area, with dry-laid brick paths guiding you forward. The walls of the adjacent buildings ahead of you are at the North side of the garden. We’ll see the border there in a bit.

Entrance Path
Entrance Path, Summit Street Community Garden

I got to meet and speak with two of the gardeners, Kevin King and Claire Merlino. They explained that all the brick and stone used in the garden came from the buildings which used to stand here.

Note to all demolition sites: There is no excuse for throwing out brick and stone in dumpsters destined for landfill. Every garden wants brick and stone. Gardeners, community and others, have lots of creative uses for these durable and attractive materials.

The Rock Garden

To the right of the entrance is the rock garden. Whenever you have to clear a building site for gardening, you will have building debris which is unsuitable for paving, wall-building, and so on. This got piled up near the edge of the property, with the thought that it would eventually get cleared away. As time passed, it also got put to creative reuse, and became a rock garden.

Rock Garden
Rock Garden, Summit Street Community Garden

Rock Garden
Rock Garden, Summit Street Community Garden

Iris reticulata in the Rock Garden
Iris reticulata, Summit Street Community Garden

Erica carnea, Spring Heath, in the Rock Garden
Heath, Summit Street Community Garden

Community in the Garden

The garden got its start in late 1993. The first clean-up was in Spring of 1994. Trash and rubbish had to be removed, but they also needed cleanfill.

There are three building lots here. With the buildings collapsed, there was a large central depression which had to be filled. Gardeners used rocks to tag piles from the nearby Snapple warehouse excavation which they could use for fill in the garden. One of the workers on the site went one better and selected the darkest material he could find and delivered it to the garden; darkest, because it was contaminated with oil from the excavation site. With that teachable moment, the workers came back and removed the “good” stuff and replaced it with the real soil the gardeners had tagged.

Every community garden also needs to balance common and individual planting areas. I like these raised beds as a flexible solution for private planting areas. They’re rectangular with 2:1 proportions; I’m not sure if they’re 4×8 foot or 3×6 foot. Members can subscribe to a full- or half-bed. I also like that the beds are aligned but not on a regular grid, which creates interesting paths through the garden.

Planting Beds
Planting Beds, Summit Street Community Garden

Every community garden also needs to coordinate the needs of the garden with the availability of its members. To the left of the entrance is this sign-up station. The book and pencil are protected, and the stand itself is an attractive garden feature.

Sign-Up Station
Sign-Up Station, Summit Street Community Garden

The West Border

Along Columbia Street is the West Border, one of the common areas.

West border
West border, Summit Street Community Garden

Daffodils and Crocus
Daffodils and Crocus, Summit Street Community Garden

The North Border

Opposite the entrance on Summit Street, against the adjacent building, is the North Border.

The North border
Hellebores and Narcissus in the North border, Summit Street Community Garden

Hellebores and Narcissus in the North border
Hellebores and Daffodils, Summit Street Community Garden

There seemed to be hundreds of Iris reticulata in bloom when I visited. Claire said that there would have been more except that the squirrels considered them a delicacy and devoured most of what had been planted last fall.

Finally, Claire is looking for someone to adopt this Castor Aralia tree. Leave a comment if you or someone you know is interested.

Kalopanax septemlobus (syn. K. pictus), Castor Aralia
Castor Aralia, Summit Street Community Garden

Cinder Block & Razor Wire: Opening Day at Gowanus Nursery in Red Hook

Signage, Gowanus Nursery
It was a beautiful day to visit Gowanus Nursery. I bought six plants, just enough to fill the two shopping bags I brought. They threw me off when they gave me an extra Columbine, a survivor from their old location which they were giving to customers today to celebrate their re-opening. They also had some beautiful pre-planted trough gardens. If I’d had personal transportation I would have given them more attention.

This space is on a much wider lot than their old 3rd street location, better suited to wandering amongst the generous displays of plants. They have lots of elbow room to bring in more plants, and spread out their stock as it gets larger during the season. Construction of shelters and other structures was still going on when I visited. Will be interesting to see when everything’s put together.

Many more photos below. Or visit the Flickr set.

Gowanus NurseryGowanus NurseryRock Garden Plants, Gowanus NurseryTrough Garden and Rock Garden Plants, Gowanus NurseryTrollius laxus, Gowanus NurseryBee and Tulips, Gowanus NurserySignage, Gowanus NurseryGowanus Nursery

Gowanus NurseryFlats and more, Gowanus NurseryFlats of Pansies, Gowanus NurseryFlats of Pansies, Gowanus NurseryFlats and Plants, Gowanus NurseryFlower and foliage, Gowanus NurseryNursery Stock, Gowanus Nursery

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Flickr photo set of opening day

Off to Gowanus in Red Hook

I’m off to visit Gowanus Nursery on their Grand Re-Opening Day on Summit Street in Red Hook. I’ve got my eye on some native plants, especially Opuntia and Aristolochia, neither of which I’ve grown before, nor are they common garden plants. I’m also on the lookout for some unusual drought-tolerant flowering plants for the front garden window-boxes.

Without a driver’s license, and with my partner not being a morning person, I have to solve the problem of finding the shortest path over the direct acyclic graph of Brooklyn transit on the weekends. We’ll see how long it takes me to get there and back!

Native Plant Offerings at Gowanus Nursery

[Updated 2007.03.28 13:00: More notes, and started adding references.]
[Updated 2007.03.27 13:00: Added more notes, comments and links.]

I’m looking forward to the re-opening of Gowanus Nursery this Saturday. I really liked their old location on 3rd Street (I think it was) in Gowanus. Now they will be on Summit Street in Red Hook.

Their Web site indicates they will have the same great selection they had at their old location. Here are all the plants listed under Perennials, Native Species, on the Offerings page, along with some of my notes and comments.

  • Adiantum pedatum, Maidenhair Fern [My favorite fern, unlike anything else. I established a large colony of it in Garden #1 in the East Village.]
  • Amsonia hubrechtii ‘Blue Star’, Blue Milkweed
  • Arisaema draconitum Green Dragon
  • Arisaema triphyllum, Jack in the Pulpit [I grew this in Garden #1. It’s one of my favorite wildflowers.]
  • Aristolochia durior, Dutchman’s Pipe [Seems miscategorized, as this is a woody vine, not a perennial; dies this really grow back 30′ in one year? Correct botanical name is A. macrophylla, “big leaf”, which is certainly is. NYFA lists this as “Not Native” to New York state, with distributions in eastern Long Island and scattered upstate counties. I want to grow this up the side of our Victorian house. References: NYFA:150, PLANTS:ARMA7]
  • Asarum canadense, Wild Ginger [I grew this in Garden #1. Another favorite. Its foliage is its main garden contribution. I find the flowers interesting, but they’re hidden beneath the leaves.]
  • Asclepias tuberosa, Butterfly Weed [It’s sooo orange, this plant just makes me smile.]
  • Asplenium platyneuron, Harts Tongue Fern [A non-ferny fern, beautiful glossy green smooth leaves, it’s a great foliage contrast for other shade plants.]
  • Caltha palustris ‘Multiplex’, Marsh Marigold [double-flowered]
  • Camassia cusickii, Wild Hyacinth [Often available from bulb vendors.]
  • Chasmanthium latifolium, Northern Sea Oats [A native grass.]
  • Dryopteris erythrosora, Autumn Fern [There are several native Dryopteris, but this one’s a Japanese species, not native. Nevertheless, an excellent shade plant, it doesn’t go brown at the first touch of drought. I grew this in Garden #1.]
  • Erythronium americanum, Trout Lily/Dog Tooth Violet [A sweet ephemeral – it goes dormant in the summer – this is in the Lily family.]
  • Eupatorium ‘Little Joe’, Joe Pye weed [Butterfly and bee magnets. Presumably this is a dwarf variety. I prefer the tall varieties.]
  • Hepatica nobilis, Liverwort [I grew this under the name H. acutiloba in Garden #1.]
  • Iris cristata, Dwarf flag Iris [It’s picky about siting. I grew this in Garden and it moved with us. it thrived in both locations. I transplanted it last year and it vanished. Needs light mulch. Its rhizomes scramble over the soil surface, sending roots out and down. It languishes in a level area. It thrives when grown on a slight slope. Wants consistently moist, but not wet, soil.]
  • Liatris spicata, Gay feather [I love the common name, of course. It’s also a butterfly magnet. Long-blooming.]
  • Lonicera sempervirens ‘John Clayton’, [Trumpet] Honeysuckle [Long-blooming. I grew this yellow-flowering variety of the native trumpet honeysuckle at Garden #2 in Park Slope. It’s not as attractive to hummingbirds as the species and red-flowering varieties are, but it’s a beautiful plant in flower. I started growing a red-orange variety in Garden whose name I forget. It moved with us to my current gardens and bloomed into December last year.]
  • Matteuccia struthiopteris, Ostrich fern [Soft and feathery, this browns and crisps quickly without steady moisture.]
  • Mazus reptans
  • Meehania cordata [New to me. In the Mint family. Not native to New York.]
  • Mitchella repens, Partridge Berry [A delicate-looking groundcover. I’ve seen this growing in the wild, scrambling around the roots of hemlocks.]
  • Mitella japonica variegata, Miterwort [I don’t know this one, but japonica tells me it’s native to Japana, not North America. There are other species of Mitella native to New York state, but none native to NYC or Long Island that I can find.]
  • Opuntia humifusa, Prickly Pear Cactus [I want some of this!]
  • Osmunda cinnamomea, Cinnamon fern [Fiddleheads!]
  • Osmunda regalis, Regal Fern [Needs constant moisture, as it browns easily.]
  • Pachysandra procumbens, Allegheny pachysandra [So much more beautiful than the wretched common Pachysandra.]
  • Polygonatum biflorum, Solomon’s Seal [Another delicate-looking but tough woodland wildflower. Grow this in an elevated position so you can see the flowers, which dangle below the stems.]
  • Rhexia virginica, Meadow Beauty [Also new to me.]
  • Rudbeckia maxima, Giant coneflower [Of course I want to know: HOW giant? HOW maxima?!]
  • Sanguinaria canadensis, Bloodroot [I grew a lovely double-flowering variety of this which looked like white waterlilies in Garden #1.]
  • Scleranthus biflorus [I don’t know this one either.]
  • Spigelia marilandica, Indian Pink
  • Tellima grandiflora [Native only to Western and Northwestern states, not to the Northeast.]
  • Trillium grandiflorum [A classic wildflower, slow to establish.]
  • Uvularia perfoliata, Bellwort
  • Verbena ‘Snow Flurry’ [This seems to be mis-categorized as a “native species”. North Creek Nurseries identifies this as a hybrid yet also describes this as “Native to US”.]
  • Vernonia fasciculata, Ironweed [Good for bees and butterflies.]
  • Vernonia novaeborascensis, Ironweed [More for the bees and butterflies.]
  • Viola pedata, Birds Foot Violet
  • Waldsteinia ternata, Barren Strawberry

Related posts:


  • Drosera, the business Web site of Marielle Anzelone, has lots of plants lists, design tips, and other information for using native plants in New York City gardens.
  • The New York Flora Association Atlas and the USDA PLANTS Database are excellent tools for researching native plants and their distributions and characteristics. They also contain information about invasive plants.

Waterfront Museum, Red Hook, Brooklyn

[Updated 2007.03.14: Added links to Related Posts.]

The Waterfront Museum was one of the highlights of yesterday’s walking tour of Red Hook, Brooklyn, associated with the Historic District Council‘s 13th Annual Preservation Conference. Myself, I could have spent two hours there alone. The story of the barge, not to mention the people and characters involved in saving and restoring it, is fascinating. I want to go back when the water is warmer!

It was also visual overload. I couldn’t capture everything. Here’s what I got.

Waterfront Museum Barge, Red Hook

Waterfront Museum Barge, Red Hook

Pier 41

Statue of Liberty

David Sharps Speaks to the HDC Red Hook Walking Tour

David Sharps

Rope Ball

Hinge and Hasp


Barge Bunny

Block and Tackle

Chest Hardware

David Sharps

Wooden Propeller Blade, Detail

Kinetic Musical Sculpture

Going ...... going ...... gone!

Musical Sculpture

Related Posts:

HDC Red Hook Walking Tour

Beard and Robinson Warehouse, Beard Street, Red Hook
[Updated 2007.03.14: Changed post title to link to my Collection – a feature Flickr just added yesterday – of my Sets of photos from the tour. Added links to Related Posts.]
[Updated 2007.03.12: Added several images.]

Today I went on a Walking Tour of Red Hook, sponsored by the the Historic District Council. This and several other tours were organized to cap their 13th Annual Preservation Conference, which I attended all day yesterday.

Follow the link from the title of this post to see today’s pictures. I managed to whittle down more than half of the photos I took today. That still leaves over 200 photos. I have massive editing to do. In no particular order, here are some of my favorite images of the day.

Lamb Baited Area

Barge Bunny

Entran No 6

School Bus Emergency Door

Fish Heads, Valentino Pier

Our Lady of the Corner of Garnet and Court Streets, Botanica de la Milagrosa

Block and Tackle

Cobblestones, Van Dyke Street

Open and Shut

Gowanus Canal

Salt Dunes

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