Urban Trees and Social Marketing

Cherry Tree, 244 Argyle Road, Beverley Square West
Cherry Tree, 244 Argyle Road, Beverley Square West

Today’s New York Times profiles Parks Urban Forester Arthur Simpson. Transplanted from the Western United States:

Mr. Simpson has been really surprised by only one aspect of New York City life, and that’s the unwelcome reception he sometimes get at the site of an imminent tree-planting. Sometimes the residents or homeowners are worried about their allergies (though the trees are intended to help alleviate asthma and allergy rates citywide); sometimes they’re worried that a branch will fall on their car (a call to 311 will procure a free pruning). Sometimes they’re worried about the extensive construction required to plant a tree in a patch of concrete.
Big City: For Urban Tree Planters, Concrete Is the Easy Part, New York Times, April 21, 2008

For my non-NYC readers, 311 is the city-wide telephone portal for all city services and information. Street trees fall under the jurisdiction of the City’s Department of Parks and Recreation.

It was only a year ago today, April 21, that the City announced MillionTreesNYC, a plan to plant one million new trees in NYC over the next ten years. Ancillary laws and regulations have yet to catch up. This has amplified inconsistencies between who has authority, and who has responsibility and liability, for this narrow strip of land that borders streets and private property.

As a tree advocate myself, I’m still surprised by the virulence of opposition to trees – indeed, to any kind of greening – I sometimes encounter. My local community board voted to oppose City Planning’s Yards Text Amendment, which will prevent paving over front yards and define minimum open space requirements. I recently provided information to my neighborhood association about how to request a free street tree. One of my neighbors approached me after the meeting and asked me not to request a street tree in front of their house; they want to put in a driveway.

In a dense, urban environment, where every square foot of turf matters, conflicts inevitably arise over how to make the best use of the land. I believe that we can’t afford to wall ourselves off, to pave over every square inch, to value, absolutely, individual property “rights” without regard for the common good. It is up to advocates to make the case for the collective benefits that street trees provide, and ensure that the costs and responsibilities are distributed equitably.

Related content

City Planning Commission Unanimously Approves Green Initiatives, April 2, 2008
Basic Research: The State of the Forest in New York City, November 12, 2007
Preserving Livable Streets: DCP’s Yards Text Amendment, November 7, 2007
1M Trees in 10 Years, April 22, 2007


New York Times, April 21, 2008:
Big City: For Urban Tree Planters, Concrete Is the Easy Part
City Room: Who Is Against Planting Trees?

Residents say block is overplanted, Daily News, April 22, 2008


OEM Tip of the Week: Plant a tree, reduce your flood risk

In recognition of Earth Day tomorrow, April 22, NYC’s Office of Emergency Management’s (OEM) Tip of the Week advises residents to plant trees:

Celebrate Earth Day this week by planting a tree. In addition to helping slow climate change and improve air quality, trees absorb stormwater, which helps to reduce flooding. Get more information about tree planting through the City’s MillionTreesNYC project, which offers NYC residents free street trees and promotes urban forest expansion.

Related Posts

April is MillionTreesNYC Month, April 3, 2008
Factoids: NYC’s Street Trees and Stormwater Reduction, November 15, 2007


Learn more about flooding in NYC, NYC OEM
Learn more about the benefits of planting trees, NYC Parks & Recreation

The Values and Ethics of Plant Propagation

A neighbor of mine got his question published in Randy Cohen’s weekly column, The Ethicist, in Sunday’s New York Times:

“I’m told it is illegal to propagate and sell this tree because the National Geographic Society (NGS) has exclusive rights to it in the United States, but would I be unethical to do so?”
Pine Away, The Ethicist, NY Times, April 20, 2008

The tree in question, Wollemia nobilis, the Wollemi™ Pine (and note the trademark), is critically endangered in the wild:

The pine was known solely from fossil records and presumed extinct until it was discovered in 1994 in the Wollemi National Park, just outside Sydney, Australia. Dubbed the botanical find of the century, the Wollemi pine is now the focus of extensive research to conserve this ancient species.

Fewer than 100 mature trees are known exist, growing in small groves on moist ledges in a deep rainforest gorge surrounded by rugged mountains and undisturbed forest.
Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis) at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

The trademarked name situation arises – ironically, to my mind – from efforts to protect and conserve the species:

Through National Geographic’s licensing partnership with Floragem, a portion of the sales will go directly to Wollemi Pine International Pty. Ltd., whose mission is to conserve the Wollemi Pine for future generations and to raise awareness of conservation internationally. Through public participation, Wollemi Pine International will repopulate the Wollemi Pine and return royalties to fund conservation of these trees and other threatened and endangered species.
Press Release, National Geographic Society, September 19, 2006

The Ethicist, Randy Cohen, responded:

Liz Nickless, a spokeswoman for the society, says that “there are no exclusive agreements for the distribution of the Wollemi pine.” There is a U.S. trademark, she adds, “so anyone wanting to use the name will need permission.” That is, you may become a Johnny Wollemi Seed, disseminating this fine fir under its scientific name, Wollemia nobilis, or for that matter as Sexy Slender Tree or Pinetacular, but not (without consent) as a Wollemi Pine.

While trademarks govern the use of the name, plant patents proscribe unlicensed propagation:

A plant patent is granted by the Government to an inventor (or the inventor’s heirs or assigns) who has invented or discovered and asexually reproduced a distinct and new variety of plant, other than a tuber propagated plant or a plant found in an uncultivated state. The grant, which lasts for 20 years from the date of filing the application, protects the inventor’s right to exclude others from asexually reproducing, selling, or using the plant so reproduced.
[emphasis added]- What is a plant patent?, Overview of Plant Patents, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

This example comes from the U.S. Patent Office; similar laws and regulations govern in other countries.

More and more of the varieties I see available for sale are labelled “PPAF” (Plant Patent Applied For) or “PP #XXXXXX”, the plant patent number. So what happens when I need to divide my patented perennial?

Asexual reproduction is the propagation of a plant to multiply the plant without the use of genetic seeds to assure an exact genetic copy of the plant being reproduced. … asexual reproduction would include but may not be limited to:

  • Rooting Cuttings
  • Grafting and Budding
  • Apomictic Seeds
  • Bulbs
  • Division
  • Slips
  • Layering
  • Rhizomes
  • Runners
  • Corms
  • Tissue Culture
  • Nucellar Embryos

Asexual reproduction, Overview of Plant Patents

When I divide my patented perennial – or god forbid, share it with a neighbor – I’m breaking the law. I could choose to disregard it, or I could choose not to support this system and boycott patented plants altogether.

That F1 hybrid vegetable is a manufactured product and won’t come true from seed; its selection and use maintains a dependency on its manufacture and distribution. An open-pollinated heirloom variety can be propagated indefinitely, and shared with others;, a model for sustainable gardening.

As gardeners, the choices we make affect our world, however indirectly. With some reflection, we can reduce the risk of unintended consequences in conflict with out intents. We can choose gardening practices to express our values through action.


Press Release, National Geographic Society, September 19, 2006
The Wollemi Pine Conservation Club
Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis) at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Overview of Plant Patents, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Name that Plant – The Misuse of Trademarks in Horticulture, Tony Avent, Plant Delights Nursery, 2007.12.25 [Added 2008.05.31]

Sunday, April 27: Sustainable Flatbush Street Tree Walking Tour

Updated 2008.04.21: Added Google Map.

Westminster Road, Beverley Square West, looking north from Cortelyou Road
Westminster Road, Beverley Square West, looking north from Cortelyou Road

On Sunday, April 27, in celebration of Arbor Day weekend and Spring in bloom, join Sustainable Flatbush and others as we take a walking tour of one of our neighborhood’s greatest assets: our street trees.

Experience the neighborhood’s amazing wealth of street trees — including some that are more than 100 years old!

Throughout the tour, your street tree guide will:

  • Identify trees and their characteristics
  • Share interesting facts
  • Explore local tree history
  • Discuss the many ways street trees benefit the environment
  • Explain how to obtain and care for street trees

and much more!

Newly Planted Street Tree on Cortelyou Road
Newly Planted Street Tree on Cortelyou Road

Credit: Keka Marzagao
Flyer for Sustainable Flatbush Street Tree Walking Tour

Sunday, April 27, 2008, Arbor Day Weekend, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Tours start and finish at 1414 Cortelyou Rd, the office of NY State Assembly Members James Brennan and Rhoda Jacobs. The tour will loop through the neighborhoods of Beverley Square West and the landmarked Prospect Park South Historic District.

Take the Q train to Cortelyou Rd. and walk one block west (left), toward Marlborough Rd., after exiting the station.

The tour is just about a mile in length and will take place rain or shine.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and the walk.

View Larger Map

Tree identification with Trees NY at Greening Flatbush
Tree ID, Greening Flatbush

ABOUT SUSTAINABLE FLATBUSH: Sustainable Flatbush provides a neighborhood-based forum to discuss, promote and implement sustainability concepts in Brooklyn and beyond.

Hydrant and Tree, 297 Westminster Road, Beverley Square West
Hydrant and Tree, 297 Westminster Road, Beverley Square West

Related Posts

Factoids: Street Trees and Property Values, December 2, 2007
Factoids: NYC’s Street Trees and Stormwater Reduction, November 15, 2007
Basic Research: The State of the Forest in New York City, November 12, 2007


Street-Tree Walking Tour next Sunday!, Sustainable Flatbush
Trees NY

Sunday, April 27: Plant Trees in Ditmas Park West

North side of Dorchester Road between Rugby and Marlborough Roads, Ditmas Park West
North side of Dorchester Road between Rugby and Marlborough Roads, Ditmas Park West

On Sunday, April 27, Arbor Day weekend, join the residents of the Victorian Flatbush neighborhood of Ditmas Park West to:

  • Plant Trees
  • Liberate Tree Pits
  • Beautify the Neighborhood

This is Ditmas Park West’s 14th Annual Arbor Day weekend tree planting. It is well-organized and coordinated with City resources such as Parks. Even if you don’t live in Ditmas Park West, this event can provide you with ideas for organizing and mobilizing your neighbors to clean up your streets, become stewards of street trees, and build community in the process.

Arbor Day 2008

To participate, meet at 458 Rugby Road at 9:30am to join a crew. Heavy excavation will be done with power equipment. You can bring your own gardening tools, as well. Work continues for about two hours, then everyone gets a chance to share a light lunch.

Southeast corner of Dorchester Road and Rugby Road, Ditmas Park West
Southeast corner of Dorchester Road and Rugby Road, Ditmas Park West

Related Posts

Wanna Fight Crime? Plant Trees, February 1, 2008

A weekend at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Part 2: Magnolia Plaza

See also Part 1: The Osborne Garden, and Part 3: Rock Garden.

Judith D. Zuk Magnolia Plaza, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Magnolia Plaza

Check out the photo above, and select the largest size your bandwidth and screen size can handle. Place yourself in that picture, take a deep breath, and imagine the fragrance that saturated the air: a mix of citrus and spice, light, not heavy or thick, that clears the sinuses and the mind.

The Magnolia Plaza doesn’t get much better than it was when I saw it this past Saturday. A textbook sky, a warm, Spring day, the majority of the species and varieties of Magnolias in the plaza just coming into peak, with barely a dropped petal to be seen anywhere.

From BBG’s Web site:

From March-blooming star magnolias (Magnolia stellata) to saucer magnolias (M. x soulangiana) in April, Magnolia Plaza is sweetly scented with 17 varieties.

Magnolia stellata, Star Magnolia
Magnolia stellata, Star Magnolia

Star Magnolia

Magnolia kobus
Magnolia kobus

Magnolia, unrecorded variety

Magnolia Plaza is an elegant formal garden of magnificent trees spread in front of the beaux arts Administration Building. The sweet scent and showy blossoms of magnolias are among the early signs of spring at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. In March, the star magnolias (Magnolia stellata) bloom, covering the trees with millions of lacy white flowers. In April the Plaza is splashed with the ivory, yellow, pink, and rich purple of 17 varieties of magnolias. The last of the collection, the sweet-bay magnolia (M. virginiana), reveals its fragrant, creamy white flowers in June.

Magnolia Plaza, with the landmark BBG Lab & Admin Building
Magnolia Plaza

Magnolia Plaza

More of Magnolia Plaza
Magnolia Plaza

Magnolia Plaza

Related Posts

Part 1: The Osborne Garden
Magnolia Plaza, BBG, April 2008 (Flickr photo set)


Judith D. Zuk Magnolia Plaza, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Introducing the BBG Hanami Flickr Group

Cherry Blossoms from the 2006 Hanami at BBG, one of my photos I’ve already added to BBG’s new Hanami Flickr Group
Cherry Blossoms

This Saturday is the official opening of Hanami, the Cherry Blossom Viewing Season, at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Last week, inspired by the success of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitors group on Flickr, BBG launched a new Flickr group, Hanami: Cherry Blossom Viewing at Brooklyn Botanic Garden:

The blossoming of the cherry trees at Brooklyn Botanic Garden is a New York City rite of spring. Hanami is the Japanese cultural tradition of viewing and cherishing each moment of the cherry blossom season.

Join Brooklyn Botanic Garden in celebrating Hanami this year by adding your cherry blossom pictures to our group!

Any Flickr member can join and add their photos. No invitation is needed. At the moment of this writing, there are already 14 members and 20 photos in the pool. We can expect to see hundreds of photos by the end of Hanami.

Earlier this week, BBG contacted me to ask for some suggestions on how to get the group started. Based on those email conversations, and discussions in the group itself, they’ve come up with the following guidelines:

Any photos you have taken of flowering cherries at BBG are welcome for submission–from any time in the blooming cycle. Hanami is the official cherry blossom viewing season here at the Garden (this year it’s from April 5 to May 11), but if you’ve got shots of early- or late-bloomers, we’d love to see them, too!

Please tag your photos with “Hanami” and “BBG” or “Brooklyn Botanic Garden.”

Related Posts

Events and Resources: Hanami and more at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, April 3, 2007


Flowering Cherries at BBG is the home page for all your Hanami needs

April is MillionTreesNYC Month

This is the street tree in front of our house. Update 2008.04.21: I recant. I think it’s a London Plane Tree after all, not a Sycamore.
American Sycamore, Street Tree, Stratford Road

All the Spring activities are coming fast and furious now. Hard to keep up.

On April 1, Mayor Bloomberg declared April 2008 MillionTreesNYC Month:

During MillionTreesNYC Month in April 2008, all New Yorkers are encouraged to “think globally and plant locally” by joining the City’s historic undertaking to expand New York City’s urban forest by 20 percent. Throughout the month, Parks, NYRP, and MillionTreesNYC partners will host free Citywide events for the public, including Earth Day (April 22) and Arbor Day (April 25) celebrations, tree education seminars, tree stewardship workshops, tree pruning instructional courses, and Urban Park Ranger tree identification hikes throughout the City. There will also be large-scale volunteer tree-planting events, including the planting of 20,000 trees in parks Citywide on Saturday, April 12 through New York Cares’ Hands on New York Day and Jet Blue and NYRP’s One Thing That’s Green Day.
Press Release, April 1, 2008

Related Posts

News, NYC: 1M Trees in 10 Years, April 22, 2007
Carolina Silverbell: One of a Million, October 9, 2007


Press Release, April 1, 2008
Events and Activities, MillionTreesNYC
New York Restoration Project

City Planning Commission Unanimously Approves Green Initiatives

Update: The City Council approved the Yards Text Amendment on April 30, 2008.

54 Stratford Road, Caton Park, Flatbush, Brooklyn. This is not a parking lot.
54 Stratford Road, Caton Park, Brooklyn

I learned yesterday that last week NYC’s City Planning Commission unanimously approved two initiatives proposed last fall by the Department of City Planning.

I wrote last year about the Yards Text Amendment, which will prevent paving over front yards for parking, among other things. The other proposal mandates street trees – one for each 25 feet of lot frontage, and a minimum of one per lot – for new development and significant renovation. I’ve written several posts about street trees, though none about this specific DCP proposal.

These now go to the City Council.

246 (left) and 240 (center) Westminster Road, Beverley Square West, Flatbush, Brooklyn
246 (left) and 240 (center) Westminster Road

Related Posts

Preserving Livable Streets: DCP’s Yards Text Amendment, November 7, 2007
Basic Research: The State of the Forest in New York City, November 12, 2007
Factoids: NYC’s Street Trees and Stormwater Reduction, November 15, 2007
Barbara Corcoran Hates the Earth, November 18, 2007
The Luminous Streets, November 25, 2007
Factoid: Street Trees and Property Values, December 2, 2007


Residents square off about new driveway limits, NY Daily News, April 1, 2008

Hawthorne Street, Stewards of Street Trees

Hawthorne Street, one of my blogging neighbors in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, the northeast reaches of greater Flatbush, posted some tips about how to watch over new street trees planted this Spring:

If you have a recently planted street tree in front of your house or building, maintenance is a key factor in ensuring that it continues to be healthy. The first year after planting is a critical time. Now that the danger of frost is dissipating, young trees need a lot of water. Watering should be done slowly, allowing the moisture to permeate the soil deeply. This allows the tree to develop a deep root system rather than depending on shallow roots.
Caring for new street trees

They have additional info, and links to other online resources, so check ’em out!